"What are you doing? Why are you arresting me?"

"Let go of me and know who I am. Believe it or not, I'll pick your skin with a phone call!"

"I don't believe it!" Jiangnan City Bureau Director Zhao Dongqin went to the clamour of skinning in front of the middle-aged man, looked at him condescending: "you pick one for me to see, let me see how you are

The middle-aged man swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Zhao Bureau, is there any misunderstanding? You know, I've always been a conscientious entrepreneur who abides by the law."

"The evidence is solid. I was ordered to arrest people. There was no misunderstanding." Zhao Dongqin looked at him coldly and showed a sarcastic expression: "a conscientious entrepreneur who abides by the law? Can you explain to me the death caused by violent demolition ten years ago? "

The middle-aged man's face turned pale at the moment. He didn't expect that this old story had been found out, and he didn't get away with it.

Others have given up struggling because they all know what they have done.

Ye Feng looked at this scene, his face was gloomy and terrible, and asked harshly, "which branch of the bureau are you from? I want to see you lead, guide!"

Today was his day of boundless scenery. I didn't expect that Su Xun was shameless at first, but now he was stirred up by the police. It's strange that he looks good.

He didn't realize the seriousness of the matter until now.

"Ye Feng, right? We are not from the Branch Bureau, but from the Municipal Bureau." Zhao Dongqin looked at Ye Feng and said with no expression: "there is a special person responsible for your affairs."

Two middle-aged men in suits came to Ye Feng and said coldly, "Ye Feng, you are suspected of endangering national security. Please go back with us to assist in the investigation."

At the same time, they took out a small green book from their arms. The surface was a golden national glory, with the word "Guo'an" written on it.

Ye Feng's face was bloodless in an instant.

The onlookers were shocked. It was too exciting.

First, his son-in-law became the president of Canglong chamber of Commerce, and then he became a prisoner.

In particular, the people of the Liu family, whose mood was like riding a roller coaster, almost didn't have a heart attack.

"Pa! Pop! Bang

A rhythmic clapping suddenly occurred to me.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Su Xun clapped and walked up to Ye Feng. He threw a cigarette ring at him and said with a smile: "President ye, today's good play is really wonderful. Tut Tut, listen to it. It's suspected of endangering national security. If you can bear such a big charge, you'll be successful in your life."

"I'm a grass mud horse!" Ye Feng couldn't help his rude remarks, and rushed to Su Xun directly.

Two Guoan people want to stop him.

"Get out of here!"

Ye Feng directly bumps open two people, one punch straight takes Su Xun's face door but goes, in the eye murders the machine to expose.

Su Xun stood in the same place and didn't hide. The corners of his mouth rose and a touch of light irony came up.

Just before Ye Feng's fist was about to fall on Su Xun's face, a long leg wrapped in black silk crossed a curve in the air, and the red high heels kicked Ye Feng's arm.


Ye Feng arm pain, can only stiffly stop.

Mandala stood in front of Su with a cool face: "if you want to hurt my boss, first step over my body."

Ye Feng covers his arm and looks at mandala with fear. This woman is very strong.

"Hands up!"

Two Guoan people pull out their guns and aim at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng finally can only raise his hands, eyes venomous looking at Su Xun.

Su Xun's face was like a spring breeze smile, and he spread out his hand: "sorry, I'm afraid of death. I'll take some bodyguards at any time. I'm sure you can understand."

"Wheeze - wheeze -" Ye Feng gasped, hoping to tear Su Xun.

One of the national security members took out handcuffs and walked to Ye Feng. Ye Feng's face twisted: "I'm the young master of the Ye family in the capital. Who dares to catch me!"

Hiss -

the crowd took another breath. Unexpectedly, Ye Feng had such a strong life experience.

At this time, a thick baritone came into the public ears.

"We don't have people like you in the Ye family."

I saw a middle-aged man in a silver suit come over without expression.

"Second uncle." Ye Feng pursed her lips.

Ye Tianhu didn't look him in the eye at all. Instead, he said to the people in Guoan: "two comrades, this man's conduct is bad. Our Ye family has already cut off the relationship with him. Please also ask the relevant departments to strictly enforce the law and don't let this man insult our ye family's reputation."

Ye Feng muddled, brain melon seeds buzzing, a blank.

Then he lost control of his mood: "second uncle, I'm the young master of the Ye family. Second uncle, is it dad who asked you to save me? You can't wait to save me."


Ye Tianhu backhand is a slap in the face, cold said: "you also match surname ye?""When elder brother found you and asked you to go home, you didn't say that. Didn't you say that you wanted to build a new ye family?"

Ye Feng face a burst of green a burst of white, panic said: "second uncle, I'm wrong, I don't know heaven and earth, what I say is angry, I want to go home, please take me home."

Now the Ye family is his only hope. If the Ye family can't help him, he will be finished.

"Now it's not about whether you can go home or not, it's about that our Ye family will never have you as a criminal Ye Tianhu's face is expressionless. He smashes Ye Feng's last fluke.

Ye Fengru lost his life in kao'an. He nearly fell down after shaking his body a few times. He was handcuffed by Guo'an's people when he was lost.

"President ye, the prison is not as good as the outside. Don't drag it like this, or you will die ugly." Su Xun kindly reminded him.

Ye Feng's eyes are red and his teeth are gnashing. "Su, don't be proud. If you lose your power at home, people from abroad will not let you go. They will take revenge for me!"

Su Xun laughed and looked at Guoan and said, "can I have a chat with him?"

They looked at each other, nodded and stepped back.

After all, Ye Feng has been handcuffed, and he is not afraid of hurting people.

"You're afraid, aren't you? People abroad depend on guns for food. They won't listen to your explanation. " Ye Feng's face showed a mocking smile.

Su Xun shook his head, got close to Ye Feng's ear, lowered his voice and said, "do you mean your foreign mercenary company? I'm sorry, they were washed out by gunfire half an hour ago. "

"No way!" Ye Feng almost blurted out subconsciously.

"No? Come on, I'll invite you to see a movie. After all, you won't have a chance to see it when you go in. " Su Xun took out his mobile phone and played a silent video in front of Ye Feng.

In the video, gunfire, smoke, building collapse, people everywhere.

Ye Feng's lips are trembling, because in the video, it is his mercenary company headquarters that is covered by gunfire, and all of them turn to ashes in an instant.

Su Xun put away his mobile phone and gave him a smile: "introduce yourself, Satan, the king of mercenaries. I'm glad to meet you in this way."

Ye Feng suddenly widened his eyes.

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