He is a son-in-law who has been abroad for several years and is not popular.

Hiss -

Su Xun took a cold breath.

Comrades, this template is not the protagonist. What is the template?

Su Xun immediately thought of the novels that his son-in-law slapped his wife in the face.

According to the law of the rivers and lakes, any beating, any scolding, any licking, the dog, the door-to-door son-in-law who is disgusted by his wife and looked down upon by his mother-in-law are all big men secretly.

And he became the character who was about to be beaten in the face.

"Ye Feng, why don't you talk? I don't ask you to give me something as valuable as Su Dong. At least I have to show my heart. Where do you put my mother like this?"

"That's to say, look at Su Dong and you. You are also young people. Why is the gap so big? I don't know how my grandfather will marry Xiao Yun to you."

Several dragon set villains continue to ridicule Ye Feng and lick Su Xun's face to help him pull hatred.

Liu Chenggong frowned and yelled, "shut up, everyone. How can you talk?"

Catkins and her husband look at each other, a cold hum did not dare to speak again, but look at Ye Feng's eyes full of contempt.

Su Xun's mouth was twitching all the time. You mocked him. Could you not take me with you!

"Who said I didn't prepare a gift?" Has been silent leaf maple put down the tea cup in the hand, the tone is calm to say.

For a moment, everyone looked at Ye Feng.

Come on, come on, he's coming, he's going to start punching in the face.

Su Xun can't help sitting up straight. His mother sells criticism and suddenly becomes the object of being forced to hit in the face. He's not used to it.

In everyone's gaze, Ye Feng took out a jade pendant from his pocket, looked at Li Xiaofeng and said, "happy birthday, mom. It should not be worse than Su Dong's jade bracelet."

When he said this, he also glanced at Su Xun with a smile, and his eyes were full of banter and provocation.

Su Xun wants to curse his mother. I didn't offend you. What are you doing against me.

Everyone was stunned. Unexpectedly, Ye Feng actually prepared a gift, and the quality was no worse than Su Xun's jade bracelet.

For a time, the people who mocked Ye Feng were embarrassed, as if they were slapped in the face.

"It's impossible!" Catkins exclaimed, pointed to Ye Feng and screamed: "you are a foreign drudgery. Where did you get the money to buy such a valuable thing? It's fake. It must be fake!"

Hearing this, the public is a spirit, with suspicious eyes looking at Ye Feng.

Yes, Ye Feng, a poor boy who can't get along with hard work abroad, can't afford to buy such valuable things, so he must be a fake.

"Ye Feng, mother's birthday, what do you mean to send a fake!" LiuXu's husband is fanning the flames.

"Isn't that a fat face? The key is that if aunt Xiaofeng is recognized on the street, it will be a shame. "

Li Xiaofeng's face was so gloomy that she couldn't breathe. She roared: "Ye Feng, what do you want to do?"

"It's not a fake." Ye Feng said calmly, confident.

Liu Yun pretty face angry white: "Ye Feng, you are still sophistry, interesting?"

She felt that she had lost all her face when she married such a husband. The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she was. Her tears rolled in her eyes.

"Xiaoyun, this is not a fake." The protagonist will always be like this, will only emphasize, will not prove.

Su Xun said, "don't worry, Mr. Liu. I have some research on jade. Let me have a look."

So he decided to take the initiative to defeat the villain.

Although there was no time limit for this task, there was no useful ability. Su Xun just wanted to finish it quickly.

"I hope Su Dong doesn't lose sight." Ye Feng took a look at Su Xun and said that he lost the jade pendant in his hand.

Looking at Ye Feng's casual action, everyone didn't believe that the jade pendant was genuine.

Su Xun caught the jade pendant and pretended to study it. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "brother ye, this is your mistake. Today is my aunt's birthday. You can't fool people with fake goods."

"You don't know the goods yourself." Ye Feng eyebrows pick, eyes with a bit of irony.

Fool, I can't tell the true from the false jade pendant. It seems that I overestimate you.

Su Xun laughed and squeezed it hard. The jade pendant was broken in an instant: "brother ye, an ordinary person can crush it at will. Do you dare to say it's genuine?"

Ordinary people can't crush it, because it's a genuine ancient jade.

But with Su Xun's strength, he can easily crush people's throats and an ancient jade that has been handed down for many years.

If you want to pretend to be my bully and hit me in the face, dream about it.Ye Feng was stunned, and then his face changed greatly. He suddenly got up: "you want to die!"


Li Xiaofeng raised her hand and slapped her face. She said angrily, "who are you talking about? You've lost all my face. Take your garbage and go away!"

Other people were watching coldly. After Su Xun crushed the jade pendant, they thought it was a fake.

Ye Feng face a burst of green a burst of white, standing in situ some at a loss, because this and his expected situation is completely different.

No matter how strong Su was, he didn't expect to find jade with his bare hands.

Originally, I wanted to hit Su Xun in the face. I didn't expect to hit myself in the end.

Play a pig and eat a tiger, and you're really a pig.

"Ye Feng, you let me down so much!" Liu Yun said a tearful, straight up and ran out.

Her husband gave her mother a fake on her birthday. She felt that she had no face to stay.

"Miss Liu." Su Xun ran after him.

Ye Feng is still standing in the same place.

Liu Chenggong was not angry and said, "what are you doing in a daze? Don't go after it quickly!"

Even Su Xun, a student of the family, knows how to chase him. You husband are still standing in the same place. What do you think.

Ye Feng this just reaction come over, then walk outward.

"I'm sorry, Ann. I let you see the joke." Liu Chenggong sighs helplessly to an Nantian.

On the other hand, Su Xun finds Liu Yun in tears on the bench of the park in the villa area.

"Miss Liu, are you ok?" Su Xun went to Liu Yun and sat down.

Liu Yun holds Su Xun in her arms and starts to cry. She is full of grievances.

Feeling the warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms, Su Xun's hand didn't know where to put it for a moment. At last, he could only put it on Liu Yun's back gently, patting and comforting her.

This scene happened to be followed by Ye Feng to see in the eyes, the moment is Qi and blood surge, feel his hair green signs.

After all, Liu Yun didn't even let him touch it. Now he's in Su Xun's arms. How can he bear it.

"Su, what are you doing? Let her go!"

Ye Feng jumped out and yelled angrily.

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