"My Lord, we are going into space soon. The rebel warships can't catch up with us."

A lieutenant general wiped the sweat on his forehead and said happily.

Other people also smile one after another. When they return to the capital, they are still human beings. Why do they have to lose their lives here?

They have a noble status. If they were killed by some mud legs, it would be too bad.

"That's good, that's good."

Tengfei was relieved and hugged DA in his arms. Princess Bo was shocked, which made him feel warm and safe in his mother's arms.

All of a sudden, he eyebrows a pick: "eh, you quickly look, what is that thing?"

They followed the direction he pointed out and saw a few red lights coming towards them.

"It's like a missile." A major general spoke softly.

Take off the moment is suddenly realized: "so this is the missile ah."

As a prince, the head of a city, he can't even recognize the missile. It's conceivable what a shockbag it is.

Then he asked, "are these missiles flying towards us?"

After asking, no one answered.

Tengfei turned his head in doubt and found that all the people behind him were pale, trembling and silent.

"My Lord, that missile is what hit us." One of the generals trembled and said, shaking his legs.

Everyone is too late to repent. Why not destroy the defense system and attack system of the city before running?

Take off suddenly reaction: "what!"

"Ah, ah, ah!"

The big wave princess in his arms screamed and trembled: "my Lord, I don't want to die, my Lord."

"I don't want to either!" Take off a batch of panic.

Some people are more sober: "quick, intercept, intercept these missiles, immediately escort Wang to the escape capsule."

Boom! Boom!

Several missiles are fired out. The so-called interception is to let the missile detonate in the air before it is about to hit the target.

But how can shipborne missile interception system be compared with the missile used to protect the city? They are not in the same rank at all.

The ship took off, so it hit almost at the same time.

"Boom! Boom

The warship was hit, lost its balance, and began to smoke, burn, and plummet.

Seven or eight small escape pods were detached from the fallen warship.

However, as soon as they met the warship sent by the Soviet Union, they were chased.

The small escape capsule was as small as an ant in front of the huge warship, and finally landed on the land under the threat of the warship's muzzle.

The warship descended with the escape capsule.

After landing, a group of soldiers equipped with exoskeleton mecha rushed down from the warship and surrounded the escape capsule.

Several escape pods, surrounded by a large number of soldiers, looked pitiful, weak and helpless.

"Come out! Get out of here

"Don't Don't shoot. I'm Tengfei. I'm the Lord of the Shenyang empire. "

Tengfei once again took the lead. The first one scrambled out of the escape capsule. Behind him was his big wave princess.

The "loyal ministers" of the other Shenyang Empire also followed one after another and climbed out of the escape capsule and became prisoners.


After launching cruise positioning missiles to hit the soaring warships in the city, Su Xun believed that the people in the city really surrendered.

But for the sake of safety, only half of the people went into the city, and the other half were stationed outside the city just in case.

There were 30000 defenders who surrendered, and 50000 of them were on the ships they left.

Su Xun was sitting at the top of the city Lord's mansion. He still had the feeling of dreaming, dizzy.

Now I feel like I'm ready to fight with no strength.

but here we must thank the old fellow who is flying over. Hope he can love the few rockets that the troops have just sent down.

"Yunhai, you are responsible for breaking up and reorganizing the demobilized troops. You can't let them get together to avoid chaos."

"Control the main points of the city immediately and pacify the people in the city."

"Let the army outside the city begin to enter the city."

Su Xun's orders were sent out, and the army ran at a high speed like a machine.

"Report to the general, the general of Yuancheng has taken off and his important officials have been caught by us."

Red sun came in high spirited, saluted Su Xun, and said excitedly.

After all, this is a great achievement.

"Please come in soon."

Su Xun said with a smile.

"Yes, general."

The major answered, then rushed out the door and called, "bring people in!"As his voice fell, two groups of soldiers escorted more than a dozen people into the hall, led by Tengfei and his princess Dabo.

All the people were trembling, pale, walking with a shudder, slow as a snail.

"Which is take-off."

Su Xun's eyes swept over the people below. There were too many kings in the Shenyang Empire, and he didn't know which onion Tengfei was.

"Back Back to the general, he is taking off

Without waiting for Tengfei to speak, a senior colonel stood up and pointed to Tengfei.

"Who are you?" Su Xun looked at the big school.

The senior commander knelt down on his knees and said with a flattering face: "general Mingjian, villain Zhu Qun, admiring the general for a long time. Today I can see the real face. Even if I die, I'm satisfied."

Other people around Tengfei scold him shamelessly in their hearts. Now they finally know why this guy has lost so many battles and can come back alive every time.

"Is it?" Su Xun sneered and said calmly, "come on, drag it out and kill it!"

Two soldiers came forward, one left and one right, picked up a group of Zhu, just like carrying a chicken.


Zhu a group of moment is scared to panic, legs kept kicking: "general spare my life, please general spare my dog's life, I am willing to serve for the general!"

"Well! Don't you say you are satisfied with my true face today, even if you die? Or did you just lie to me? "

Su Xun's eyes were coldly fixed on Zhu.

Zhu's words were just for flattery. How could he think that Su Xun was going to kill him.

It's just a proposition that he doesn't know how to answer.

"Drag it down." Su Xun yelled.

"No! General, spare your life! General, spare your life

Zhu's group kept struggling, crying and roaring. Finally, with the sound of a gun outside the hall, everything was calm.

Inside the hall, Tengfei and others shiver subconsciously. No one dares to flatter at will any more. After all, Zhu group is a lesson from the past.

Su Xun's eyes fell on the people again and asked again, "which is take-off?"

"I I'm taking off. " Take off hit a spirit, trembling stand out.

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