Taishan Group.

"What are you doing here?"

Annan Tian looked at Su Xun, but his eyes were not good.

He was really afraid that Su Xun had come to report the good news, saying that an Zijin was pregnant.

"Uncle an, I want to know something. How much do you know about Canglong chamber of Commerce?" Su Xun asked and put the two catties of apples he had just bought on the street on the table.

It's all a family. You don't have to be extravagant when you give gifts. The gifts are light and the affection is heavy.

Annam day facial expression a su: "you ask this why, where do you know Canglong chamber of Commerce?"

"This chamber of Commerce and I may be a little unhappy..."


Before Su Xun had finished his words, Annan Tian interrupted him with a gloomy face: "you dare to offend Canglong chamber of Commerce. Do you think that Qingyun international, known as the leading enterprise of Jiangzhou Province, is really the number one in Jiangzhou and invincible in the world?"

Su Xun was a little confused by his excited appearance. Was the black dragon chamber of Commerce really so cute?

"Uncle an, calm down first. It's not that I offended him. Now it's someone else who's bothering me..." Su Xun told the news conference once again.

After hearing this, Annan Tian frowned: "Canglong chamber of commerce is very low-key. Is this the personal behavior of Jiangzhou business daily?"

"Does he dare without support?" Su Xun asked.

Annan heaved a sigh and frowned: "if it's really Canglong chamber of Commerce, it's troublesome."

"Uncle an, what's the origin of the Canglong chamber of Commerce?" Su Xun couldn't restrain his curiosity.

Annam said in a deep voice: "I don't know what the origin is. I first heard about this chamber of Commerce five years ago. In more than ten cities in Jiangzhou, many enterprises are members of this chamber of Commerce."

No mountains and no dew does not mean weak strength, just like Jiangzhou business daily, weak? It's not weak at all. It's just too low-key.

"The water in Jiangzhou is deep. Qingyun international is just a target on the surface. Don't listen to people say something, you really think you are invincible in Jiangzhou." Annan Tianyu said with a long heart, afraid that Su Xun was young and full of vigor.

Su Xun understood the meaning of an Nantian.

Qingyun international is now known as a leading enterprise in Jiangzhou, not because it really has such strength, but because a group of people want to make a low-key fortune and deliberately raise Qingyun international to divert their attention.

When he suddenly heard the news, Su Xun was still a little disappointed. Ma Dan, how could there be so many thousand year old bastards in the small pool of Jiangzhou.

Annan Tian patted Su Xun on the shoulder: "don't think so much. At noon, I'll go to the door with you to see if we can solve the misunderstanding between you and Canglong chamber of Commerce."

Although he didn't have a good face for Su Xun on the surface, he was also his son-in-law to be. At the critical moment, his father-in-law still had to go up.

"Uncle an, do you know the people from Canglong chamber of Commerce?" Su Xun's heart was warm, but his father-in-law was very close. He would take time to let you have your grandson some other day.

Annam day laughed: "mix so many years, who has not yet a point of contact."


Eleven o'clock at noon.

Annan day with Su Xun came to a single family villa in the northern suburbs.

Susian was still carrying a small bag in his hand. It was a prepared gift.

After all, it's impossible to take nothing with you when you come to ask for help for the first time.

It's not easy to send a man, so Su Xun bought a jade bracelet and was ready to take his wife's route.

"Uncle an, whose family is this?"

Standing at the door, Su Xun looked around, and then asked Annam about the topic that he hadn't taken the initiative to talk about all the way.

"Liu Chenggong." Annam day voice down, with Su Xun into the yard, came to the door and rang the doorbell.

Hearing the name, Su Xun raised his eyebrows. Liu Chenggong, the chairman of Tiancheng Group, was unexpectedly a member of Canglong chamber of Commerce.

"Ding Dong ~ Ding Dong ~"

the doorbell rang twice, the door was opened, and a young man appeared in their sight.

The young man looks like a man of twenty-five or twenty-six years old. He has a delicate face, a white shirt with jeans, a thin figure, and a pair of eyes as deep as stars, which can penetrate people's hearts.

For some reason, Su Xun felt that the young man's eyes stopped for one more second when he looked at himself.

"Do you know me?" Su Xun asked.

The young man said with a smile, "who knows Su Dong of Qingyun international now?"

"Ye Feng, it takes so long to open a door. What else can you do except eat soft food?"

A sharp female voice came out of the living room.

"Two inside, please." Ye Feng dropped a word, turned around and stepped into the living room first.

Annam Tian explained Ye Feng's identity to Su Xun in a low voice: "Miss Liu's second daughter ordered her son-in-law from a baby. She was abroad before and just came back recently. She is not very popular in the Liu family. It's said that Miss Liu's second daughter hasn't been in the same room with him. She won't even let him touch her. You don't have to worry about a guy who has a soft meal. You can make a nodding acquaintance."Su Xun nodded, but he felt that this guy was not simple.

When they walked into the living room, they found that there were a lot of people sitting in the living room. This scene caught an Nantian off guard.

When he saw Liu Yun's teacher, he glared at him.

And look at her and Ye Feng sitting together, presumably she is that and Ye Feng ordered baby kiss Miss Liu.

Liu Yun obviously didn't expect to see Su Xun in his home. He also opened his lips and was surprised.

Su Xun said hello to her with a smile, and Liu Yun nodded in response.

Looking at two people's small action, leaf maple eye flash a haze, in a twinkling of an eye disappeared.

"Lao an, why are you here?" Liu Chenggong got up to greet an Nantian with a warm face: "come on, take a seat first."

Looking at the room full of people, Annan Tian asked, "Lao Liu, are you What's the good news? "

"Xiao Feng will treat her relatives to dinner today." Liu Chenggong points to his wife and says.

Li Xiaofeng stood up with a smile on her face: "brother an, you haven't eaten yet, or you'll sit down and eat together and have dinner right away."

"No, we've eaten. It's not a good time to disturb you today, Lao an. This is..." With that, Annan pointed to Su Xun to introduce him to be his son-in-law.

However, before he finished, he was interrupted by Liu Chenggong: "you don't need to introduce Su Dong of Qingyun international. He is young and promising. How can I not know him?"

"Yes, yes. Su Dong has been in the limelight recently. Even a woman who doesn't care about business has been listening to me." Li Xiaofeng looked at Su Xun. The more she looked, the more satisfied she was. Compared with Ye Feng, the trash who ate rice, if Su Xun was her son-in-law, she would wake up in a dream.

"Uncle and Aunt Liu are flattered. They are all praised by everyone." With a modest smile on his face, Su Xun handed the bag in his hand: "this is a small gift prepared by the younger generation. I didn't expect that today is my aunt's birthday. I hope she can like it."

"Oh, look at how embarrassed you are. What gifts do you bring when you come here?" Li Xiaofeng was a little bit surprised, but her smile was brighter and she took the bag.

"Mom, open it and have a look. I believe everyone is very curious about what good things Su Dong sent."

Liu Yun and a somewhat similar appearance, but obviously older woman said, it is Liu Yun's sister LiuXu.

"Yes, Xiao Feng, open it and let's have a look."

Several other people are also in a row to coax.

"This..." Li Xiaofeng hesitated and looked at Su Xun in embarrassment. After all, it's not appropriate to open the gift in person.

Su Xun said with a smile: "it's not a good thing. If you want to see it, Aunt Li will open it."

After Su Xun agreed, Li Xiaofeng took out a box from the bag. In fact, she was curious about what was inside.

After the box was opened, there was a green jade bracelet lying inside.

"Wow! It's beautiful. "

Everyone can't help but give a sigh of admiration.

Li Xiaofeng is also happy with her tight eyes.

Catkins suddenly glanced at Ye Feng, lukewarm said: "Ye Feng, today is mother's birthday, even Su Dong came to visit with a gift, you don't have nothing to prepare."

"Yes, Ye Feng, this is your first birthday to your mother. No matter what, you have to show it." Liu Yun's husband echoed, and his eyes revealed some irony.

Ye Feng's face is ancient, quietly tasting a cup of tea in his hand, without saying a word.

In a flash, the atmosphere in the living room is stiff. Liu Yun's face around Ye Feng is not good-looking.

Li Xiaofeng gave a cold hum and said coldly, "hum! I don't expect him to prepare any gifts for me. I can find a serious job as soon as possible. Don't just stay at home eating and drinking for nothing. If you Ye Feng can have one percent of the ability of other people's Su Dong, I will burn high incense. "

Sitting next to Annan, Su Xun's face became strange.

He thought that he probably already knew who the protagonist identified by the system was.

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