"Lord Teng, are you cold? Why are you shaking? "

Su Xun had a smile on his face.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The other officers were all laughing and their eyes were full of banter.

For these rebels, what is more interesting than humiliating the imperial power that once stood high?

Tengfei's face was blue and white, and a forced smile came out of his face: "no, it's not cold. The general is so powerful that Xiao Wang can't help admiring him. His legs become disobedient."

"See?" Su Xun patted his thigh and said with admiration: "the Lord is the Lord. The level of flattery is different. It's much smarter than that stupid pig group just now."

They all laughed and soared, feeling humiliated and angry, but helpless.

"I ask you, do you want to die or live?" Su Xun looked at Tengfei and asked.

His face at this moment, like a villain in a TV play.

Tengfei nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "I want to live, of course I want to live."

If he wanted to die, he would have been fighting Su Xun head-on. How could he run away directly.

"If you want to live, you have to listen to me." The corner of Su Xun's mouth rose, and he raised a smile of scorn and fun: "well, you first send a global statement to accuse Teng Jun of the cruelty of the dog emperor, which shows that you are not willing to take off with him and want to kill your relatives, so you lead Yuancheng to surrender to me."

"Ah Take off the moment is no blood.

If he did, he would be the eternal sinner of the Shenyang Empire, and would make the already precarious Shenyang Empire even worse.

This is killing people!

Su Xun's eyes slightly condensed: "why, no?"

"Brush, brush!"

The mecha soldiers on both sides of the hall raised their laser guns and aimed at the takeoff.

If he dare to say no, he will be torn to pieces by laser.

"Yes! All right Between Dayi and Xiaoming, Tengfei chose Xiaoming.

Su Xun waved and asked the soldiers to put away their guns. He said to a major, "take Lord Teng down and prepare a manuscript for him."

R star does not have such things as movies and TV programs, but it also has similar news products, so that people can understand the laws announced by the state at the first time.

"Yes, general." The major answered, and then went to take off: "please, Lord."

"General, my princess." Tengfei is still a sentimental seed, and he has never forgotten his concubine.

After all, only the princess that big wave can bring him a little bit of security, let him enjoy maternal care.

Su Xun took a look at Princess Dabo and said, "naturally, the prince and the princess will not be separated. Let's go together."

"Thank you, general." Tengfei was relieved.

After Tengfei and his wife left, Su Xun's eyes fell on other people again. They were too lazy to talk nonsense, so he waved: "pull out, all dead."

"Ah! No, general, we are willing to serve for you. We are willing to surrender. "

"Spare your life, general. We are willing to help him. Please spare us."

"General, be kind..."

Inside the hall, there was a moment of wailing, but it was useless. All of them were taken out by the soldiers.

It's a waste of food to keep a bunch of waste.

A general stepped forward, looked at Su Xun and asked, "general, do you need to report the news of breaking the source city to the marshal now?"

It seems a little inappropriate to use the word "break down" here, because this city is just like picking it up for nothing.

"Don't worry. After the announcement of take-off, marshal will know." Su Xun said softly.

For the time being, he won't turn against Yulin. With so many materials in Yuancheng, he doesn't need Yulin anymore.

Even if Yulin was upset afterwards, she could only break her teeth and swallow them in her stomach, because Yulin didn't want to turn against Su Xun and forced Su Xun to the opponent camp.

So Su Xun is so confident that now he has a city in his hands, so he has to start to implement his plan of establishing diplomatic relations with the earth and developing R-star entertainment.

Su Xun gave the order to blockade the whole city and let Yunhai act on his behalf. Without his order, no soldiers of any army could be put into the city.

After arranging all this, Su Xun took Qin Zhu and a regiment to the earth, which should be said to be an envoy to the earth.

Chiyang and Quancheng have been promoted to two ranks as the captain and the deputy commander of the lieutenant colonel respectively for their meritorious service in escorting Su Xun back to R star.

"In the future, we should all be included in R star's textbook, that is, general Su and his wife went to the earth to establish diplomatic relations, which laid the foundation for R star's entertainment prosperity."

On the spaceship, Qin Zhu sat on Su Xun's leg and began to imagine the future.

Su Xun said: "I've read too many political books, and I've established diplomatic relations by two goals.""I don't care. That's what I'm going to write." Qin Zhudu said with his mouth.

Su Xun rolled his eyes and didn't care about the daydreaming ghost.

It's enough for R star's textbook to write about her dry wool.

When the spaceship was close to the earth, it happened to see the satellite of magnesium. Sushen had a shell smash it.

Su Xun's random move made the earth explode.

"Oh, my God, what did I see? UFO attacked our satellite!"

"Are they going to invade the earth? Is the end of mankind coming? "

Magnesium announced that it had entered a state of first-class combat readiness. At the same time, this video was released, and the world entered a state of combat readiness.

The magnesium side claims that this is a war about the survival of all mankind, and that all countries in the world should abandon contradictions for the time being and unite with each other all the time.

Su Xun, who caused all this, took a spaceship and interfered with the satellite signals of all countries in the world. After that, he swaggered over the central square of Jiangnan.

Three warships were flying across the sky, blocking the sky and the sun, and they were all noticed in an instant.

"It's cloudy all of a sudden, and the weather forecast is not accurate. What's that? The sleeper, the spaceship, the aliens are really coming!"

"Dad, come out and see the ship!"

"Good guy, those spaceships in the movie are weaker than these. How can such a big thing fly in the sky?"

"I don't know what aliens look like..."

The crowd gathered more and more, and few people felt panic. Instead, they took out their mobile phones to take photos and send them to their circle of friends.

"Step on, step on..."

Soon, the army came and evacuated the onlookers. They were all staring at the warships in the sky.

Dozens of fighters hovered in the air like dragonflies.

At the same time, in a conference room in the capital of dragon state, everyone's eyes were focused on the screen.

What is shown on the screen is the scene above Jiangnan central square at this time.

"Friends of the earth, don't worry. We're not here to start a war. We're here to establish friendly relations and cooperate with you."

The warship sent out a steady male voice, which made everyone feel relaxed.

As long as it's not an invasion, it's easy to say anything.

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