"Dragon hackers three seconds to break the magnesium side network defense system, whether the system is too weak, or hackers are too strong. 》

after that, who is the next country? 》

a large number of design drawings of magnesium side are exposed on the Internet, and the global pattern may usher in new changes. 》

when the hacker emperor wants to withdraw the broadcast, the official staff of Bangzi country sincerely retrieve it. 》

for three consecutive days, the news reported by the global media is all about the same person - the hacker emperor who does not know his name or his appearance.

Some of these reports boast about Su Xun, others belittle him, and even come up with the theory of hacker threat.

It is not clear whether the emergence of Su Xun will affect the global pattern, but it has already affected the pattern of the hacker community. Because of him, all hackers have to report to the relevant departments.

Can this horse be called a hacker?

In this story, dragon country is the biggest winner, island country and magnesium country are reduced to clowns.

As for magnesium's offering a reward of one billion US dollars for Su Xun, it became a joke.

Since then, magnesium has offered a high price reward of $100 million again to find hackers to challenge Su Xun, and the ultimate goal is to lock Su Xun's position.

However, in the face of this 100 million US dollars, no hacker in the world dares to challenge Suxun. On the contrary, magnesium's network defense system has been maliciously attacked for many times.

Because in the hearts of these hackers, the hacker emperor has become their faith and God.

For a time, the word "hacker emperor" has become a hot topic in the world.

At this time, Su, the hacker emperor worshipped or hated by countless people, is holding a press conference on the acquisition of flash star entertainment by Qingyun international.

This is the first time that Su Xun has been publicly interviewed in front of the media. After all, he can't keep a low profile now.

He is such an excellent man, just like the firefly in the night, bright dazzling, bright charming, even low-key will be found.

In the auditorium of Qingyun, media from all over the country gathered patiently to wait for the international press conference.

The photographer driving the camera stood around the wall of the auditorium, with long guns and short guns aimed at the stage.

"Here comes Su Dong."

All of a sudden, I don't know who exclaimed, and everyone got up one after another and looked at the door of the auditorium.

With everyone watching, Su Xun, surrounded by senior executives, comes in with Yan Yurou and Liao Yu.

"Pa pa pa pa..."

There was thunderous applause in the auditorium.

Su Xun stepped onto the stage and raised his hands to signal everyone to be quiet. The applause gradually disappeared, leaving only the shutter sound of the camera.

Su Xun sat in the middle of the table, put his hands on the table, looked at the reporter below and said:

"first of all, thank you very much for coming from all over the country to participate in this news conference. Secondly, I hope you will try not to ask about the topic that has nothing to do with the acquisition of flash star entertainment today."

"Pa pa pa..." The crowd applauded.

"OK, let's go straight to question time."

As Su Xun's voice fell, the reporters below raised their hands one after another.

Su Xun pointed to a young man in a black shirt: "this reporter friend, the first question is for you to ask first."

"OK, thank you, Mr. Su." The young man with black shirt got up, looked at Su Xun and asked, "the original intention of Su Dong's acquisition of flash star entertainment is admirable. I want to ask if Su Dong will still keep the original business mode of flash star entertainment in the future."

This reporter asked about this point, because this is the entrustment of Qingyun international arrangement (◔◡◔).

"First of all, I would like to make it clear that flash Star Entertainment will soon be renamed Qingyun entertainment." After Su Xun finished, he hesitated, and then continued: "the business mode of flash star entertainment is to make star circle fans. My business mode is to create excellent film and TV series products to attract audiences. There is an essential difference between the two."

"All right, next one."

"May I ask Mr. Su what he thinks of the popularity of Niang Pao in the entertainment circle today?"

"What do you think? I'm sorry, I've never seen it, because it's totally ugly. " Su Xun gave a smile and fired directly.

The reporters are excited because the news is coming.

"Mr. Su, can you elaborate on your opinion?"

"You are digging a hole for me." Su Xun pointed to the female reporter who asked the question, and the whole audience laughed.

Su Xun continued: "different people have different opinions on this issue, but I believe that Qingyun entertainment will show you a different entertainment industry. You can wait and see."

Su Xun didn't openly belittle those Niang guns, but he didn't hide his contempt and disdain.

And it directly shows that Qingyun entertainment will try its best to clean up and change this atmosphere.

"Su Dong, I want to ask you what is the relationship between the two ladies behind you and you." Asked a middle-aged reporter who was slightly fat.It's obviously a bit of news.

"Sorry, I said it at the beginning. Please try not to ask anything irrelevant to today's topic." Su Xun looked at the reporter who asked questions and said.

I thought that the matter was over, but I didn't expect that the reporter was biting hard: "Mr. Su, you didn't answer. Does it just show that you have an improper relationship with the two ladies?"

This words fall, the atmosphere of the whole court suddenly a little wrong.

Because even a fool can feel that this guy is deliberately picking fault.

"Come on, this gentleman, please go out." With a smile on his face, Su Xun's tone was calm and gentle.

As his voice fell, two bodyguards quickly stepped forward, one left and one right, carrying a middle-aged reporter out.

"What are you doing? Let me go. I'm a reporter. I have the right to interview. Let me go."

The middle-aged man kept struggling, but it was useless. He was put up by two bodyguards without expression.

Su Xun looked down at all the people and showed an apologetic smile: "I'm really sorry. Although there was a little incident, it didn't hurt. Let's continue."

There was a complete silence.

After about three seconds of silence, all the reporters returned to their previous state and asked questions enthusiastically.

At the same time, the middle-aged reporter who found fault was put up by the bodyguard all the way out of the company building and directly left at the door.

"You You wait for me. "

The middle-aged reporter put a hard word, got up and turned to leave, but was blocked by the bodyguard.

"You can go if you want, but you'll have to wait."

One of the bodyguards dropped his voice and caught the reporter with his backhand. Then he took a recording pen from his pocket and dropped it on the ground.


Another bodyguard raised his foot and stepped down. The recorder broke into pieces and became rubbish.

The expression on the middle-aged reporter's face was stiff.

"You can go now."

The two bodyguards dropped a sentence, released him, and then turned into the building.

The middle-aged reporter stood in the same place, looking at the destroyed recorder on the ground, his face turned blue and white.

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