"You go first. I want to have a talk with Su Dong alone."

Yan Yulin drank a mouthful of water, looking at Yan Yurou's face calmly said.

Yan Yurou looked at Su Xun pitifully and prayed: "master."

She doesn't want to go out, because her big brother is too unreliable.

"Get out." Su Xun gave a look to reassure her, and then said to Qin Zhu and Liao Yu, "you all go out together."

The three women looked at each other, then turned away and pulled the door of the office.

As soon as the door closed, Yan rainforest, who was just serious, suddenly revealed his nature. He looked at Su Xun with a cheap smile: "Su Dong, I didn't expect that you were still a fellow, a master."

Then he gave him a wink, a "you know" expression.

“???” Su Xun is confused. I know. I know a hammer.

Yan rainforest saw this, eyebrows a pick: "Su Dong, you don't pretend, my sister that kind of naughty rebellious girl can tune so obedient, still don't admit that he is this master?"

Su Xun's face is strange. Now he understands that Yan Yulin's idea is wrong. Yan Yurou just follows Qin Zhu to call her master.

The brothers and sisters of the Yan family are so good at brain tonic and full of imagination. Is it the inheritance of the Yan family?

However, the boss of the Yan family has a unique hobby. He even likes to play s-m.

Tut Tut, the rich can really play.

"Su Dong, I want to ask you how you did it." Yan Yulin has a learning spirit and is not ashamed to ask questions. He has already thrown the matter of taking his sister back into the air.

If he is an ordinary person, he can take Yan Yurou away without saying a word.

But the other party is Su Xun, so it's different. If Yan Yurou doesn't want to, he can only go back home alone.

However, he had insisted that Su Xun was his fellow, and he couldn't bear to separate them.

Su Xun pondered for a moment, and then said gently, "I didn't do anything. Yurou came to me on her own initiative."

He didn't lie. Yan Yurou came to Jiangnan City to find him.

"How can it be!" Yan Yulin looks confused.

Su Xun blinked: "maybe it's because I'm handsome?"

This is not a lie, because he is really handsome (* / Omega *).

"Maybe." Yan Yulin looks at Su Xun. Besides, he can't find any other reason.

He was suddenly a little lost.

He worked hard for many years and went to the island to learn so many skills. Unexpectedly, he couldn't compare with Su Xun.

This damned age that only looks at beauty.

Su Xun patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "brother, take a look. It's OK. Just go to Bangzi country."

Outside the office.

"Will they fight?" Liao Yu is worried.

Yan Yurou sneered: "no, my stupid brother must think that the master is in the same way with him and will learn from him."

Brother Ruo Ruo is right.

She first heard Qin Zhu calling for susian's master, and subconsciously thought that susian had the same hobby as her elder brother.

But after so many days together, she has long found that she misunderstood. This title is just a simple one, and it doesn't mean that at all.

"What kind of fellow The impure Qin Zhu opened his eyes in doubt.

Yan Yurou blushed and hummed, "you don't understand what you said. Don't say it."

I'm so ashamed. What can I say.

"Then I'll sneak in and listen." Qin Zhu said.

Yan Yurou sneered: "people say that my chest is big and brainless. You are not only small but also brainless. The door is closed. How can you sneak in, elder sister?"

"So." Qin Zhu's voice fell, and his body turned into fog and entered the office through the wall.


The mobile phone in Yan Yurou's hand fell to the ground, the whole person was confused, and the brain melon seeds were buzzing.

She rubbed her eyes and turned pale. Looking at Liao Yu, she stammered and said, "sister Yu, you Do you see that? "

"Well, I see." Liao Yu nodded calmly.

Yan Yurou is even more confused. Should the correct response be like this?

She suddenly remembered that one day Qin Zhu said that she was a ghost. Liao Yu and an Zijin also admitted that they didn't take it seriously.

Originally, she didn't lie to herself, she is really a ghost.

No wonder Su Xun's bedroom door suddenly locked that night. It must be Qin Zhu's masterpiece.

She admired herself a little when she thought that she was fighting with a ghost every day these days.

But when she thought that Su Xun would not let go of ghosts, she admired him even more.

It's worthy of being the man she likes, who is so unconventional.

Ten minutes later, Su Xun and Yan rainforest came out with a smile on their faces. They were as good as their brothers who had not seen each other for many years."Well, sister, if I have to catch a plane, I'll go first. I'll help you hide it from your father." Yan rainforest voice down, think about it and told a: "but when you play or leisurely, don't hurt the body."

"Go away!" The rain blushed with anger.

Yan rainforest smile, yo, little girl also embarrassed, this is really grown up ah.

"Brother Su Su, I'll leave first. You don't need to see me off."

Su Xun thought that I wasn't ready to send you. He said with a smile, "brother rainforest, take a walk. I'll treat you if you have time to play some other day."

After Yan Yulin left, the invisible Qin Bamboo appeared. His pretty face turned red and spat: "true change, state."

"This is art, do you understand?" Su Xun corrected a sentence. After a conversation, he found that young master Yan really knew a lot.

Qin Zhu rolled his eyes: "art with color?"

"You You are a ghost At this time, Yan Yulin's weak voice sounded.

Qin Zhu's eyes turned, pretending to be fierce and said: "yes, I'm a ghost who kills countless people. Pay attention to my attitude in the future."

"Puff - puff -" Yan Yurou couldn't help laughing: "your acting skills are too bad. You're a devil. At most, you're a kid under the throne of hell."

There was a little fear in my heart, but now it's gone.

Qin Zhu

Can't you give me some face?

"Master, don't listen to my brother's nonsense." Yan Yurou looked at Su Xun nervously and said.

Su Xun pursed his lips and said seriously: "your elder brother is a talent and expert, but there is a little problem in the research direction."

Yan Yurou is pretty and flushed. She has the impulse to break off the relationship with her stupid elder brother. It's too shameful. Don't pull on me if you lose face.

"The master is right. Your elder brother is really talented." Qin Zhu made up a knife again.

Yan Yurou glared at her: "die Ji, you shut up for me!"

Daily contact, no problem.

In the evening, for the first time, Su Xun didn't sleep with Qin Zhu. Instead, he went to Liao Yu's room.

It's too dangerous to sleep with Qin Zhu. His iron body can't bear it.

Young people, we still need to be moderate.

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