"This is CCTV, China, CCTV, audience friends, good evening. I'm wang Lin. our current location is Jiangnan central square in Jiangzhou province. With the camera's eyes, you can see that the first batch of migrant workers and cooperative enterprises going to R star and the first batch of international students are boarding the spaceship in an orderly way. Next, let's interview a crowd randomly. "

After introducing herself to the camera, the tall and beautiful female reporter shouts a 20-year-old youth with a microphone:

"Hello, little brother, excuse me, I think you are going to study in R star, right? Can you tell me what you think at this time?"

The young man blushed and said excitedly: "yes, I'm a junior of Beijing University. I'm very honored and excited to get the international student quota this time. I hope I can learn advanced science and technology from other stars and come back to serve the motherland and contribute to the development of the motherland."

Young people are all positive.

"Well, thank you very much. I'm here to wish you all a speedy return." With a smile, the reporter turned to the camera and said, "the development of society is a process of constant exploration. In this process, there will be countless difficulties and obstacles, but they will be conquered. Let's look forward to the return of these Qianqian students."

The live broadcast was conducted simultaneously by TV and Internet.

Countless barrages make people unable to see the picture clearly.

"Wocao, I was so excited last time when I watched the live broadcast of the hacker emperor. Believe it or not, my family was playing the national anthem."

"China's Niubi is the first country to establish diplomatic relations with aliens. With this, our dragon kingdom can boast for a lifetime."

"I just hope that these students will not become white eyed wolves like those who went abroad to study in the past, spend the money of the country to study abroad, and finally stay outside and refuse to come back."

"We are proud of the rise of a great power."

"Let other countries follow us."

"Brother upstairs, you are too narrow-minded. Do you know what a community of shared destiny is? Why should earth people make trouble for Earth people? They deserve to eat ash, too? They deserve nothing but farts

"Xiuer, you are in a bit of a hurry. I almost confiscate the knife in my hand."

At the same time, the big guys of island country, Bangzi country, magnesium country, Eagle country, bear country and other countries stare at the live video with envy and envy.

They don't understand why the aliens would find the Dragon kingdom? And we only cooperate with the Dragon state.

Then all the people around the world watched the spaceship take off live and disappeared into a streamer in the sky.

On the ship.

Su Xun took four women to visit everywhere.

The employees of Qingyun entertainment were handed over to a deputy director of Qingyun entertainment.

"Is this space? It's beautiful. "

Looking at the dreamy space scenery outside, everyone was obsessed with taking pictures with their mobile phones.

"You won't feel beautiful in a moment."

Qin Zhu rolled a white eye to say, at the beginning she also thought very beautiful, who knows behind all is with this similar scenery.

It's good that she can download a lot of games on her mobile phone this time.

Mobile phones are basically useless in R-star because they can't connect to the network of R-star.

The network of R star is very developed, but its usage is very simple, that is, it is used to control various systems and carry out virtual projection calls.

There are no online shopping, no games, and no entertainment related R star on the Internet.

However, I believe it will come soon.

The technology of R-star is very mature. What it lacks is that someone has put forward a certain concept and carried out specific facts.

After the earth people go, R star's entertainment business will be completely prosperous.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Mr. Su. I have to trouble you to take care of R star."

"Yes, Mr. Su Dong, you are a big hit now. Seeing you, Qingyun international is really going to be a big hit. When R star comes, we are all fellow citizens of the earth. We have a lot of contacts."

All of a sudden, a group of middle-aged men in suits and shoes surrounded Su Xun with a flattering smile on his face.

Looking around for a week, Su Xun was lying in the manger. Many of them were old acquaintances he had met. They were all well-known entrepreneurs in Longguo.

It turns out that this shameless old man has mixed up the identity of an expatriate.

However, these guys do have courage. They dare to leave their hundreds of millions of wealth and get on the spaceship as migrant workers when the situation is not clear.

Can only say, can mix to this extent, all NIMA is mediocre, other don't say, at least the courage is really big.

After all, even countries don't know about aliens. The establishment of diplomatic relations this time is a bold attempt. Aren't these people afraid that it's a conspiracy of aliens to cheat them into going back and doing experiments?

Fortunately, he didn't see his father-in-law an Nantian in the crowd. Su Xun was relieved."My dad wanted to come, but my mom stopped him." An Zijin is worthy of being Su Xun's sweet goblin. He saw through his idea at a glance.

Su Xun nodded. This is the normal situation. Although he was excited about establishing diplomatic relations with aliens, most people thought it was better not to act rashly when the situation was unclear.

If there is no conspiracy or danger, there will be a second group of migrant workers from the first group, and then they will go with the second group.

Looking at the crowd, Su Xun showed a young man's implicit smile: "you are all the elites of the business world. You are the existence that Su looks forward to. You should take care of my younger generation."

"Where, Su Dong, this is modest. Anyone with a clear eye can see that Su Dong has a bright future."

"No, I'm just an ordinary person with a little bit of money." Su Xun waved his hand.

At this time, a captain of star r in regular clothes came over with two soldiers and said respectfully to Su Xun, "Mr. Su, we've made a room for you. Now I'll take you and the four ladies."

This was Su Xun's order. He didn't want to expose his identity as an alien officer in front of the earth people, so he asked everyone to call him Mr.

Su Xun nodded and looked at a group of earth entrepreneurs in front of him with an apologetic smile: "I'm really sorry, everyone. Excuse me for a moment."

The voice falls, Su Xun takes an Zijin four female to follow the captain to leave together.


They were stunned and looked at Su Xun's back. Ten thousand grass mud horses ran past in their hearts.

Big brother, this horse is what you call an ordinary person with a little money?

All of us are not allowed to ride. Why is Su Xun so popular with the aliens?

We are all earthlings. Can he be more lucky than us?

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