Since talking to Liu Yun on Wednesday.

Su Xun has never been to school and focuses on the work of Qingyun international.

The uprooting of Canglong chamber of Commerce caused a great sensation in Jiangzhou Province, and the two neighboring provinces were also affected.

Until this time, all the people found that there was such a huge thing hidden in the boundary of Jiangzhou.

When people react, they suddenly find that the enterprises of Canglong chamber of Commerce have changed. Dawangqi has become the industry of Qingyun international.

They beat their chests, scolded Su Xun for being insatiable, and then fought for the leftovers that Qingyun international hadn't had time to swallow.

They had never seen anything as ugly as Su Xun. Just like when he bought flash star entertainment, he really didn't want to give them a mouthful of soup.

If they hadn't found out earlier, they wouldn't have had the last sip of soup.

However, although he was not happy with Su Xun, no one dared to show it.

After all, Qingyun international was already very strong. Now it has swallowed up the legacy of Canglong chamber of Commerce and become stronger. Who dares to stroke his tiger beard? Isn't that a death wish?

On Saturday, Su Xun met a big man in Qingyun building.

After all, the volume of the International Chamber of Commerce will expand rapidly.

The development of enterprises to this point is not his own business, every move is related to the people's livelihood.

As a conscientious entrepreneur whose office walls are covered with banners, Su Xun naturally showed great satisfaction to the boss, and they had a good talk.

After talking for half an hour, Su xuncai personally sent the big man away.

Then that night, Qingyun international went on the news broadcast of provincial TV station, and was praised as an excellent enterprise with a strong sense of social responsibility.

To put it bluntly, even if Qingyun international wants to go bankrupt, the government will not allow him to go bankrupt.

Because once it goes bankrupt, first of all, the huge amount of loans owed to banks will not be paid back. Secondly, the local economy will decline rapidly and the number of unemployed people will soar.

So when a company reaches a certain size and undertakes more and more social responsibilities, it will be very difficult for it to go bankrupt as long as it does not die.

That night, Su Xun was very happy. His spirited spirit made Qin Zhu almost fall apart.

In a flash of time, it's Monday.

It's the day of new identities.

The location of the extraction, or the bed.

"System, extract the ninth new identity."

[drawing Successful extraction. Congratulations on the host's new identity: Alien traitor. 】

[on the surface, you are an earthman, but in fact, you have a deeper and more unknown identity, a r star rebel who failed to rebel with the marshal 30 years ago and fled to the earth in a spaceship after defeat. 】

[thirty years ago, a rebellion broke out on R star, and countless people started to mutiny. Your Yulong army was also one of the rebels. In the end, the rebellion was suppressed, and the marshal of the Yulong army was executed. You ran away from R star in a hurry, and at the same time, you were designated as a wanted criminal in the universe. 】

[now r star is again in full swing, and warlords are fighting. Your remaining subordinates find you through the Galactic coordinates you left, and let you go back and lead them to fight for their ideals. 】

[identity ability: strength, speed, spirit and fury. 】

[identity mission: return to R star, end the scuffle, and establish a unified country. This mission has no time limit. 】

Su Xun was confused. He was lying in the trough. His identity was a bit strong. Did I have to be so strong that the earth can't hold me?

An ordinary man goes to the alien world to be a general, and he is a rebel. He has to end the war. How can he be!

He felt that this task was hell level difficulty. If he couldn't do it well, he might be in outer space.

All of a sudden, he thought of his former identity as a mercenary.

Lying trough, the system will not have begun to lay the groundwork at that time. The mercenary is just an appetizer to increase his actual combat experience and practice. Now this is the dinner.

Thinking of this, he asked: "system, is there a rule in extracting identity?"

[no, completely random. 】

Su Xun thought about it carefully. It seems that he had no rules in his previous identities.

"System, can I come back after I finish the task?" After all, the earth is his home, and his root is here.

[return to the host. After completing the mission, you can return to the host by yourself. You can travel freely between R star and the earth. Everything depends on the host. 】

"can I take other people to R star in the future?" Su Xun asked again.

[yes, it's the freedom of the host. 】

Su Xun took a breath of cool air. This system is even more powerful than he thought. It's even better to play on the earth before, but now it's directly developed into outer space.What's the origin of this system, and what's the purpose of completing one identity task after another?

"What are you doing? Who are you talking to?"

Qin Zhu, who had just got up, sat cross legged beside Su Xun and looked at him suspiciously.

"Nothing." Su Xun threw the quilt over her body and said, "you may want to go out with me."

Well, this is a long trip.

According to the memory of his inherited identity, R star is too dangerous to step on the horse. All the soldiers who fight in battle are wearing machine armour to bomb or chop, and all kinds of black technology weapons are flying all over the world.

It's not safe to take other people. It's much safer to take Qin Zhu, who will be invisible. By the way, it can also enhance your sense of security.

This identity is very dangerous, but in the same way, danger and opportunity always go hand in hand.

For example, R star has drugs that can delay people's aging and prolong people's life span. R star's average life span is 500 years, all kinds of diseases are not invaded, and all kinds of high technology are developed to explosion. All these make Su Xun very excited.

He wanted to bring everything back to earth.

Qin Zhu didn't think so. She was used to going out with Su Xun: "OK, just go."

While speaking, she grabbed the remote control and turned on the TV across the bed, because she knew that Su Xun was used to watching the morning news.

"Now we have an express. Twenty minutes ago, a citizen's mobile phone captured a video of a suspected UFO landing. In the video, we can see a mass of dark shadow, the speed of light drops, and finally suddenly disappears without a trace..."

"It's also UFO. It's funny. Why don't we say there are aliens?" Qin Zhu sneered. After all, there are so many UFO news in recent years that none of them has been confirmed.

Su Xun's face was strange, because he was sure that the UFO was real, because the spaceship came to pick him up.

His career as a general, and as a rebel, is about to begin.

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