As Su Xun's face became cold, the atmosphere on the first floor of the building became strange.

The employees who were still laughing all restrained their smiles and watched the scene quietly.

For a moment, the air seemed to be filled with a faint smell of gunpowder.

"I have no boss, Zhou Chuan. Do you still see me as the chairman of the board?"

Su Xun looked at Zhou Chuan coldly. His words were like a knife, and he put on a big hat.

Before Zhou Chuan spoke, Chen Hua said, "Su Dong, this is too much. Mr. Zhou never meant it."

As soon as Chen Hua's voice fell, Su Xun's eyes fell on him: "are you the worm in his stomach? How do you know he didn't mean that? "

"Su Dong, what's the difference between you and the desire to add crime? It's always hard to understand Chen Hua's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot.

Su Xun sneered: "want to add crime? I'm the chairman of the group. He's a small deputy manager of the personnel department. If I really want to deal with him, do I have to be so troublesome? "

Of course. After all, Zhou Chuan is a member of Chen Hua, and his foundation has not yet been established when he first arrived at the group.

But those ordinary employees don't understand that.

In their eyes, the chairman is the biggest.

So Su Xun is right. As the chairman of Qingyun international, he really wants to make trouble for Zhou Chuan. Is it necessary to be so troublesome?

What's more, they all saw it with their own eyes just now. It was Zhou Chuan who swept Su Xun's face and was ready to leave.

"Dong Chuan said:" since the end of the week with a strong anger, or you down

"Mr. Chen..." Zhou Chuan's face was not willing.

"No need to apologize." Su Xun gave a cool smile. Looking at Zhou Chuan, he said calmly, "in the end, Mr. Zhou is still too young to be calm and frivolous. The job of deputy manager of personnel department is too heavy. Don't crush him. Let's put him in charge of the business department first."

Xie Qiang, the manager of the personnel department, is a neutral person. Zhou Chuan, the deputy general manager, is Chen Hua's person. Of course, Su Xun won't sit by.

Personnel and finance, the two important departments, he must replace their own talents, rest assured, otherwise there will be more articles to make.

His voice fell, and Chen Hua and Zhou Chuan's faces changed at the same time.

Now they know Su Xun's intention. In a few words, they want to kick Zhou Chuan out of the personnel department and demote him.

The manager of the business department is Li Tao's person. What's the difference between Zhou Chuan's going to be a supervisor there and his going to retire early?

Zhou Chuan looks at Chen Hua anxiously. He doesn't want to go to the business department to depend on others.

Chen Hua looked at Su Xun with a fake smile on his face and said, "Mr. Su, it's not necessary. I think Mr. Zhou has done a good job in the personnel department. What's more, now the country is advocating the rejuvenation of the Department. Our enterprises should keep up with this policy. The future will be young people after all."

Although the heart has been burning with anger, but his face is hanging a smile, a tone is all for the company's good appearance.

"Mr. Chen, it seems that you have a misunderstanding about this. Younger does not mean waste. If we say younger, primary school students are younger. Do we want to find a group of primary school students to work in the company?"

It can be said that Su Xun belittled Zhou Chuan to nothing. Who let this guy not be his man.

When Zhou Chuan was humiliated, he blurted out: "Mr. Su, you are the youngest in the company, right?"

As soon as he spoke, Chen Hua would scold a fool secretly. Will you die if you don't speak at this time?

"Mr. Chen, you see, I'll say he can't hold his breath." Su Xun was not angry at all. On the contrary, he laughed from the bottom of his heart with a kind of banter.

I'm not afraid of God like opponents, but I'm afraid of pig like teammates.

Chen Hua wants to struggle again: "Su Dong..."

"OK, needless to say, it's settled. Report to the business department immediately." Su Xun directly interrupted Chen Hua and looked at Zhou Chuan.

Zhou Chuan's face was dispirited. In fact, he regretted it just after he said that, but it was too late.

Why is he so impulsive?

Because of youth, because of jealousy, because of position.

He is too young to hold his breath.

And why can Su Xun, who is younger than him, become the chairman of Qingyun international?

And then there was the question of position. He was always on the opposite side of Su Xun.

Su Xun patted Zhou Chuan on the shoulder and said earnestly, "do well in the business department. Don't let me down."

As the voice fell, Su Xun gave Chen Hua a bright smile and turned to leave.

As Su Xun left, the staff gathered on the first floor also scattered one after another.

"Mr. Chen..." Zhou Chuan looked at Chen Hua with a face full of grievances.


Chen Hua raised his hand is a slap in the face, angrily scolded: "waste!"

After scolding, he strode away without looking at him any more.Zhou Chuan has been abandoned. There's no need to continue to waste time on him.

How much effort did he make to put Zhou Chuan on the agenda.

Originally, I was going to help him become a regular next step and take the position of general manager of personnel department.

But I didn't expect that this guy's bad things over and over again, it's not enough to succeed, it's more than enough to fail.

The most urgent task is to find out how an Nantian promised Su Xun to cooperate with Qingyun international.

If Su Xun really gets an Nantian's powerful foreign aid, it will be even more difficult to deal with him!

Looking at Chen Hua's back, Zhou Chuan's face is full of despair. He knows that he is finished, and he will become a marginal figure in Qingyun international.

He regretted that Chen Hua had so many people under him. Why did he jump like that?


Chairman's office.

After solving Zhou Chuan's problem, Su Xun felt happy.

As for the post of deputy manager of personnel department, he directly proposed a neutral supervisor named Ma Feng from the personnel department to take the post.

Since then, Qingyun international has lost a neutral group and gained a strong supporter of Su Xun.

"Dong Dong..."

Suddenly, the door of the office was knocked.

"Come in." Su Xun said without raising his head.

Liao Yu stepped in on a pair of silver pointed high-heeled shoes, and her red lips slightly opened: "Su Dong, there is a miss named an looking for you."

"Invite her in." As soon as Su Xun's eyes brightened, he immediately left the document and got up. He had already guessed that it must be an Zijin.

Liao Yu's eyes twinkle. From Su Xun's reaction, we can guess that his relationship with miss an is mostly a couple.

She suddenly envies miss an who is still waiting in the lounge. She may be the chairman's wife of Qingyun international in the future.

Liao Yu answers the question, then turns around and walks out of the office.

Looking at Liao Yu's back, Su Xun frowned.

He always felt that the woman's eyes were a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen them.

Maybe I think too much.

Su Xun shook his head, picked up the water cup and prepared to drink water to moisten his throat.

All of a sudden.

His eyes leaped over the glass and landed on a piece of information on the far left side of his desk with a picture pasted on it.

He was stunned.

At last, he knew why he thought Liao Yu's eyes were familiar.

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