"Yes, general."

Red sun spirit, eyes beating with eager to try the flame.

On the contrary, he is worried that the pirates will give way when they hear the warning, which will undoubtedly reduce a lot of fun.

As a middle-level officer, his attitude towards war is fanatical.

"Do you still have a mecha?" Su Xun asked.

He completed the task of mercenary and got the reward of proficient driving skills. Driving mecha should also belong to driving.

If the pirates don't know what to do, he plans to use them to practice first.

Chiyang nodded: "your mecha has been destroyed in the war and can't be repaired. General Yunhai asked you to make a new one according to the original. General, please follow me."

Red Sun took Su Xun to a room at the end of the spaceship.

In the center of the room is a transparent crystal cabinet, in which there is a mecha.

The mecha is different from the ordinary soldier.

First, the height should be higher than a section. Second, the color is not pure black, but red and black. There is a moon like horn on the head, and a red cape behind.

Cold, serious, killing, that's how it feels.

Next to the armor is a red lightsaber.

As long as it's a man, it can't resist the temptation of mecha.

Su Xun went over. Chiyang pressed a switch and the crystal cabinet opened. The armor and lightsaber were still floating in the same place.

"Facial recognition is in progress. Scanning is in progress. Scanning is successful. Please confirm whether it is bound to the mecha, Mr. general."

A cold mechanical sound sounded in the open room.

"Confirm." Su Xun replied.


Su Xun stepped forward again, and the exoskeleton machine armor automatically covered Su Xun's body separately, wrapping his whole body in it.

"Building neural connections Connection successful. "

"Welcome, sir."

Su Xun took a step to control the mecha, without any sense of weight bearing, as if the whole person was integrated with the mecha, and he could do whatever he wanted.

In front of Su Xun's eyes were all kinds of data, such as attack mode, firepower selection, remaining energy, damage degree of mecha, all of which were displayed in digital form.

Two small caliber laser cannons are carried on the arm of the machine armour as the main guns of the machine armour. One shot is enough to kill a tank.

Of course, the tanks here refer to the tanks of the earth. The tanks of R star are much better than the tanks of the earth in terms of artillery and defense.

"It's big."

Qin Zhu stood at the foot of Su Xun and looked up at him. His pretty face was full of shock.


All of a sudden, the ship shook violently.

"Report, sir, before we gave any warning, the pirate ship took the lead in firing."

A soldier ran in to report.

"Counterattack, launch ion bombardment, destroy the opponent's control system."

While Su Xun ordered, he went to the control console of the spaceship.

"Ion gun is ready to launch."


"Laser gun set up, launch."


Through the console, Su Xun could see that behind a huge meteorite, a spaceship with a skull was attacking his own spaceship.

The meteorite is constantly being hit and blasted by gunfire.

After a short fight, the pirate ship seemed to be aware of the gap between the two sides in the fierce artillery fire. It did not love to fight and retreated decisively.

By this time, the surface of the pirate ship had been damaged and was emitting black smoke.

The ship that came to pick up Su Xun was a high-level cargo in the warship. The strength of artillery and defense was not comparable to that of the pirate ship.

"Catch up and force them to stop on the nearest planet. None of the pirates will stay!"

"Yes, general."

So the two ships went after each other in space.

Chasing Su Xun found something wrong. The other side was not running away, but intentionally leading them to a desolate planet.

"General, he's trying to lead us down and destroy us on land."

Red sun also saw the idea of the group of pirates.

Pirates may not be as good as soldiers and teams in hardware equipment, but they are definitely rich in individual combat experience.

After all, they plunder in space, and they will land and plunder when they encounter some less defensive planets. They have fought at least hundreds of times.

So the other side wanted to use their own advantages to fight on land to kill Su Xun and others.

"That's what they want."

In the mecha, the corner of Su Xun's mouth rose, and a touch of light irony was aroused.

At the same time, the pirate ship ahead.

A large group of pirates were standing in the cabin with weapons in all kinds of messy individual machine armour."Don't be too fast, let them keep up with us."

A strong man with a big beard and a scar on his face said.

"Don't worry, captain. Those stupid people must have thought we were running away in a hurry."

"I don't think it's right. That warship is marked with the R star Yulong Legion. How could the Yulong Legion ship be here?"

"What's wrong? Today's Jade Dragon army is not what it used to be. It's just a group of recruits. Tear them up. This ship is ours."

"I'm really worried that their recruits will be scared to pee in a moment. Ha ha ha ha ha..."

A group of people were full of rebellious words, as if the ship behind had been in their bag.

"Stand firm, I'm going to start landing."

The silver white pirate ship broke through the atmosphere of a planet and finally landed at the foot of a desolate mountain.

Su Xun's spaceship also landed nearby.

The door of the pirate ship opened, and hundreds of Pirates rushed out without any rules.

"Let's leave the jade boat, we can think about it."

The captain took the laser gun in his hand and shot several times. He pulled his throat and yelled. The pirates behind him were all roaring and howling.

But soon their faces changed.

As they watched, the door of the Yulong's warship opened, and rows of soldiers in exoskeleton mecha came out.

"Step on, step on..."

The neat pace and the sound of friction and collision of mecha give people a strong sense of oppression.

A strong air of killing came, which made everyone feel as if they were in a sea of blood.

The captain of the pirate ship changed his face and roared: "this is the elite of the jade dragon army. Leave a team of people to cover, others to retreat, retreat."

As soon as his voice was over, Su Xun took the lead in controlling the mecha. It was like a streamer rushing into the pirate formation, holding a lightsaber to chop down the pirate captain.

Other soldiers hold laser guns to fire at the pirates. The pirates hide around and fight back. For a moment, the scene is chaotic.

"Stab -"

Su Xun's lightsaber slashed the pirate captain's mecha and pulled out a spark. The pirate captain hit the ground heavily, and the dust splashed.

"Go to hell with you."

The captain of the pirate was also aroused. He rolled on the ground and got up. His gun was aimed at Su Xun.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

Su Xun was hit by one of the cannons and flew backward.

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