On Monday morning, Su Xun got out of Liao Yu's bed. He didn't sleep with Qin Zhu these two days.

Qin zhutai is too tossing, and he always wants to be dissatisfied. Su Xun's body can't be hurt. Liao Yu is better to feed.

Ghosts and physical fitness are two different things.

Today is the day to extract new identities.

Su Xun took a deep breath and said in his heart, "system, extract the eighth new identity."

[drawing Successful extraction, congratulations on the host's new identity: villain boy. 】

[the law of the river and the lake is that in KTV, you should never provoke a young man who sits in a corner, wears ordinary clothes, has a pretty face and doesn't drink; in the sales center, you should never ridicule a young man who comes to buy a house in a stall. 】

[if you offend any of the above two, Congratulations, you will be forced to take away by the other party. 】

[if there are protagonists in this world, there are villains. You are the villain who is always forced to face by the protagonist. You are beaten in KTV, school and party. The meaning of your existence seems to be that you are constantly beaten in the face by the protagonist, sending women and Baobei to the protagonist, until you are beaten to death by the protagonist. 】

[identity ability: arrogant personality, the habit of throwing thousands of gold, and strong irony ability. 】

[identity task: find the protagonist and defeat the protagonist to reverse your villain ending. 】

Su Xun was confused, rich, handsome, powerful, arrogant, surrounded by a bunch of beautiful women and a bunch of doglegs, and often defiant. Isn't this horse riding the villain standard in urban novels?

According to the setting of urban novels, every book must start with a rich and powerful villain.

Usually, the protagonist will kill the villain thoroughly after a set of forced slaps. In this process, he will rob all the women who originally belong to the villain and then occupy the property of the villain.

It turned out that unconsciously, he had gathered all the necessary conditions for the villain.

I don't know who's provoking me. Why did I suddenly become a villain.

Su Xun observed three minutes of silence.

Don't make a mistake, he is not in silence for himself, but for the protagonist who doesn't know where to lie.

Let's take a look at what he has now. He has a fortune of 100 billion and is famous all over the world.

Then look at the skills: business mind, the king of killers, all abilities, psychic, mind reading, proficient in Chinese cooking, proficient in vehicle driving skills, and master hacker technology.

He seriously suspected that the so-called protagonist could really play himself?

As an open hanging villain, Su Xun said that the invincible life is really lonely as snow. It's interesting to add some difficulty to him.

In the past, when reading novels, Su Xun was disgusted with the protagonists in some books, because some protagonists were more villains than villains.

I just don't know what kind of protagonist I meet.

Well, here's the problem.

The first step, how can we find the protagonist?

All of a sudden, he felt a burst of softness coming from behind him, accompanied by a faint fragrance of women coming into his nose.

Liao Yu put his hands around Su Xun's back, put his chin on his shoulder, and said sleepily, "what are you doing? I find that you wake up very early every Monday, and you always sit in a daze."

"Nothing. Wake up when you wake up. You have to go to get glasses." Susian took her smooth hand and glanced at the broken black glasses on the floor.

Liao Yu blushed and said, "it's all your fault. I had to let people wear glasses last night."

Although I know it's inconvenient to wear glasses, I can't stand Su Xun's hard work. In the end, my glasses were accidentally damaged.

"You look good with glasses. It's totally different with and without glasses." Su Xun said seriously that Liao Yu was in line with his imagination.

Liao Yu was a little happy by this, and then said playfully, "it's cheaper for you."

"Yes, it's cheap for me. It's a blessing for me to get the favor of beautiful women like you. OK." Before, Su Xun was not very good at coaxing women. Later, with more women, he became more and more handy.

Just as Mr. Lu Xun said, there is no road in the world, and more people go, it becomes a road.

A truth, he would not coax women, coax more women, it is proficient in.

Two people in bed after a period of play before dressing wash, of course, wash when two people can not avoid a burst of love.

Women, no matter how mature they are, just like a child in front of the man they like.

When they come to the living room downstairs, Qin Zhu and Yan Yurou have already got up and are playing with breakfast.

"Can we finish all this?"

Looking at a table of breakfast, Su Xun was startled.

Yan Yurou said with a bad smile, "I want to make up for you, so that you don't hide from her every night."

Qin Zhu looked at Su Xun bitterly. The night without his master was too hard.Su Xun was shivered by her little eyes. How could he feel like a scum man who abandoned his wife and son.

"Shout big man and Datura to eat together. We can't finish the four of us. It's too wasteful."

In the middle of breakfast, a long came in with a document bag: "Sir, what you asked me to check has been found out. That reporter is from Jiangzhou business daily, but there are still people behind Jiangzhou business daily. We can't check any more."


When Su Xun heard this, he could make a long take the initiative to interrupt the investigation. What kind of behemoth was involved behind this little reporter.

After wiping the corner of his mouth, Su Xun picked up the file bag and opened it. There was a stack of information in it.

Su Xun didn't look at the reporter's information, because the target was never him.

Jiangzhou business daily is a famous but low-key newspaper in Jiangnan.

Because the information in the famous and commercial newspapers is more accurate.

Low key is because this newspaper has never actively rubbed the heat, speculation topic these, just step-by-step business news reports.

This time, the reporter of Jiangzhou business daily asked Su Xun such a gossip question. It can be imagined that he was deliberately finding fault.

Looking at Su Xun, he saw the four words "Canglong chamber of Commerce" and frowned.

He hasn't heard of this chamber of Commerce, and the name has too much flavor.

"It's this chamber of commerce that makes you stop the investigation. What's the origin of this Canglong chamber of Commerce? Who is the president? " Su Xun looks at a long.

Ah long bowed slightly: "Canglong chamber of commerce is very mysterious, and its president is even more mysterious. Few people know about it, but it has great influence. To be specific, you can ask Mr. Annan Tian'an. He should know a lot."

"Well, you go first." Su Xun nodded and said.

Ah long bows and turns away.

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