When Canglong chamber of Commerce set off a fever on the Internet, Ye Feng got the news.

He is a face muddled force, we Canglong chamber of Commerce when the hacker emperor so cattle force people? Why don't I know?

After the relevant posts disappeared, he thought it was the hacker emperor. In order to be afraid of being misunderstood by others, he started to delete the posts, and didn't pay attention to them.

Basically, all the members of Canglong chamber of Commerce didn't pay attention to this matter. They just regarded it as an oolong.

But ye Tianlong, who got Su Xun's phone call in the capital, saw the essence through the phenomenon and the deeper crisis.

To tell you the truth, this is the first time that he knows that his illegitimate son is so powerful.

Ordinary people don't know about Canglong chamber of Commerce, but in his capacity, of course, they have heard about it and know what kind of energy it contains.

He never thought that the president of the chamber of Commerce was Ye Feng.

Unfortunately, he knew that the Canglong chamber of Commerce was going to die, and Ye Feng had to die with it.

So Su Xun was right. If he didn't want to involve the family, he had to get rid of everything with Ye Feng.

Otherwise, when the relevant departments liquidate the Canglong chamber of Commerce, they may have to doubt whether the support of their Ye family is behind it.

After all, Ye Feng is his son.

"Second, go to Jiangzhou immediately."


The night passed, seemingly calm, but in fact, the waves were already dark and turbulent.

In the morning, Ye Feng woke up from the presidential suite of a five-star hotel.

Wearing a brand-new suit at the head of bed and dressing up, Ye Feng smiles in front of the mirror.

Today is the day of his first official appearance.

Sushen, Sushen, the leading enterprise of Jiangzhou Province, Qingyun international, has been at the top for a long time. I'm afraid you've lost yourself for a long time.

It doesn't matter. Today I'll help you recognize the reality.

let you know who has the final say in this great river state.

He took out his mobile phone and made a call to Su Xun. The number was checked by someone last night.

"Hello." A moment later, Su Xun's voice rang out in his mobile phone.

Ye Feng said lightly: "before nine o'clock, come to the door of Liujia villa in the northern suburbs and kneel down to beg me. I will consider letting you Qingyun international continue to live."

As the voice dropped, he hung up and walked out of the room.

He wanted to let the shortsighted people of the Liu family see for themselves. Su Xun, who was outstanding in their eyes, was not even a fart in front of him.


Just out of the door, two rows of suit men standing in the corridor said hello in unison.

One of them pressed the elevator.

Ye Feng walked into the elevator without strabismus.

A moment later, surrounded by a group of bodyguards, he walked out of the hotel.

Outside the hotel, there are already a row of luxury cars, starting with a Rolls Royce, and the rest are all Maybach.

Beside these cars, there are some middle-aged people in bright clothes.

Seeing Ye Feng come out, everyone bows to say hello one after another: '

"good president."

It's true that these people are all members of Canglong chamber of Commerce and entrepreneurs with high reputation. But today, they personally serve as drivers for Ye Feng's motorcade.

"Get up."

Ye Feng lightly spits out three words and stoops to get into the back row of Rolls Royce.

He has not enjoyed this kind of attention for a long time. He wants to show the people of the Liu family what kind of existence they have in their mouth.

He wants to tell Liu Yun that it's not that I don't make progress, it's that I'm already at the top.

All in all, he has to put on a big push.

A few minutes later, amid the exclamation of countless onlookers, the luxury motorcade headed for the northern suburbs.


At this time, Su Xun just got up.

"I called in the morning. I'm sick."

Awakened by Ye Feng's phone call, it's strange that Su Xun is in a good mood.

"Who's going to fight? What are you going to do?" Last night, Su Xun had a few days to rest.

Su Xun said casually, "a pretender has to be ready to be forced. The most unusual thing in my life is that someone is more powerful than me, so I have to fight in the face."

"I'm going!" Hearing that there was a play to watch, Qin Zhu's sleepy moment disappeared without a trace, and the whole ghost looked very energetic.

Su Xun got up and spread out his hands: "what are you doing? Change clothes for me."

"Yes, your majesty, yes, my servant." Qin Zhu's cooperation made Su Xun addicted to the emperor. He helped him dress himself.

Ten minutes later, Su Xun took Qin Bamboo mandala and a big man to the northern suburbs.

At the same time, a large number of police began to gather in the city center, all armed with guns and armed police on standby.Once the national machine is in operation, its performance is highly efficient. What's more, how many big businesses can stand the strict inspection of relevant departments these days?

Therefore, after investigation, all members of Canglong chamber of Commerce have committed crimes, including but not limited to commercial crimes and criminal crimes.

In particular, last night's action against Qingyun international was an obvious illegal business operation. Shangfeng directly ordered the arrest of all members of Canglong chamber of commerce one by one.

In view of the fact that Ye Feng, President of Canglong chamber of Commerce, is engaged in illegal military activities abroad, his bodyguards may carry lethal heat weapons, so all those involved in the operation must be equipped with guns.

In case of armed resistance, they can be killed.

The intersection leading to the northern suburbs has been closed, and people nearby have been evacuated.

Ye Feng thinks that today is his most beautiful day, but he doesn't know that today is also his closing day.


North suburb villa area.

From the window of maple District, the whole team was startled to look out of the villa.

"What's the situation? Which family will get married?"

"There must be more than 20 cars for such a big show."

"What's the matter..."

Liu Chenggong and his family were also shocked. They all went out to watch.

When the leading Rolls Royce stopped in front of Liu's house, everyone in the villa area in the northern suburbs was in a state of consternation.

When did the Liu family have such a tough relationship.

Liu Chenggong and his family are all at a loss.

Rolls Royce's door opened and Ye Feng, in his suit and shoes, stepped out of the car.

"Ye Feng!"

See Ye Feng, all the people of the Liu family are wide eyed, the face is incredible.

The other onlookers in the villa area almost lost their chin.

The waste son-in-law of the Liu family is famous in the whole villa area. How can he become a big man.

Feeling everyone's shocked eyes, Ye Feng's heart is smooth and dripping, and feels great.

Ye Feng looked at Liu Yun and said, "since you like men who have a successful career, I won't pretend. I'll have a showdown. I'm Ye Feng..."

"Bang bang!"

Before he had finished, there was a loud noise.

Everyone went to see a black Bentley hit the team of Maybach.

Then the car door opened, and Su Xun came down from the top and yelled:

"who is so ungrateful and parking on the road?"

Ye Feng's mouth raised a smug smile. He thought that Su Xun had come to beg for his mercy. He could already imagine the scene of Su Xun kneeling and kowtowing.

Su Xun yawned: "come on, move these cars away. Don't you see my car can't pass?"

As his voice fell.

Then everyone felt that the ground was shaking, and a row of large forklifts drove into the villa area and began to shovel those mebach who were parked in a row.

"Bang! Boom

In the blink of an eye, two multimillion - dollar maybachs were shoveled aside.

Everyone was stunned.

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