The next day was Wednesday.

Su Xun came to the long lost campus.

When Su Xun came into the classroom, everyone was in a trance, because they almost forgot when Su Xun came to the classroom last time.

Su Xun and three roommates said hello, and then calmly went to an Zijin and sat down.

"How did you come to class?" An Zijin pushed him with his arm.

Su Xun said with a smile: "class is secondary, mainly want to see you."

"Poor mouth." An Son Jin Jiao is angry a, jade hand pinched to pinch Su Xun's nose.

Su Xun grabs her hand, and an Zijin dodges quickly, with a proud expression on his face.

Dog food is scattered all over the classroom.

Until Liu Yun came into the classroom, they stopped killing dogs.

Liu Yun's face was a little unnatural when she saw Su Xun.

Because yesterday Ye Feng in the detention center to find a lawyer with the divorce agreement to her, with a letter.

Originally, according to Liu Yun's idea, although she doesn't like Ye Feng, she has to worry about Ye Feng's psychological feelings. She will talk about the divorce later.

I didn't expect Ye Feng to mention it first.

Ye Feng wrote a sentence in the letter: live well with Su Xun.

Liu Yun's face was wonderful when she saw this sentence. Why did everyone think she had something to do with Su Xun?

They are very pure teacher-student relationship!!!

Am I really a good match for him?

Are you kidding me? Liu Yun, I can't do this kind of thing with students!

"Did you make Miss Liu angry? Why is she staring at you all the time? " An Son Jin low voice asked a sentence.

Su Xun pondered for a moment, then blinked: "maybe I'm handsome."

"Go away." An Zi Jin rolled a white eye.

On the platform, Liu Yun took a deep breath to calm down, and then began the class.

Different from the past, Liu Yun was obviously absent-minded in her lecture today and made several mistakes.

Liu Yun also found this, after class, she said apologetically: "sorry, everyone, today I'm not in the state."

Liu Yun is very popular with her students at ordinary times, so everyone says that she is not in the way. Instead, she is concerned about whether she has encountered any difficulties.

"Thank you for your concern. I just didn't have a good rest." Liu Yun smiles and looks at Su Xun: "Su Xun, come to the office with me."

She was moved by the trust of her classmates, so she couldn't continue to have classes in this state today.

The source that made her unable to concentrate was Su Xun, so she wanted to talk to Su Xun.

Su Xun was stunned. He didn't understand what Liu Yun wanted to do.

"What are you doing? Go." An Zi Jin pushed to push the arm of Su Xun.

Su Xun responded and got up to keep up with Liu Yun.

Liu Yun walked in front of him in a black suit, and the figure of Miaoman fell in Su Xun's eyes, full of beauty.

As if he could feel Su Xun's eyes behind him, Liu Yun walked faster and faster. He was relieved when he walked into the office.

"Miss Liu, what can I do for you?"

Su Xun dragged a chair and sat opposite Liu Yun.

Liu Yun took a deep breath, looked at Su Xun and said seriously, "Su Xun, can you stop coming to school these days?"

"No, Miss Liu, I've managed to spare some time to study. You told me not to come." Su Xun felt that his desire for learning had been hit. Is there anything more enjoyable than learning in the world?

Listen, is this horse riding human?

Liu Yun rolled her eyes: "are you here to learn? I'm sorry to tear you down. I didn't see you touching an Zijin's hand under the desk, did I? "

"Miss Liu, don't insult people's innocence out of thin air. I'm obviously touching my legs." Su Xunyi justifies himself, and he will never be wronged.

Liu Yun's pretty face is slightly red: "I'm sorry to say that I used my hand instead. Can you still order my face?"

"Miss Liu, I asked if I was shameless. You are selling human organs." Su Xun looked at her seriously.

Liu Yun helplessly helped her forehead: "don't be poor. I'll tell you the truth. Seeing you, I'm not in the mood to teach."

"Miss Liu, is this a confession? All of a sudden, I... " Su Xun looked shy and embarrassed.

Before he finished, Liu Yun took up the book and smashed it: "be serious, it's because of yesterday. You know what you said to Ye Feng."

"What did you say?" Su Xun looked puzzled.

Liu Yun blushed and stammered: "you What do you say, teacher Liu, you will take care of him. Who let you talk nonsense? Ye Feng misunderstood. "

"Ah, Miss Liu, I think you have misunderstood me too. This person's mind is not clean and everything is not clean. Come on, my desire for learning, I hope to control it for the time being. I won't come these two days."Su Xun sighed, got up, walked out of the office, and said carelessly.

Liu Yun sat on the chair for a long time to react, this little bastard's subtext is that he coveted his beauty?


"What do you want from Miss Liu?"

Back in the classroom, an Zijin can't wait to ask.

Su Xun told the truth: "Miss Liu found that I secretly touched your leg in class."

"Ah An Zijin exclaimed, her pretty face flushed, and she was very angry: "it's all your fault. Don't touch it. You don't believe it. Don't touch it in the future!"

Su Xun had no choice but to show his hand: "come on, let your voice be so loud. Now not only teacher Liu knows, but the whole class knows."

An Son Jin a Leng, look around, discover the whole class classmate don't know when all surround come over, is a face eight diagrams of stare at them.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

An Zijin feels that he is going to collapse. With a scream, he rushes into Su Xun's arms with a red face, buries his face on his chest, and dares not look up at other people like a frightened quail.

I'm dying. How can I get along with these students!

It's Su Xun's fault to tell him not to mess around. He just refuses to settle down and hates it.

"Brother Xun, you can. Your class is full of pink and full of love

"I didn't expect the monitor to be so obedient. It's amazing."

"Seek elder brother, slippery not slippery."

A group of people are joking, with a bad smile on their faces, and winking.

Su Xun held an Zijin in his arms, looked at the others, waved his hand to drive them away, and sneered: "OK, OK, what are you doing around me? I have my girlfriend's long legs in class, which can be touched. You single dogs can only play by yourself at night, and now you can still laugh?"

The smiles on people's faces became stiff gradually, and they couldn't smile when they were smiling, even they suddenly wanted to cry.

Su Xun's words made them feel as if they were pierced by a long sword.

Su Xun hugged an Zijin and said, "come on, the single dogs continue to laugh."

All of you

This counterattack is brutal.

Big brother, it's hard to break down!

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