After all, Yuhua did not finish the forced loading and chose to compromise with the cannon.

After all, these big soldiers can bomb themselves with fighter planes. Who knows if they dare to bomb themselves with ion guns and cruise missiles.

Therefore, sometimes, we have to choose to take a step back and broaden our horizons.

After landing outside the city, Yuhua and they still failed to enter the city.

Because they can't be let in until Su Xun agrees.

"Let Su Xun come out to pick me up. I came with the Marshal's order."

Standing outside the city, Yuhua began to install again, holding a chicken feather arrow in time, with a rebellious expression on his face.


The lieutenant coldly dropped two words and then turned to leave.

The general was lecturing Yuhua. I didn't come back to pick you up a few minutes later

Yu Hua frowned and gave a cold hum. He took his guard regiment with him to the barracks after entering the city.

Coming to the outside of the barracks, Yuhua from afar felt a sense of killing.

Entering the barracks, he saw Su Xun on the high platform at a glance.

"General, general Yuhua is here."

The lieutenant took Yuhua to the high platform.

"I'm really sorry that general Yuhua has come to meet you at a distance."

Su Xun was very polite. In fact, he didn't even move when he sat on the chair, let alone ask someone to bring a chair to Yuhua.

Yuhua skin smile meat don't smile, Yin Yang strange Qi of say: "Su general polite, I can..."

"Fight! Fight! Fight

Before he had finished speaking, the soldiers below suddenly roared, and the momentum soared to the sky, which scared him.

"General Yuhua, please see, are my officers and men powerful?"

Su Xun asked with a smile, pointing to the soldiers below.

Yuhua swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "nature is powerful."

"What?" Su Xun's voice raised several points, and then looked down at the soldiers: "general Yuhua said you can't do it. He said you are all frills and Pewter spearheads. Do you agree?"

"No! No! No

Tens of thousands of soldiers roared.

Yuhua's eyes widened. When did I say that?

Su Xun continued: "in that case, let general Yuhua show his hand. Who dares to challenge general Yuhua?"

"Back to the general, I'll come!"

All of us stepped forward and stepped on the ground as if the earth were shaking.

"General Yuhua, why don't you choose one of them and show us something." Su Xun looked at Yuhua with a smile and made a gesture of please.

Yuhua's face turned white, because his force value was basically zero, so he could only be beaten, and most importantly, he would lose face.

"You've got me on purpose!" Yuhua glared at Su Xun, as if her teeth were about to be broken.

Su Xun raised his eyebrows: "general Yuhua, you can't talk nonsense. How can I screw you? I'm not interested in men."

"Of course, if general Yuhua is interested, I can send some strong men and let them come to you."

"You..." Yuhua was so angry that she wanted to tear Su Xun.

Su Xun had a gentle smile on his face: "general Yuhua, you are highly valued by the marshal. You must be the bravest of the three armies. Please go down and give some advice to my soldiers."

Yuhua's face was uncertain, and Su Xun had no temper.

"Does general Yuhua dare not?" Looking at Su's suspicious face.

"Who said I didn't dare!" Yuhua subconsciously retorted, and then said: "I just..."

"If you don't dare, please." Sue interrupted him to find an excuse.

Yuhua looked down at the large group of black and strong men. His scalp was numb and his back was soaked with cold sweat.

He tried to pick one that looked smaller, but he couldn't find it.

Su Xun directly and randomly ordered a staff sergeant standing in the front: "you, come and ask general Yuhua for advice. Go all out and don't keep your hand. Otherwise, you will not respect general Yuhua."

"General Yuhua, please give me your advice." The sergeant who was ordered by Su Xun stepped forward and looked up at Yuhua on the high platform.

Yuhua's face was a little pale, and he squeezed out a smile: "general Su, I've only done some tricks. Just let the people under me ask for advice from each other. I'll end up with the suspicion of bullying the small."

"General Yuhua, so many soldiers are waiting. You can't let them down." Su Xun looked at him with a smile.

"Fight! Have a fight! Fight

Tens of thousands of soldiers cried out in unison, majestic and surging, and the sound shocked Yuhua's eardrum.

In desperation, Yuhua had to harden her head and come to an end. Looking at the sergeant, she said, "they are all brothers of her own. We can't see any blood until we get to the point of exchange.""Ask the general for advice." The staff sergeant's voice fell and hit Yuhua with one blow.


Yuhua's head tilted and a tooth flew out.

The sergeant himself was confused. He just punched at random. I didn't expect that the general could not escape.

Yuhuaqiang endured the pain and said with a smile: "see, what I just did is a wrong demonstration. Come on, next you attack my shoulder."


The sergeant landed his foot on his shoulder.


Yuhua's body hit the ground, then coughed and got up: "this This is also a wrong demonstration. As you can see, attacking the enemy's shoulder will make him lose his power for a short time. "

"Good!" Su Xun took the lead in cheering, and said with admiration: "general Yuhua tried to teach with his example. It can be said that he had a good intention. Don't let him down and try his best to help him!"

Yuhua swore in his heart, I grass mud horse, grass mud horse, you must not fall in the hands of Laozi, otherwise Laozi will kill you.

Next, Yuhua showed the whole army which body parts of the enemy would be seriously damaged by attacking.

The conclusion is that no matter which part of the target is attacked, the enemy will be severely damaged (⚆_ ⚆)。

In the end, Yuhua was black and blue, three teeth were knocked out, the corners of her mouth were bleeding, and she almost passed out in a coma.

Yuhua's guards were all indignant, but by comparing the numbers of the two sides, they finally chose silence.

"General Yuhua, are you ok?"

Su Xun squatted on the ground, looking at Yuhua with concern.

Yuhua painstakingly opened her swollen eyes like two peaches and spat out three words: "grass Mud horse. "

"What? Thank you for me? " Su Xun grabbed his hand and said with a smile: "general Yuhua is so polite. I should thank you for coming all the way to give my soldiers a lively fighting lesson."

Yu Hua's eyes widened in anger: "you You... "

"You don't have to say it. I know it." After Su Xun interrupted him, he turned to look at the Yuhua guard group and said, "I can send your general back to Yucheng."


Did I come all the way to get beaten before I left?

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