Ye Feng's smile gradually solidified.

He thought that Su Xun had come to beg for mercy because of his morning call.

But now, obviously, that's not the case.

"Bang Dang! Boom

The forklift is still under construction.

The bodyguards brought by Ye Feng suddenly reacted and yelled: "stop, stop, all stop!"

However, their actions can only stay in the mouth, because they dare not get close to the forklift.

Without weapons, their verbal threats have no deterrent effect.

The corner of Su Xun's mouth rose, lit a cigarette in his mouth, leaned against the deformed Bentley, and looked at the scene full of violence aesthetics with a smile.

"Su Xun, are you crazy?" Ye Feng glares at Su Xun angrily. He doesn't understand where Su Xun came from.

Su Xun puffed out a cigarette ring and said, "if you want to make a pile of scrap metal, you'll be arrogant if you want to find two dogs and cats. Have you ever asked me if you're so strong in Jiangzhou? With my permission? "

Hearing Su Xun's words, everyone was twitching.

Because a lot of people have recognized, to Ye Feng as a team driver is not an ordinary person.

But these people actually became dogs and cats in Su Xun's mouth. This NIMA is too crazy.

But what shocked them even more was Ye Feng.

A son-in-law who has a soft meal at home has turned into a man of honor. It's really deep to let so many big men give him a hand.

Liu Chenggong is more sensitive, because he found a common point. Most of the people who gave Ye Feng the pressure are from Canglong chamber of Commerce, and they are all elders.

For Liu Chenggong, a new member of Canglong chamber of Commerce who was introduced by the elder, the president is mysterious.

So he didn't know that his son-in-law Ye Feng was his boss.

Ye Feng's Qi and blood surged up, his face was as heavy as water, and his face was rebellious: "Su Xun, it seems that you still don't know what kind of existence you provoked. I, Ye Feng, the president of Canglong chamber of Commerce, pressing down ants like you is nothing more than the problem of moving your fingers."


The whole scene was in an uproar.

Liu Chenggong was even more shocked. He had just guessed that Ye Feng might be the senior leader of Canglong chamber of Commerce, but he was the president anyway.

For a time, the mood was a little complicated.

"Dad, is the Canglong chamber of commerce very powerful?" Looking at his father's expression, Liu Yun couldn't help asking.

Liu Chenggong pursed his lips, and his voice was a little dry: "I just joined Canglong chamber of Commerce, and all the people present today are prominent figures in Jiangzhou."

Liu yunmu stares, and now she finally understands what Ye Feng said yesterday to prepare her psychologically.

"This How is that possible? " Li Xiaofeng was a little at a loss. She was both surprised and happy.

Willow catkins and his wife's face was blue and white, and they were a little scared. After all, they used to target Ye Feng. Who knows if ye Feng will settle accounts with them.

Other residents in the villa area are full of envy and jealousy when they look at the Liu family. The Liu family really caught a golden turtle son-in-law.

Feel the shock around the eyes, especially his father-in-law and mother-in-law's incredible eyes, these let Ye Feng get a great sense of satisfaction.

Don't you look down on me?

I'm not pretending. It's showdown. I'm the boss!

"It's five minutes to nine." Ye Feng looked at the Rolex on his wrist and said to Su Xun with a high toe: "what I said on the phone in the morning is still valid. Before nine o'clock, you kneel down and beg me. I will allow you Qingyun international to continue to survive."

As the voice fell, he showed a sarcastic smile, and pointed the position in front of him at the tip of his foot, indicating to let Su Xun climb over.

For a moment, everyone's eyes focused on Su Xun. Some people sympathized with him, while others gloated.

"Ye Feng, you have to forgive others. You have enough!" Liu Yun can't go any further. After all, Su Xun is her student. She thinks Ye Feng is too much.

As soon as Li Xiaofeng's face changed, she grabbed Liu Yun: "what are you doing? Do you need a woman to teach men how to do things? Please watch me!"

"Ma!" Liu Yun looks at her mother inconceivably. She doesn't expect Li Xiaofeng to be so powerful.

Yesterday also a strength of Kua Su to find good, the result is now a blink of an eye began to maintain Ye Feng.

Liu Yun doesn't speak. It's OK that she helps Su Xun speak, which arouses Ye Feng's anger: "Su Xun, don't you understand me? If you don't kneel down, I'll shut down Qingyun international today! "

"Why don't we talk it over." Su Xun pondered for a moment, then said with a serious face: "well, you come to kneel down and kowtow to me. How about I give you a message in advance?"

"Su Xun, Su Xun, it seems that you don't see the coffin and don't cry today." Ye Feng's eyes were cold.Su Xun said with a smile, "how could it be? I'll see the coffin today. It's just your coffin."

Said here, he stopped for a moment, hit it hit it mouth: "time is almost up, not loaded force, when I have time to visit the prison, you can continue to install it."

He had to let Ye Feng understand what it means to be forced by Cao instead of pretending to be forced.

All of a sudden, the alarm went off.

"Beep, beep, beep, beep"

the sudden alarm bell confused everyone.

"Buzz, buzz..."

The sound of the engine was getting closer and closer, and more than a dozen police cars rushed into the villa area. As soon as the car was stable, a group of armed police rushed down and surrounded the whole scene.

Because they suspected that the bodyguards of Canglong chamber of Commerce might be armed, they surrounded them instead of rushing up to arrest them.

"This What's going on? "

"What's the matter? Why are the police here?"

"So many policemen, what is this for?"

All the members of the chamber of commerce were confused.

A policeman with a loudspeaker began to shout: "listen to the people of Canglong chamber of Commerce, you have been surrounded, don't try to resist, immediately crouch on the ground to surrender, or you will bear the consequences."

The crowd exploded in an instant. No one thought that these policemen were actually against Canglong chamber of Commerce.

"This How could this happen? Why did you catch us? "

"Yes, is there something wrong?"

The members of Canglong chamber of commerce were all confused, looked at each other, and panicked.

Ye Feng thought of what Su xungang had just said and glared at him angrily: "what are you doing?"

Hiss -

Su Xun has really been a ghost. Qin Zhu has something to say about this.

Su Xun showed an innocent smile to Ye Feng, and then yelled to the police outside: "police comrades, I'm Su Xun, the chairman of Qingyun international. You can come in and arrest people directly. The road has been cleared by me. It's smooth inside. The criminals have no weapons."

"Everybody's got it. Arrest!"

With an order, a large group of armed police rushed in, and many members of Canglong chamber of commerce were pressed on the ground and put on handcuffs before they could react.

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