Ye Feng's rage awakens Liu Yun, who is crying, from Su Xun's arms.

After all, no matter what her current status is, it is not suitable to rely on Su Xun.

Su Xun got up and looked at Ye Feng and said, "brother ye, don't misunderstand me. I'm just comforting Mr. Liu."

"My wife doesn't need you to comfort her." Ye Feng coldly dropped a sentence, then looked at Liu Yun and said: "Xiao Yun, that jade pendant is real. It's this guy who deliberately crushed it to see my joke."

"Brother ye, it's boring for you to say that." Su Xun pretended to be angry, as if he had been greatly humiliated: "Miss Liu, I'm your student. You have taught me for two years. Let's not say whether ordinary people have such great strength. Do you think I can do such a thing?"

You are, and have done, Ye Feng roared in his heart.

Liu Yun wiped his tears and said to Ye Feng coldly: "if things are revealed, it's the responsibility to others. Is it interesting?"

As the voice dropped, she got up and left.

She has been completely disappointed in Ye Feng, let her live with such a person for a lifetime, she will never give in! She wants a divorce!

"Xiao Yun!" Ye Feng just wanted to catch up, but Su Xun grabbed him by the shoulder and said with a smile, "brother ye, since I knew that teacher Liu was your wife, I knew that I would make you a friend. Let's have a chat."

At the same time, he used his psychic ability to share Ye Feng's memory.

"Go away!" Ye Feng breaks free and goes after Liu Yun quickly.

Looking at Ye Feng's back, Su Xun's face gradually became gloomy and dignified.

Just time is too short, he can't see too many things from Ye Feng's memory.

But it found a few points.

First, the president of Canglong chamber of commerce is Ye Feng.

Second, it is also his order to let the reporter of Jiangzhou business daily find fault at the press conference, because of flash star entertainment.

Flash Star Entertainment Liu Xiong is Ye Feng's uncle, he is to avenge his uncle in prison.

And flash star entertainment in Liu Xiong took over the reason why all the way forward, but also because ye Feng in the dark support.

In other words, Ye Feng also contributed to the illegal, criminal and immoral affairs of flash star entertainment.

The protagonists are all pro helpers. Ye Feng only has Liu Xiong in his eyes. As for Liu Xiong's tax evasion and those boys and girls who are forcibly sullied by Liu Xiong, he doesn't take them seriously.

Even in his opinion, his uncle Liu Xiong gave those people a sum of money after the event, which was the end of his duty.

Su Xun now wants to kill Ye Feng, and there is no obstacle in his heart. Is this kind of rubbish worthy of being the protagonist?

It's human nature to help relatives but not reason. Su Xun is also such a person, but it depends on what happened.

If Su Xun's uncle did this kind of immoral thing, no one else would do it. Su Xun taught him to be a man himself.

"What are you doing there?"

All of a sudden, Annan's voice came into his ears.

Su Xun went back and saw an Nantian standing by the side of the road.

Su Xun went over

"You boy, Liu Yun is your teacher. Why didn't you tell me earlier that you still need me to lead you with this kind of relationship?" Annam day has no good spirit of say.

Su Xun reminded: "she is also Zijin's teacher, don't you know?"

"Cough I have a busy day. " Annan is a little embarrassed. He really doesn't know.

Su Xun rolled his eyes. Finally, he knew how the parents who went to the parents' meeting didn't know which class their children were in.

Annam day said: "today you see this situation, chaos into a pot of porridge, I really don't mean to ask, another day you ask Liu Yun's relationship."

Su Xun nodded. He didn't have to ask any more. After all, he knew who was the main one.

"Let's go." Annan patted him on the shoulder.

Su Xun shook his head: "you go back first, uncle an. I want to walk by myself and think about something."

"Don't think about blocking the water." Annan thought that Su Xun was worried about Canglong chamber of Commerce.

After Annan day left, Su Xun took out his mobile phone and called ah long: "check Ye Tianlong's phone number in Beijing."

The third point that Su Xun saw from Ye Feng's memory is that like all the protagonists, he also has a dog blood life experience, the illegitimate son of Ye's master in the capital, the eldest young master of Ye's family.

After finding Ye Feng, ye Tianlong hopes that he can return to his family.

But he refused, and ridiculed him. He said that he wanted to build a new ye family of his own.

He didn't give his father any face at all, which offended the Ye family. It was a disgrace for the Ye family in the capital after it was spread.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Su Xun is going to contact Ye Feng's father to help him discipline the disobedient son.

After hanging up the phone, the corner of Su Xun's mouth rose, and he raised a banter smile.……………

At this time, Ye Feng is still explaining the jade pendant with Liu Yun.

"Xiaoyun, the jade pendant is not fake. The fragments are still there. If you don't believe it, you can find the master to identify it."

Liu Yun tone Indifference: "now is not the real jade pendant thing, Ye Feng, I originally wanted to give you a chance, but you let me down, I want to divorce you."

"Divorce?" Ye Feng's voice increased a few points, his breath was short, and his face was distorted: "is it because of Su Xun?"

"What does it have to do with Su Xun?" Liu Yun thinks this man is making trouble out of nothing.

Ye Feng stares at her: "then why do you want to divorce me?"

"Why?" Liu Yun is about to be laughed: "how do you mean to ask this sentence? Look at you. A big man stays at home all day and does housework instead of looking for a job. Do you feel like a man?"

"You like my success, don't you?" Ye Feng asked.

Liu Yun's face softened a little, shook her head and said, "I didn't expect you to succeed in your career. I just hope my husband can be a bit more competitive."

"Good." Ye Feng nodded and said in a deep voice: "in this case, I won't pretend. I'll show my cards. I won't live at home tonight. I'll let you see a different me tomorrow morning. I hope you can be psychologically prepared."

As his voice dropped, he turned and left.

Liu Yun stood in the same place and was puzzled by his words.

After Ye Feng left the villa area in the northern suburbs, he made a phone call to go out.

Ten minutes later, a black Rolls Royce stopped in front of him. A middle-aged man came down and called respectfully, "boss."

After getting on the bus, Ye Feng closed his eyes and said coldly:

"I will see Qingyun international go bankrupt in three days."

"Yes, sir." The middle-aged man bowed his head.

He, Ye Feng, wanted to show his tentacles to the whole Jiangzhou for the first time and let everyone tremble for him.

It's just a Su Xun. It's not even worth seeing for a second time.

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