Three o'clock in the morning on R.

Three warships returned from the earth to the source city.

"Wow, my God, it's just like in science fiction, steel city, robot, floating car, so cool!"

"Look at that gun. It's a trough. What's that horse? It's so big."

"Look at those fighters. I believe they will deform."

"There are too many troops in this city. There are soldiers everywhere."

When the spaceship came to Yuancheng, everyone was shocked and screamed from time to time.

Moments later, the ship landed in the city.

Under the arrangement of R-star soldiers, international students and migrant workers were divided into two groups to get off the ship and stand well.

International students will be arranged to study in a college in Yuancheng, and their major will be freely chosen by them.

And migrant workers will be assigned to various jobs, saying that they are allowed to work, in fact, they are also allowed to learn.

It's just that their place of study is not in school, but in work.

In addition to Su Xun, Qingyun entertainment also nominally led a deputy director named Zhao Yue.

Su Xun called Zhao Yue and asked him to set up a Qingyun entertainment r star Yuancheng branch in Yuancheng. Zhao Yue was fully responsible for the establishment and operation of the company.

After the establishment of the company, it is to make movies and TV, and shoot all the pictures that can't be shot because of technology.

For this reason, in the earth, Qingyun entertainment purchased the film and television copyright of many novels and the remake right of many films at one time.

The important task is on his shoulders, and Zhao Yue is extremely excited.

At the beginning, he thought he was just here to fight for Sushen.

I didn't expect that Su Xun should take charge of the branch of Qingyun entertainment in R star.

This is a branch company on an alien planet!

"Don't worry, Mr. Su. I won't let you down!"

Zhao Yue said firmly that there was a feeling that scholars died for their confidants.

After dismissing Zhao Yue, Su Xun held a meeting for a game production team he hired to spend a lot of money on.

Qingyun game company will soon be set up in R star to develop virtual reality online games and strive for 100% reality and high degree of freedom.

The slogan is to open up a second world.

Su Xun will find R-star network experts to cooperate with them in game development.

A group of young people in the game industry are excited and ready for a big fight.

After dealing with these two things, Su Xun took the fourth daughter of an Zijin to the city master's mansion.

"Ah, Su Dong..."

When a group of earth entrepreneurs watched Su Xun leave, they subconsciously wanted to say hello. After all, they wanted to come to R star to find business opportunities, but they didn't really come to work.

If they can get rid of the migrant workers and get the right to move freely on R star, they all depend on Su Xun.

But they had just taken two steps when they were stopped by the soldiers. They could only watch Su Xun and four beauties leave in a flying car.

"Don't you think it's hard for me to work at home even after I've done it?"

A home of tens of billions without tears.

"OK, can live people still be suffocated by urine? Follow the arrangement of the migrant workers and see if they have the chance to fly alone."

"And so on. Don't let a few people come here to kill you. No one knows."

In this way, a group of earth entrepreneurs with the idea of eating crabs for the first time become a group of ordinary workers of R star.

"Master, where are we going?"

Sitting in the flying car, Yan Yurou looks at the city scenery outside the window, and asks Su Xun in doubt.

"Home, home to our R Star home."

Su Xun said with a smile.

Liao Yu blinked and looked at Su Xun with his chin propped up. "Did you buy a house here?"

"Buy it?" Su Xun shook his head, pondered for a moment, and gave an answer: "it was robbed, it was not right, it was given by people."

Isn't Yuancheng equivalent to being given to him empty handed by the pig teammates of Shenyang Empire?

"Do you know the aliens who are high officials here?" An Zijin asked, how else to explain that Su Xun was specially treated by aliens, and that someone sent him a house.

Su Xun laughed and held an Zijin's smooth hand: "your husband, I am the biggest official in this city, and I will be the biggest official on this planet in the future."

"Brag." An Son Jin rolled a white eye, she just don't believe this kind of nonsense.

"I believe it." Yan Yurou suddenly made a sound and looked at Su Xun tenderly: "I believe everything the master says."

"Flower maniac." Qin Zhu rolled his eyes.Yan Yurou snorted and ignored her.

Soon, the car stopped in front of the main gate of the city.

The soldier standing at the door stepped forward to open the door.

In fact, the car door is automatic, so there is no need for people to open it at all, but this is mainly a problem of force.


Su xungang got out of the car with four women. With a roar from the sergeant at the gate, all the soldiers raised their heads and smashed their right fists at the same time.

"Hello, general!"

Everyone yelled in unison.

An Zijin, Liao Yu and Yan Yu are all frightened by this sudden scene.

Su Xun nodded and walked into the gate of the Lord's mansion without squinting.

"It's over!"

With the commander's order, the guards at the door put down their right hands.

"Hello, general!"

"Hello, general."

Along the way, all the officers and patrol soldiers in the city Lord's mansion took the initiative to salute and say hello whenever they met Su Xun.

An Zijin, Liao Yu, and Yan Yurou had a shivering feeling, and they followed Su Xun to the back house.

"What's the matter? I'm not new to R star. I'm not acclimatized."

Su Xun looked at the three girls and made fun of them.

An Zijin stared at Su Xun with a pair of beautiful eyes: "you How did you become their general again? "

Yan Yurou and Liao Yu are also staring at Su Xun.

"I've always been their general." Su Xun's mouth rose. He liked to see women shocked by him.

Liao Yu said incredulously, "are you an alien?"

"I'm your man." Su Xun said.

"I know." Liao Yu blushed slightly and stamped his foot angrily: "I'm talking about whether you're an earthman or an alien."

"I don't know how to explain this problem. You can treat me as both an earthman and an alien." Su Xun could only answer this question because the system involved was too complex.

Yan Yurou murmured to herself: "no wonder you are so powerful. You can do everything. It turns out that you are not human at all."

Su Xun

How can I become a human again?

Yan Yurou also realized that she had said something wrong. She blushed and spat out her tongue: "I mean, you're not an ordinary person."

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