The craze raised by the film proves that Su Xun's idea of entertainment dominating the public can be realized.

Then in the virtual online game development at the same time, Su someone began to sell game machines in R star.

Stand alone games, as long as there are machines, electricity can play, do not need the network.

It's in your pocket. You can play it anytime, anywhere.

E-books, all kinds of novels can be read at will, including fantasy, city, fantasy, and even novels with yellow color, such as a Bing, Bai, Jie and so on.

There are also mobile phones with these functions, which have become the hot products of R star.

What's more, as a conscientious businessman, Su Xun's low price of these things can ensure that every resident of R star can afford to consume them.

R star people are crazy. Now they go out without a mobile phone. They are embarrassed to say hello to people and feel that they are losing weight.

It is said that Teng Jun, the emperor of the Shenyang Empire, is now addicted to Xiuxian novels as well as PA PA.

Every day when we have a meeting, we have to find time to read two chapters. We often stay up late to pursue books. The next day, we go to work with dark circles under our eyes.

However, no minister accused him, because these ministers were all under the same black eye. At night, they were either chasing books or dramas, or playing games.

After all, people on earth say that staying up late is bad for their health, so they usually stay up all night.

R-star people, who lack entertainment activities, are just like old people who have been hungry for more than ten years. Like seeing beautiful women, they struggle with their mobile phones day and night.

Some sober minded people noticed that the signs were wrong and wrote to admonish Teng Jun to ban these electronic products within the territory.

But there was no need for Teng Jun to speak at all, and the ministers dealt with the people who put forward the proposal.

Ban? No sale?

Are you kidding? What are we playing with? What are we looking at?

This kind of suggestion is really a curse!

R star is marching towards the era of universal entertainment to death. Many people have realized the threat, but more people are addicted to it.


A conventional weapons factory in Yuancheng.

From the earth into the ranks of migrant workers that more than a dozen entrepreneurs are surrounded by chat.

"You know what's going on outside. Su Xun has made a lot of money recently. He takes goods from the earth at a low price, and then sells them on R-star at a high price. His game console, mobile phone, e-book, and even MP3, which has been eliminated by the times, are sold out."

A middle-aged man with glasses said with red eyes, full of jealousy and envy in his heart.

His name is Liao Chao. He is engaged in import and export trade on earth, with a fortune of more than 100 billion yuan.

"Nonsense, Qingyun international has opened a branch in R star, and that Qingyun entertainment, just as a second dealer selling the earth, those rotten films are crazy."

"We all found that although r star is technologically advanced, it lacks entertainment activities, not to mention selling game consoles and opening an amusement park. It's also a blood earning horse race!"

"We can't continue to waste in the factory. We have to find a way to get out, or the market will be eaten up by Su Xun, and we can't even drink a mouthful of soup."

"It's true that Su is just selling the earth's things to R star now. He hasn't started selling the R star's things to the earth yet. This is a good chance for us to make a fortune!"

A group of people are ready to move. Every day they listen to the R-star people in the factory talking about the game machines sold by Qingyun international, their hearts itch.

"But the key is how to get out!" A fat man pointed out the crux of the problem.

The freedom of these migrant workers on R star is restricted. Since they are migrant workers, they can only work and don't want to run around.

Liao Chao pushed his glasses and his eyes sparkled with wisdom: "hey hey, don't forget, we are earth people. Don't these R-star people like the earth's game machines and entertainment electronic products? We can find the manager of the factory. As long as he lets us out, we will... "

The following words need not be too clear. We all know that bribery is nothing more than bribery.

"Can you do it?" Others are not at ease.

Liao Chao snorted coldly and said with confidence, "if it's not possible, change the kill technique and cooperate with the management. He will let us go out and contact the spaceship for us. We'll go back to the earth to buy and sell the R star. We'll share the money."

"This is good!"

As soon as the idea came out, everyone agreed with it, because as businessmen, no one would be indifferent to money.

If so, it must be that there is not enough money.

Liao Chao was temporarily elected as the leader, sneaking to the factory management.


Because of the popularity of earth entertainment in R star, the development of the whole planet has deviated from its original orbit.

Su, who caused all this, was sitting on the bed with a solemn face, because today's Monday is the day of identity extraction.Su Xun felt tired. The task of unifying NIMA Laozi's R star had not been completed, so he had to add another post.

He felt like a systematic worker.

"Ten, system identity extraction." Su Xun said it in his heart.

[drawing After successful extraction, congratulations on the host's new identity: corpse chaser]

[dust returns to dust, and fallen leaves return to their roots. Many heroes die in other places, and they can't return to their hometown after death. The corpse chaser takes this responsibility in one vein, and when they encounter mountains and water, they are sent back to their hometown. 】

[identity ability: Exorcism, exorcism, night vision, painting and incantation. 】

[identity task: go to Xiangxi, return the remains of the veterans who died in the war but were not found to their hometown, and bury them in peace for seven days. 】

now, Su Xun is absolutely sure that the identity extraction system is random, and there is no law at all.

It's a fun, capricious, whimsical thing.

Chasing the corpse, Su Xun only saw it in the movie, but he didn't expect to be in this business now.

However, there are two people who drive the corpse, one is beating the gong to open the way, the other is ringing the bell to lead the corpse.

No matter how many corpses there are, the master and apprentice are always in charge, and there will be no third person.

In this way, don't you have to find a teammate?

In modern society, it's not easy to find someone who can really drive away corpses.

Su Xun thought of his old acquaintance, Taoist priest Qingyang, who was also an old driver in metaphysics. It should be fruitful to ask him.

"Pa pa pa..."

I took a picture of Qin Zhu's full moon.

"What for?" Qin Zhu opened his eyes and put down his leg on the quilt.

Su Xun lost her skirt: "get up, come back to earth with me."

At present, everything on the side of R star has entered the predetermined orbit. As long as there is no large-scale war, even if Su Xun does not stay here, they can cope with the sea of clouds.

"Oh." Qin Zhu yawned and got up from the bed. His knee was red. At first sight, it was the sequela of kneeling for a long time.

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