Zhang Yu was staring at by Su Xun's fierce eyes. It felt like a mountain was pressing against him, which made him gasp.

"He He said that his father will be the chairman of Qingyun international soon, and he will be It's the young owner of Qingyun international. "

With these words, Zhang Yu was already dripping with cold sweat. His forehead was full of sweat, and his heart was terrified.

Originally, he didn't take this sentence seriously at all. He just thought it was Chen Zhou's words after drinking.

But now he thought of Zhao Chengming's death, and Su Xun attached so much importance to it, he had thought of some chilling truth.

You know, when Chen Zhou said this, Zhao Chengming was not dead.

But less than two days later, Zhao Chengming died in a car accident.

There's nothing fishy about it. He doesn't believe it when he's killed!

Wang Yi's face was pale. He could think of what Zhang Yu could think of.

Su Xun's face is as deep as water. In this way, he is 90% sure that Chen Hua is the mastermind behind Zhao Chengming's death.

Only to find out the whole truth and get the evidence is to complete the identity task.

However, the system has given a month, which is very abundant.

Chen Zhou often asked, "is he drunk for a moment?"

"No, he seldom gets drunk. Last time he drank too much, it was because he was too happy to return home." Zhang Yu shook his head.

Wang Yi added: "yes, his father doesn't allow him to get drunk. He listens to his father very much."

When Su Xun heard that Yan was disappointed, it seemed that Chen Hua knew what his son was, so he ordered him to limit drinking.

In this way, Chen Zhou's idea of using the stereotype can only be defeated.

Zhang Yu suddenly thought of something: "Mr. Su, Chen Zhou was drunk that night and mentioned a man named Liao Jun, but I forgot all about what he said."

After all, three or four days after drinking that night, he could not remember everything so clearly.

"Liao Jun?" Su Xun raised his eyebrows.

Liao Jun, he knows, is the vice president of the group and the right-hand man of Chen Hua.

That's right. Chen Hua can't have done such a big thing alone.

Chen Hua himself will certainly not leave any evidence.

But what about Liao Jun?

At that time, the driver who killed Zhao Chengming by drunk driving had "committed suicide", so Liao Jun might be the only one who knew the truth except Chen Hua and his son.

Since ancient times, all rabbits have been dead.

Liao Jun is 48 years old, five years older than Chen Hua. He is also an old man with ups and downs in business.

He must also be afraid that Chen Hua will be killed afterwards, and he will grow old. Won't he leave enough evidence to protect himself or die with Chen Hua?

The more he thought about it, the brighter Su Xun's eyes became. He felt that he should put the breakthrough on Liao Jun.

After all, Chen Zhou is Chen Hua's son. Both of them are prosperous and both of them are damaged. They will not betray his father in any case.

But Liao Jun is different!

Compared with Chen's father and son, he is an outsider and the only one who knows Chen Hua's crime.

Having seen Chen Hua's ruthlessness, is he not afraid to be killed by Chen Hua?

So it's much easier to start with him.

Su Xun felt suddenly enlightened. He took a deep breath and looked at Zhang Yu and Wang Yi: "what happened today..."

"We didn't say anything, we didn't know anything." They are very witty to speak first, shaking their heads like a rattle.

They didn't dare to say if they were really killed. Otherwise, not only Su Xun but also Chen Zhou would kill them.

Small life is important, two people decide to rot the secret in the stomach all one's life.

For the sake of safety, Su Xun didn't plan to let them leave so soon, and said, "what do you think of me here?"

"Yuliang mountain manor is famous for a long time." They blurted out without hesitation, just like rehearsing in advance.

"Just be satisfied." Su Xun nodded with a smile: "in that case, let's stay here for two more days."

The voice falls, don't give two people the chance of rejecting at all, waved to the bodyguard standing by the wall: "go to tidy up two guest rooms, arrange them to stay for a few days."

"Two, please follow me." Two bodyguards come forward and look down at Zhang Yu and Wang Yi.

Just as they were taken to the mountain before, they had no room to refuse. They said in a weeping voice, "thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Su."

Life is like a strong, treacherous, since there is no way to resist, then choose to accept it.

Looking at the tears on the two faces.

Su Xun felt that they must have been moved by their enthusiasm and cried (≖◡≖✿).

Alas, I still haven't got rid of the problem of hospitality.

Soon, the two were "invited" by the bodyguards.

When they left, they were still reluctant to part with each other. They looked back at Su Xun one step at a time, expecting that he would suddenly change his mind and let them go.Su Xun just said with a smile: "don't you want to leave me? It's OK. I'll see you tomorrow. "

When they heard this, their faces changed. They quickened their pace and left with the bodyguard.

In the end, even faster than the bodyguard.

Seeing the back of the two people running away, Su Xun grinned and touched the smooth faces of the two maids: "come on, go on."

This abominable capitalist life makes people

People like it (P ≥ w ≤ q).

The two maids were silent, with sweet smiles on their faces, and their hands moved again, pinching their shoulders and beating their legs for him.

Obviously, they are trained to serve people, and their strength is very high.

The soft and boneless hands were sometimes strong and sometimes light as warm wind, which dissipated Su Xun's tiredness all day and unconsciously fell asleep on the sofa.

Seeing this, the two maids stopped, got up carefully, took a blanket to cover him, and then walked out of the living room.

The maids in the living room didn't wear shoes at all. Their black, silk wrapped feet would not make any noise when they stepped on the bright floor. Naturally, they wouldn't wake Su Xun.


At the same time, Chen Hua was at home.

Chen Hua stood without expression.

Chen Zhou knelt on the floor, then moved his knee, and his face showed an uncomfortable expression.

"It's almost OK. The child just came back from abroad for a few days, so he was treated like this." Chen Zhou's mother, Xue Yan, was a little heartless.

Chen Hua glared at her: "still protecting him! It's you who have spoiled this villain. "

"You OK, this is also your son. You can do it yourself. I'm so angry. " Xue Yan was so angry that her voice fell down and she went upstairs in a rage.

Chen hualeng snorted and looked down at Chen Zhou: "do you know what's wrong?"

Chen Zhou nodded: "I know."

"Talk about it." Chen Hua's face was expressionless.

Chen Zhou blurted out: "I shouldn't see beautiful women on the essence, insects on the brain..."

"Fool!" Chen Hua angrily interrupted him: "am I punishing you for this? No matter how much you play with women, I don't care about you. Your mistake is not to provoke Su Xun! "

"Dad, what's Su Xun afraid of?" Chen Zhou doesn't think so. He doesn't understand his father's high prestige in the company. How can he be afraid of that hairy boy.

"Fart!" Chen Hua burst into a rude remark: "of course, I'm not afraid of him! I'm afraid that you fool will leak your words in front of him and show some flaws, and then you'll kill me. "

"Dad, I don't know how to do that. I never get drunk when I listen to you." Chen Zhou subconsciously ignored the drunken scene three days ago.

As long as his father doesn't find out, it's not drunk.

He's such a smart boy.

Chen Hua coldly said: "in the future, where there is Su Xun, you should hide for me. You are not the opponent of others, so as not to be cheated by him!"

"Yes, I know, Dad." Although Chen Zhou was a little unconvinced, he didn't dare to talk back.

Chen Hua looked at this rebellious son, a burst of irritability, waved: "roll to sleep."

"Dad, you go to bed early, too." Chen Zhou dropped a word and got up and ran upstairs.

Chen Hua rubbed his eyebrows and sat on the sofa tired.

It was a long night, but he didn't want to sleep.

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