Eight in the morning.

Su Xun is having breakfast in the restaurant.

Today, I eat Cantonese breakfast. It can be said that in a month, unless Su Xun has to order a dish, he will not eat any repeated dishes in a month.

The eight major cuisines, French, German, Japanese, Korean, are different in the morning, middle and evening. The kitchen is made according to his taste.

It can be said that the kitchen served by yuliangshan manor is bigger than some star hotels.

"Sir, there are two people outside to see you."

Ah long came in, put his hands on his abdomen and said with a slight bow.

Su Xun: "take them to the reception room and wait for me."

His premonition told him that it was the R star.

Although I don't know what method the other party used to find himself so accurately.

"Yes." Ah long answered and turned to leave.

After wiping his mouth, Su Xun put down the tableware in his hand and got up: "take your time. I'll see the guests."

"Or I'll wait for you." Liao Yu put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand.

Su Xun gave a little smile and shook his head: "no, I'm finished. You still have to go to the company."

Voice down, rubbed the head of rub Yan Yurou, step out of the living room.

The reception hall is on the left side of the main villa, which is specially used to receive guests.

When Su Xun went in, there were two young men in black suits, straight back, meticulous and squint on the sofa.

Seeing Su Xun come in, they got up as if they had received instructions. Their feet were close together, and their right hands were clenched in their hearts: "see you, general."

This is the general salute of R star.

"Hello." Su Xun returned a gift and said lightly: "rank, position, purpose."

One of them stepped forward and said firmly: "Su Xun of the jade dragon army nodded. On the surface, he was calm, but in fact, he was a little excited. This is the first time he saw black technology with his own eyes.

The military uniform on the body can be changed into any kind of clothes I have seen in my memory at will. If it is sold on the earth, it will definitely make countless women crazy.

After all, buying a suit is equivalent to having all the clothes in the world, but this is just one of the most basic functions of regular military uniform on R star.

Su Xun's identity is the highest commander of the third army under the jade dragon legion, and the cloud sea officer in the mouth of Chiyang is Su Xun's adjutant, who is loyal to Su Xun.

Su Xun went to the sofa and sat down: "sit down. Tell me about the current situation of R star."

"General, it records all the current status of R star." Chiyang takes out a transparent crystal and hands it to Su Xun.

In Su Xun's identity memory, this device is equivalent to the earth's memory card, but the difference is that the human body can also absorb the information inside.

Su Xun took the crystal chip and pasted it on his forehead. Then a lot of information poured into his mind one by one.

Thirty years ago, Shenyang Empire, the ruler of R star, spent a great deal of energy to fight against the rebellion on the basis of its already precarious situation, and seriously lost its own strength.

Therefore, only 30 years later, R star rose again, and the remaining forces once again raised the flag against the rule of the Shenyang empire.

The last details of the Shenyang Empire were basically exhausted in the anti rebel war 30 years ago, so this time the Shenyang Empire has no strength to support such a large-scale anti rebel war.

The scuffles between the army and the warlords all over the country are in name of overthrowing the rule of the Shenyang empire. In fact, they are frantically seizing territory, acting like bandits.

As a rebellious army within the Empire at that time, the jade dragon army was also the most powerful one. It was not completely destroyed 30 years ago, and many people escaped like Su Xun.

So today, 30 years later, the jade dragon army is making a comeback again. Now the highest commander of the jade dragon army is Yulin, the only son of the old marshal.

The four armies of the Yulong legion, the first, the second, the third and the fourth, have all been reorganized.

The former commanders of the first and Fourth Armies died 30 years ago, so the two armies reorganized this time are all recruits.

At present, only the backbone of the second army and the Third Army remain.

The overall situation of R star today is that the Shenyang empire is still struggling, the army and the warlords are fighting for territory, the bandits are rampant, and the people are suffering.

This situation made Su Xun think of the chaotic period of the people and the state of the earth.

"You stay here until I've arranged for you to leave tomorrow."

After reading all the information, Su Xun said to the two school officials that this was an order, not a discussion.

The earth is his base, so you have to hand over the things in your hands to go far.

Although he had the identity of an alien, he was just an identity. In his heart, he was a real earthman.This trip is equivalent to going out to fight. No matter you are rich or not, you always have to go back to your hometown in the end.

Even if he died in the war, his body would have to be buried on the earth. It's the Longguo people's obsession with home.

"Yes, general!"

They got up to salute again and watched Su Xun leave.

When Su Xun returns to the restaurant, he finds that Liao Yu and Yan Yurou are still waiting for him.

Although he was a little moved, Su Xun pretended to be unhappy and said: "don't you say don't wait? How to eat when the food is cold. "

"It's not going to get cold so soon. Eat it." Liao Yu said, pulling Su Xun to sit down beside him.

Su Xun shook his head helplessly. After sitting down, he had breakfast and said, "in two days, Qin Zhu and I will go out for a long journey together. Take care of our family. I'll come back to have a look when I have time."

It's not difficult for the R-star spacecraft to go back and forth to the earth, so he can go back to the earth for a few days without war.

In the past, watching science fiction movies always had the plot of alien invading the earth.

But after understanding the technology of R star, Su Xun knew that this would not happen at all, because r star could not see such a low civilization planet as earth.

If we really want to invade, it will be a crushing war between the higher civilization and the lower civilization. There is no chance to resist.

"Why take her again." Yan Yurou is not happy and jealous.

Qin Zhu said triumphantly, "because I'm useful. Unlike you cow, what's your use except for the two soft basketball?"

"Yes, you are useful. Your biggest function is to scratch in bed at night." Yan Yurou turned a white eye, and tit for tat, retorted.

Su Xun said: "come on, don't make any noise. This time I'll take Qin Zhu to the examination room first, and then I'll take you all."

"Where are you going?" Liao Yu asked curiously.

Su Xun didn't answer directly, but he said with a smile, "it's a far place, and I haven't been there. This is my first time."

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