Liao Chao thinks that his plan will succeed.

Because he didn't believe that the managers of the factory would be indifferent in the face of such huge interests.

The factory manager just needs to let them out and help contact a civilian spaceship. Then he will get a large amount of star coins every month.

This kind of low investment, high return business, will no one do?

Liao explained his ideas to the management.

After hearing this, the management directly asked the factory guards to arrest them all, and then went to the city master's office to report the incident.

"Didn't you say it would be successful?"

All of us are looking at Liao Chao without tears.

"How can I know what's wrong with him? I don't want to give him any money." Liao Chao is even more depressed. He didn't expect that the alien was so upright.

"Now what? It won't kill us directly. "

"I don't think so. I don't think so."

"Finished, with a criminal record, it will be more difficult to go out in the future."

On the other side, the Lord of the city's mansion, Su Xun knew about it from the people below.

After hearing this, he was speechless. Liao Chao and his group were really crazy about money. In order to make money, they did everything they could.

It's possible to bribe aliens with heavy profits.

But don't they know that all the middle managers in the weapon factory are robots except the guards?

Although there is no difference between appearance and human, it is also a group of robots that are programmed after all.

Want to use money to buy robots, this is not a brain pit, what is it?

However, it also brought a wake-up call to Su Xun.

If you want to really promote the economic exchanges between the two goals, it is not enough to rely on him alone.

Since Liao Chao wants to make money so much, it's better to give them this opportunity.

"Bring them to me."

Soon, Liao Chao's group of people were brought to the city Lord's house with fear.

"No, is it necessary for the city leaders to come out in person? Is it that serious? "

"You say, we are earthlings. If we are not careful, we will easily cause diplomatic disputes. I think we are going to be miserable this time. I'm afraid we will have to be sent back to earth and forbidden to come back to R star for life."

"Don't do that. If we are really repatriated, we will lose our face to outer space..."

On the way, a group of people muttered and speculated about the possible fate of themselves and others.

After entering the main hall, a group of people didn't dare to lift their heads, so they stood in the same place nervously.

"Look up."

Su Xun said lightly.


All of a sudden, they felt that the voice was familiar. They subconsciously raised their heads. When they saw Su Xun sitting above, they immediately widened their eyes.

"Su Dong!"

Why is Su Xun here and still sitting in that position.

Should not

A terrible thought came to mind.

Su Xun took a panoramic view of their expressions and gave a cool smile: "yes, as you think, I am the ruler of Yuancheng."


Hearing him admit it, Liao Chao and others burst into their heads.

All of a sudden, they figured out a lot of things.

It's no wonder that Su Xun is always treated specially by aliens. It turns out that people are the bearers of aliens.

They were all shocked beyond measure. After all, who could have thought that Su Xun of the earth would be a general with 100000 soldiers on R star?

I can only say it's really deep.

"You want to make money?" Su Xun asked.

Liao Chao and others were a little embarrassed. After all, they were so stimulated by Su Xun's Qingyun international that they made such a bad decision.

Su Xun said with a smile: "yes, I allow you to do any legal business on R star, but it is forbidden to sell some products of R star to the earth."

It's because technology and the underworld will not be able to develop in a balanced way.

For example, if students cheat in exams by using black technology, the earth has no technology or means to find out.

Therefore, in order not to cause confusion, these black technologies with too strong capabilities should not be sold to the earth for the time being.

Of course, things like clothes that can be changed according to your ideas and sold to the world have no impact.

Hearing Su Xun's words, Liao Chao and others suddenly brightened their eyes, staring at Su Xun with burning eyes and saying thanks one after another.

"My identity..."

Before Su Xun's words were finished, Liao Chao took them very skillfully: "don't worry, general. We don't know anything. We only know Su Dong, but we don't know any Su general."

"Go ahead." Su Xun showed his satisfaction and waved to indicate that they could leave.A group of people walked out of the city master's house and couldn't restrain the joy in their hearts any more. They laughed so hard that the corners of their mouths almost split to the roots of their ears.

"If it's a blessing in disguise, how can we know whether it's a blessing in disguise? With the consent of general Su, we'll be emperor merchants in the future."

"Hahaha, it's true that general Su's hiding is too deep. If it wasn't for today, I don't know the year and month."

"We've come to the right R star this time. If you want me to say, what else can we go back to earth? We'll settle here in the future."

"Let's talk about it later. We still fight a lot now. Compared with that, the earth is safer."


After sending Liao Chao away, Su Xun and Qin Zhu boarded the spaceship back to earth again.

Asked an Zijin and Yan Yurou they, three women said they would also like to stay in R star for a period of time to return to earth.

Recently, Yan Yurou learned how to fly a spaceship. Three women often go out for self driving tours.

For the sake of their safety, Su Xun specially arranged a battalion of guards for them, and explained that there were areas that could not go.

At noon on Monday, Su Xun's spaceship arrived on earth.

Now the dragon people don't have much reaction when they see the spaceship again.

Because during this period of time, there are often spaceships between the earth and R star, which is not surprising.

After getting off the spaceship, Su Xun called Taoist priest Qingyang.

"Mr. Su."

After the call, Qingyang Taoist priest some uneasy voice from the mobile phone.

After all, the psychological shadow that Su Xun left to Taoist priest Qingyang was a little deep, which could not be eliminated for a while.

Su Xun asked directly, "do you know anyone who is good at driving corpses?"

"The corpse?" But he didn't know what his son was still doing

"Please tell me your name and address." Su Xun just wanted to find a partner. He didn't need to be strong. He just needed to know something about it.

"His name is Mei Wenhua and he lives in Meijia village, Longshan, Western Hunan."

"No culture?" Su Xun was surprised. His father's name was not very cultured.

"Cough, cough." Taoist priest Qingyang coughed twice and corrected: "it's Mei, Mei of plum blossom, Wen of literati, gorgeous Hua."

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