As long as people are tired enough, they can sleep until dawn everywhere.

Su Xun confirmed this statement with practical actions.

Even on the sofa, he slept soundly last night.

In the morning, as soon as I opened my eyes, I saw several maids busy in the living room.

"The water is ready, sir. You can take a bath before you have breakfast."

A maid came to put away the blanket, looked at Su Xun and said in a soft voice.

"Thank you."

Su Xun said subconsciously and walked to the bathroom.

"You're welcome, sir. It's all we should do." The maid said and followed Su Xun into the bathroom.

Su Xun turned his head and blinked at her: "what are you doing in here?"

"Sir, take a bath." The maid's face was reddish, and she had begun to untie her waistband.

Su Xun quickly stopped: "no, I'll do it myself."

This is too much for him.

"Do you dislike me, sir?" The maid explained, "you can rest assured, Mr. Zhao has never touched us. We are all clean."

"That's not the problem. Just go out anyway." Su Xun is not used to letting a strange woman bathe himself.

At last, the little maid left, and her expression was still a little bit too much. What they learned was the skill of serving others.

But why didn't Mr. Zhao, the previous boss, touch them and the new boss touch them when he came to Longguo?

Half an hour later, Su xuncai walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, feeling refreshed.

"Sir, this is the dress just prepared for you. Let's see if it fits you."

A maid came forward with a brand new black suit, bent slightly, and handed it up with both hands.

"You go down." Su Xun took the clothes and said casually.

The maid bowed her head, stepped back slowly, retreated for about two meters, then turned around, went to the shoe cabinet at the door, put on her high heels and went out.

Susian took his clothes and went into the bathroom to change.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Su Xun had to sigh that the Buddha depended on gold and the man depended on clothes!

He was originally very handsome, but now he is even more handsome, and his temperament is a bit more leisurely, confident and overbearing.

Breakfast was so rich that Su Xun didn't even know which dish to start with.

Fortunately, the problem didn't bother him for long.

Two maids stood by and waited on him. They put something in his plate and almost fed it to his mouth.

Su Xun was not adapted at the beginning, but gradually enjoyed the process (⑅˃◡⑅).

After breakfast, Su Xun went out to the company.

"Take your time, sir."

More than a dozen tall and beautiful maids with different customs stood in two rows at the entrance of the villa and bent down to shout in unison.

Listening to the delicate voice, Su Xun was excited and felt his bones were crisp.

Fortunately, I have a firm will. Otherwise, I would be reluctant to go out today for the dozen maids.

When I came to the company, it was more than nine o'clock.

"Hello, Mr. Su."

"Good morning, Su Dong."

Along the way, from time to time, some employees took the initiative to stop and say hello to him.

At the beginning, he nodded in response, but later he was too lazy to respond, because there were too many people.

Sitting in the elevator dedicated to the chairman of the board of directors, we went all the way up to the top floor of the building and came to his office.

"Good morning, Mr. Su. This is the document that needs your approval today."

Just after entering the office, Secretary Liao Yu came in with a stack of folders.

Today, she is wearing a white uniform skirt with black eyeglass frame and long hair, which makes her look more charming.

This is a woman who is very familiar.

"Put it somewhere." Su Xun said casually, and then said, "ask Mr. Li to come to my office."

"Yes, Su Dong." Liao Yu answered, then turned and left.

Staring at her back, Su Xun felt that he had a dry mouth.

For the innocent young man of his age, this kind of sex, which exudes the breath of maturity, feels beautiful, and the woman is the fatal poison.

About five minutes later, Li Tao walked into the office.

"Su Dong, you call me." Li Tao also changed his name from Mr. to Mr. Su Dong. After all, he was in the company.

"You sit down." Su Xun asked him to sit down, and then began to tell him what he learned from Zhang Yu and Wang Yi last night, as well as his guess.

After Li Tao heard this, he burst into anger: "what a Liao Jun, it was Dong Zhao who recruited him into the company at the beginning, but in the end, he colluded with Chen Hua. How can he do such crazy things?"

"Li Yu, I only speculate from what you said." Su Xun quickly appeased the emotional Li Tao.

Although it is speculation, they both think that this speculation has tended to the fact, but the difference is only ironclad evidence.At half an hour, Li Tao finally calmed down: "Su Dong, even if you find the right direction, it's hard to find evidence from Liao Jun."

"Yes, so I just want to tell you the progress, and I'll think of a way to deal with it." Su Xun also sighed.

Li Tao said: "Su Dong, you can't be in a hurry to avenge Zhao Dong. You'd better think about Taishan Group."

"You don't have to worry about that. The contract has been negotiated. Maybe Chen Hua has gone to Taishan Group to sign the contract at this time." Su Xun had a funny smile on his face.

Li Tao left the office with a suspicious face. He couldn't believe Su Xun's words.

Is the purchase contract of Taishan Group so easy to negotiate?

And is Chen Hua going to sign the contract?

How does it sound like Arabian Nights?


At the same time, Taishan Group.

Chen Hua's car stops in front of Taishan Group building.

Chen Hua got out of the car and took six or seven people to the gate of Taishan Group.

Today, he brought all the people who should have signed the contract, just to let them see Su Xun's jokes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we, Mr. Su Dong, are really young and promising. I've taken my eyes off him. I didn't expect that he would negotiate the contract in just one day."

Along the way, Chen Huajia praised Su Xun, which was also regarded as a victory. Now the higher he is lifted, the worse he will fall.

Others didn't know the inside story. They really thought Chen Hua was telling the truth, and they could not help showing their admiration for Su Xun.

Chen Hua's eyes flashed a touch of banter. Now you admire him more, and after a while, you will feel disgusted and despise him more.

Only Zhou Chuan knew what Chen Hua thought and said in a low voice, "Mr. Chen, this Su Dong is really a talent."

His tone was somewhat mocking and disdainful.

In his opinion, Su Xun was a stupid "talent" when he faced his subordinates and threw stones at his feet.

"Ha ha." Chen Hua couldn't help laughing. After a while, if they couldn't even enter the gate, it would be even funnier.

At that time, when these people send the matter back to the company, Su Xun is really disgraced and has no prestige at all.

But what he didn't expect was that.

After they showed their identity, they were put in by the security guard, and a business manager of Taishan Group came out to meet them in person.

Chen Hua and Zhou Chuan looked at each other, until they walked into the interior of Taishan Group building, they were still completely ignorant.

Full of black question marks.

Who can tell them what the situation is?

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