An Zijin, Liao Yu and Yan Yurou are still a little dizzy.

It's a wonderful feeling that a woman suddenly becomes a general from an ordinary person.

And he's a general with 100000 strings.

When they adapted to their general's wife's identity, Su Xun had already devoted himself to the business.

Because Tengfei pointed out his brother's cruelty and declared that he wanted to destroy his relatives, the declaration of surrender to the city had been sent out.

A stone stirs a thousand waves.

The whole R star is a sensation.

After all, ordinary people and warlords scold Teng Jun ten thousand words is not equal to Teng Fei's.

This horse is Teng Jun's younger brother.

Later, everyone can say, look, even his brother has come out against him, what does this mean? It means Teng Jun is really rotten!

Teng Jun, the capital of the Shenyang Empire, had already learned the truth from the soldiers who had fled from the source city.

Had been cowardly with a waste of the same take-off gas half dead.

Now after seeing the statement of taking off, he was even more furious and executed several maids who served him on the spot.

He didn't expect that Tengfei, the guy who abandoned the city and ran away, should have done something wrong!

Even if this is a statement issued under the pressure of the enemy, it is also issued by Tengfei himself!

Tengjun eyes red to crack, hysterical roar: "immediately sent troops around the source city, I want to personally fight!"

He didn't hate Su Xun too much. What he hates now is Tengfei, a soft skinned traitor.

"Your Majesty, calm down. Think twice, your majesty. Now we can't separate our forces to fight against Yuancheng."

"Yes, your majesty, the source city has sufficient resources and a large number of troops. If we fight rashly, we will only fall into a more passive situation."

"I hope your majesty will be wronged for a while. I have to bear it when you are in trouble at home and abroad."

A group of Ministers admonished Teng Jun one after another.

To be frank, boss, we can't fight now. Bear with it.

It's always sunny after the rain.

Teng Jun was just angry for a while. After these people's advice, his IQ again occupied the high ground: "let those disorderly officials and thieves be rampant for a few days. One day, I will kill them all!"

At the same time, Yulin naturally knew that Su Xun succeeded in winning Yuancheng.

When he got the news, he was having a meeting with his generals.

"Good! General, ha ha, it's a good way to frighten the enemy

Yulin yelled twice, got up from the chair and laughed, looking very happy.

But only he knew what he thought.

After all, Su Xun won Yuancheng so easily, but he didn't report to him at the first time, which is worth pondering.

As a naturally suspicious person, he always likes such divergent inference.

Yuhua stood up with a smile and volunteered: "marshal, general Su is really brave, good at fighting, and has a great reputation. He is willing to lead his son to guard Yuancheng, so that Su Xun can free up his hand and concentrate on the next city."

He is going to pick peaches, and can't wait to snatch the fruits of Su Xun's victory.

Su Xun.

I don't know what your expression will be when you see the city you have finally fallen into my hands?

I can't wait to see it with my own eyes.

"Marshal, the last general is willing to go." The commander of the Fourth Army also stood up. Like Yuhua, he was promoted by Yulin.

But they also have internal competition.

After all, Yuhua has been guarding Yucheng, and he thinks it's his turn to come from Yuancheng.

Yuan Hao didn't say a word, because he knew that without his share, he was born with the life of picking peaches just like Su Xun.

He just sighed in his heart, Su Xun, Su Xun, you are so stupid.

I have already reminded you, but I didn't expect you to be a fool. In this case, let you have a taste of being robbed of achievements like me.

Yulin said with a smile: "this matter will be discussed in the future. At present, the situation in Yuancheng is not clear. Let general Su be busy there for two more days."

Su Xun didn't report the war situation to him at the first time, which made him wonder if Su Xun had any wrong thoughts.

If he directly sent someone to take over Yuancheng at this time, there might be a conflict and the two sides would be shamed.

This is by no means the result he wants to see.

But he had to test Su Xun's idea, so he said, "general Yuhua, please go to Yuancheng first and ask general Su's opinion."

He did this to test Su Xun.

But this word falls in Yuhua's ear, but it is another meaning, that is, Yulin promised him to take over Yuancheng.The reason why we say this is ambiguous is mostly to take care of the idea of Yifei.

Yuhua face dew excited: "marshal, don't worry, I'll go to Yuancheng now."

He was not disappointed. He thought Yuancheng could fall into his own hands. As a result, he thought too much.

In the afternoon of that day, Yuhua took a guard group to Yuancheng by warship.

However, before entering the airspace of the source city, it was stopped outside the city by more than a dozen fighters.

"I'm Yuhua, commander in chief of the first military. Get out of the way now!"

Yuhua's arrogant voice came from the warship.

"I'm sorry, general Yuhua. My general has an order. All the troops are not allowed to enter the city. Please land outside the city."

"Presumptuous!" Yuhua said angrily, "let Su Xun come to see me. I'm here at the command of Marshal. You want to rebel, but you can't!"

A big hat on the backhand.

But I have to say that the elf got it right.

"General Yuhua, we'll give you one last warning. Please land outside the city immediately, or we'll expel you by force."

Yuhua burst into a rage: "how dare you expel one to me!"

The captain of a fighter formation dare to speak to him in such a tone. What a shame!


As soon as his voice fell, the fighter plane opened fire, and the missile on board roared to the warship of Yuhua.

Although airborne missiles can not destroy warships, they can cause some damage, at least as a deterrent.

"It's so bold, Su Xun. Su Xun, I have to wait for me to sue you in front of the marshal!"

Yuhua did not expect that these fighters actually dare to fire. He was surprised and angry, but also a little pleased.

Xinxi grabs one of Su Xun's braids again and can go to Yulin to tell him.

"General, shall we fight back?" An adjutant asked.

Yuhua's face was cloudy and sunny, and she said with a gnash of teeth, "land outside the city."

Fight back?

Fight back!

They can't beat us with more than a dozen fighters, but is it true that the missile system deployed in the city is vegetarian?

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