A day later.

Su Xun arranged everything for his family and company, and after settling down for a meal, he took Qin Zhu and set out.

A big black G drives smoothly on the mountain road, aiming at a big mountain outside Jiangnan City.

Quancheng is the driver, Chiyang is the co pilot, and Su Xun and Qin Zhu are in the back row.

Chiyang and Quancheng didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Su Xun's behavior of bringing an earthman back to R.

Su Xun is an officer. It's not up to their two little school officials to tell him what to do.

"Where are we going?"

Looking at the fast retreating trees outside the window, Qin Zhu's face is full of doubts. Shouldn't he go abroad by plane?

Are you going to drive to Africa?

"A far away place." Su Xun touched her black hair.

Qin Zhu rolled a white eye: "where is that on earth, you say."

"You'll know when you get there." Su Xun is going to give Qin Zhu a big surprise.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in a clearing deep in the mountains.

It was not an open space originally. It can be seen from the broken roots around it. It was obviously caused by human beings.

"What's the matter with these soldiers?"

Through the window, Qin Zhu saw hundreds of soldiers standing in the open space without any weapons.

Su Xun didn't answer her. He just pulled her out of the car.

"See you, sir!"

Five hundred people saluted together, and the momentum was like a rainbow. They went straight to the Xiaohan. Their right hand hit the heart and made a dull sound, just like thunder.

In this scene, even an otaku will be excited.

Su Xun also gave a military salute, then looked at red sun and said, "where's our spaceship?"

Qin Zhu:


"Look, sir." Red sun pointed to the location of the open space, and then in situ a black spaceship revealed its huge figure.

Standing in front of it, man is as small as an ant.

Qin Zhu opened his mouth into an O-shape and muttered to himself, "it turns out that what he said on the news is true."

It wasn't until Su Xun took him to the spaceship that Qin Zhu realized that this time he was a very far away kind.

"Boom -"

the spacecraft slowly lifted off, hovered in place for about ten seconds, and then turned into a streamer to fly out of the atmosphere.

At the same time, satellites of many countries have captured this scene.

Before the spaceship stopped in the mountains for two days, there was no satellite photography, it was completely because the spaceship turned on stealth mode.

Once invisible, the earth's technology can not detect its existence.

"Oh, MAIGA, UFO, UFO appears in the sky of dragon kingdom. Report to Bai, Gong, general manager and Tong immediately."

"Xie te, the dragon people have hidden a spaceship! No wonder it's so hard these days! "

"Maybe the dragon people have colluded with the aliens! If they want to rule the earth and protest, they must let Longguo share all the data for free. "

"The hacker Emperor may be the one who was trained by the Dragon kingdom to master alien technology..."

Countless countries have speculated why UFO took off on the territory of dragon state, and various conspiracy theories have emerged.

"Order, immediately send the nearest army team to the place where the spaceship takes off to carry out military control."

At the same time, Longguo has brought the mountain where the spaceship took off into the military control zone.

Generally speaking, in Longguo, information will be blocked in case of causing public panic.

However, other countries will not give dragon the opportunity to directly put the satellite photos on the Internet.

For a time, things about UFO set off a high fever on the Internet, many people connect the hacker emperor with aliens.

Otherwise, how to explain the hacker emperor's hacker technology is so powerful?


At this time, Su Xun, the hacker emperor, was on the spaceship, enjoying the space scenery through the window.

"Master, I didn't expect you to be an alien. Do you want to invade the earth? I tell you, I won't be a traitor!"

Qin Zhu looked at Su Xun seriously. He was ready to die generously for his country.

She has a lot of stories about alien invasion.

Su Xun couldn't laugh or cry. He flicked on her forehead: "you have a problem in your head. Where are so many conspiracy theories coming from? What's more, do you really need so much trouble to invade the earth?"

Qin Zhu thought about it. Looking at all kinds of high technology in the spaceship, he seemed to think too much.

"As a pet, you dare to show your teeth to the owner like this. You've grown up." Su Xun pinched Qin Zhu's face.

Qin Zhu, with a pitiful expression, said in a sweet voice: "master, people are wrong. How about forgiving them?""No way." Su Xun's face was expressionless.

Qin Zhu's eyes turned. He came to Su Xun's ear and said in a low voice. Then he blushed: "that's OK."

Su Xun looked at her perfect body, rolled her throat, and sighed sincerely: "you really scratch."

"I hate it." Qin Zhu blushed and said.

Su Xun shivered. Why didn't he find that the female ghost was so beautiful before?

"Report, sir. The radar has detected an unidentified ship ahead."

All of a sudden, a soldier on the center console said out loud.

Red sun walked over to see a few eyes, then yelled: "everyone, enter combat mode!"

As his voice fell, the walls on both sides of the spaceship rose up, and a black exoskeleton mecha lined up in it.

Five hundred soldiers came forward in order.

A few minutes later, five hundred armed with laser guns and nearly three meters tall mecha appeared in front of Su Xun's eyes, giving him a sense of suffocation and oppression.

Su Xun inherited his identity memory. Seeing this scene, he knew for a long time that these soldiers were controlling the mecha when they were fighting, so he didn't react much.

But Qin Zhu almost stares out. After all, except in the movie, when did he see such a scene.

"Sir, we may have encountered space pirates. Please give us your instructions!"

Red sun came to Su Xun, his voice was sonorous and powerful, with an iron momentum.

Space pirates, as Su Xun knows, are mostly bandits made up of a group of space wanted criminals.

These people are flying around in the space, plundering the ships, and even daring to fight against the ships carrying military supplies. They are extremely rampant.

"Give them a warning to get out of the way. If not, fire them directly."

Su Xun's orders were also neat.

In fact, the best way is to bypass, because the detection radar on the pirate ship is certainly not as good as that on the military transport ship.

They find the pirates first, but the pirates may not find them, so they can avoid a conflict by avoiding them in advance.

However, Su Xun couldn't avoid it, because it would be weak and easy to leave a bad impression on these soldiers who met for the first time.

When we get back to R star, these people will definitely tell us what he did today, and then everyone will know that he was scared to make a detour by a pirate ship.

Most of the reorganized Third Army are also recruits. These people don't know him, so the first impression is very important.

Decisive, strong and clean, this is the officer that all soldiers like.

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