"Manager Wang, the contract Is it really a deal? "

When entering the elevator, Chen Hua finally relaxed and looked at the business manager of Taishan Group with unbelievable face.

Manager Wang shook his head: "what contract? I'm not sure. It's just that Mr. Anton wants to see you. "

"Hu -"

Zhou Chuan and Chen Hua were almost relieved at the same time.

They said it.

The whole Jiangnan City knows that Annan Tian of Taishan Group and Zhao Chengming of Qingyun international do not deal with it.

As the chairman of Qingyun international, how can Su Xun win the purchase contract of Taishan Group?

But then Chen Hua raised his heart again. What did Annan Tianjian do?

It can't be that Zhao Chengming is dead. He's not happy. He's going to throw fire on his deputy Dong!

No, even if you want to vent your anger, you should find Su Xun. He is the chairman of the board now. No matter how hard he is, it's not his turn.

In this way, with his head full of fog, Chen Hua and others walked into an Nantian's office.

"Hello, Anton."

Although he was puzzled, Chen Hua was calm and calm in the face of Annan.

"Ha ha, Mr. Chen, I've heard a lot about you." Annam day looking at Chen Hua skin smile meat don't smile of say.

He has a detailed understanding of the current situation of Qingyun international and knows that this guy is against his son-in-law to be. Of course, he will not have a good face.

Chen Hua feels inexplicable. He didn't offend him. Is he really implicated by Zhao Chengming?

Throwing these confused thoughts out of his mind, Chen Hua said, "I don't know what Mr. an wants to see me about?"

"Sign the contract!" Annan is upright and vigorous.

Chen Hua was confused again: "contract? What contract? "

"Purchase contract! Didn't you all talk to me yesterday? " Annan looked at Chen Hua with a puzzled face and seriously doubted how he became deputy director with his poor business level.

Is it by selling farts, stocks?

No, Zhao Chengming is not good at it.

Chen Hua and Zhou Chuan stay on the spot, their minds explode, a blank.

Zhou Chuan was even more emotional and said: "An Dong, are you mistaken? How can you promise that hairy boy to cooperate with Qingyun international?"

Because of speaking too fast, he spat on Annam's face.


Annam day facial expression sinks, raise a hand is a slap to draw past: "you calculate what thing, I need you to teach me to work?"

Then he looked at Chen Hua coldly: "Mr. Chen, is that the quality of your employees? I don't know what his position is in your company, but he dares to tell me what to do! "

"Get out of here!" Chen Hua looks at Zhou Chuan and yells angrily. It's not enough to be a loser.

Feeling the hot pain on his face, Zhou Chuan's brain was quite clear. He didn't dare to speak any more and got out of the office obediently.

Chen Hua adjusted his breath and looked at an Nantian apologetically: "An Dong, I'm really sorry. He drank too much last night. He didn't wake up in the morning. He was so dizzy that he talked to you. Don't worry about it."

"Hum!" Hum, Annan said, "it's not as cold as you said."

Chen Hua's face is stiff. How can you feel that you are scolding me.

"Dong An, can I see the contract first?" Chen Hua seriously doubts whether Su Xun gave up most of his interests in the contract to make an Nantian agree to cooperate with Qingyun international.

Otherwise, he really can't figure out how Annan Tian and Zhao Chengming can sign an order contract with Qingyun international because their relationship is so stiff?

"Of course." Annan day voice down, picked up a contract on the desk, lost in the past.

Chen Hua can't wait to take a look. The more he looks, the worse he looks.

Because the terms of the contract are completely normal, Su Xun didn't betray Qingyun's international interests.

But in his view, this is the biggest abnormality.

Under normal circumstances, Annan would not agree with Su Xun!

Annan Tian pretended not to see Chen Hua's ugly face and said with admiration: "to tell you the truth, Mr. Chen, Mr. Su Dong is really capable and promising."

So contrary to his heart, he praised the wild boar that arched his cabbage. He was worried that he would be struck by thunder.

"Yes, yes, Su Dong is really young and promising." What else can Chen Hua say? He can only bite his back teeth and praise Su Xun.

After boasting for five or six minutes, Chen Hua felt sick and vomiting.

More than ten minutes later, Chen Hua took the contract and led a group of people out of Taishan Group.

"Mr. Chen, how could Annan agree to Su Xun?" As soon as he got on the bus, Zhou Chuan, with a swollen half face, couldn't help opening his mouth.

Chen Hua did not have the good spirit to stare him one eye: "you step on the horse to ask me, I ask who?"They specially brought several people from the company, just in order to pass on Su Xun's free talk back to the company.

Now I didn't expect to lift a stone and smash myself in the foot. On the contrary, it helped Su Xun's reputation.

It can be imagined that after going back, these people will surely tell their colleagues about today's events and exaggerate Su Xun.

At that time, Su Xun will have a basic prestige among ordinary employees and grassroots management groups.

Chen Hua was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. His hand with the contract was blue and blue, and there was no place to vent the nameless fire in his chest.

After arriving at the company, Chen Hua threw the contract directly to Zhou Chuan: "you send it to that boy."

He didn't want to lose his face, and he didn't want to see Su Xun proud.

Zhou Chuan talks about it. He doesn't want to, but he doesn't have a choice.

However, as soon as they entered the building, they were startled by the scene in front of them.

I saw that there were many people standing inside. When I saw them enter the door, I applauded one after another.

"Welcome to our meritorious officials, deputy director Chen and manager Zhou, who have just signed a large number of procurement contracts with Taishan Group on behalf of our company."

Su Xun came out of the crowd, went to Chen Hua and Zhou Chuan, looked at the employees and said aloud.

"Pa pa pa..."

For a moment, the applause became more intense, just like thunder.

Chen Hua and Zhou Chuan clench their teeth and stare at Su Xun.

This boy not only wants to kill people, but also their hearts!

"Mr. Chen, so many employees are watching. Let's talk about our feelings." Su Xun looks at Chen Hua with a smile.

Chen Hua wanted to tear him up, but on the surface he was smiling and said, "Mr. Su is so polite. It's all thanks to Mr. Su. We just signed on behalf of the company."

Not only did they lift a stone and hit him in the foot, but now they had to praise him, which made him want to kill.

"Oh, manager Zhou, what's wrong with your face? It seems that you've been slapped in the face!" Su Xun looked at Zhou Chuan in surprise.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Zhou Chuan That red and swollen face.

Zhou Chuan pulled the corner of his mouth unnaturally: "accidentally fall, fall."

Naturally, he was embarrassed to say that he was beaten by Annan because of his cheap mouth.

"Fall?" Su Xun's eyes widened and his face looked strange: "that's terrible. Even his fingerprints fell out."

"Puff -"

some people in the crowd couldn't help laughing, which immediately triggered a chain reaction, and all of them laughed in a flash.

"Well, don't laugh. Manager Zhou was injured on the way to work. If you want to give him a work-related injury reimbursement, our company is very humane."

Su Xun looked at the crowd and said seriously.

"Su Dong, if you want to see a client, you should go first." Zhou Chuan's face was blue and white. He couldn't stay any longer. He left a word and turned to leave.

Su Xun's face sank down and said coldly, "you come back, did I let you go?"

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