"Ding Ling ~ Ding Ling ~ Ding Ling ~"

"Dang ~"

"Yin people go on the road, Yang people avoid, if there is a collision, all disasters will happen."

"Dang ~"

the sound of bells, gongs and calls with unique rhythm spread far and far in the silent mountains.

In the moonlight, two men in green shirts and hoods walk in front, one thin and the other fat, one holding flags and ringing bells, the other beating gongs.

Behind him, ten dark corpses hopped with the bell, and their feet fell on the dead leaves, making a rustle.

Next to her, a woman in a red skirt was floating in the air with her feet off the ground. She was proud and beautiful. Her white legs were like tallow, but she was a bit of a monster.

If someone sees this strange scene, they will be scared out of their wits.

The corpse chaser does not light the light, but only travels by moonlight, and only at night.

Because there are many people in the daytime and they have strong Yang, it is easy to disturb the corpses. The living people collide with the dead, and the dead people will also scare the living people. Therefore, the habit of driving the corpses at night is formed.

The origin of the ten corpses had been found by Su Xun from the objects left on them. They were all Sichuan soldiers, but their specific addresses were not clear.

According to Su Xun, as long as we send these ancestors back to Shu, we should be back to our hometown.

After entering Sichuan, they can be sent to the local military camp or armed forces. Naturally, someone will arrange for the death of these heroes.

That is to say, he and Mei Wenhua have to go all the way over the mountains and on foot, and they can only go at night, carrying these bodies from Xiangxi to Shu.

If you want to cross the whole province halfway, even if you use the Yu Feng Fu, you can increase the speed of these corpses, but it will take several days at the fastest.

What's more, there is a local culture of corpse driving in Xiangxi, so roads are specially built outside the village for corpse driving people to go. When people in the village hear gongs and bells, they will take the initiative to close the door and tie their dogs.

But outside the Western Hunan border, there is no corpse driving culture in other provinces. If you want to pass through the village, the villagers can't understand the meaning of gongs and bells. That's the most troublesome thing.

Not only will not tie the dog, maybe even people will come out because of curiosity.

Therefore, along the way, it is doomed to be calm.


On the other hand, Jiang Chen and the actress lost their way in confusion, and finally returned to the camp of the cast after a long time.

Most of the crew are young people. There are many mosquitoes in the wild, and the sound of the generator is noisy, so they can't sleep at all.

When you see Jiang Chen and the actress run out of the woods in a mess, you are all scared.

Jiang Chen and the actress have messy hair. Their clothes are stained with a lot of soil and grass seeds. Their trousers and skirts are wet. The actress's high-heeled shoes have long disappeared, and their delicate feet are covered with blood marks.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other, no one spoke, only one idea in mind.

What's wrong with the troughs?

Look at the wet marks on the trousers and skirts. The water output of both of them is very large (⊥ ω⊥).

"Yes There are ghosts No, there are There are zombies, a lot of zombies. "

Jiang Chen gasps heavily to stammer to say.

When they heard this, they were stunned. They thought the joke was not funny at all. It was even a little cold in the evening.

However, who is joking about the popular fried chicken Jiang Chen?

Even if he points to a lump of shit and says it's funny, everyone has to laugh.

So everyone gave face and laughed.

"Brother Chen is really humorous. Why didn't you find that besides singing and acting, brother Chen has such a humorous cell?"

"Yeah, that's funny..."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Everyone is an actor, so it's not so awkward to laugh. At least their acting skills are better than Jiang Chen's.

Knowing that these people didn't believe it, Jiang Chen lost his mobile phone and said, "look at it for yourself, there are really zombies. I'm not afraid of this drama. I'll go now No, I'll leave at dawn. I'll pay all the liquidated damages. "

In the past, I used to make movies with my face value.

Now there is a risk of filming with life, so let's get out of here.

"I I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. " The actress is also trembling said, pretty face pale, obviously has not been slow to God.

Everyone looked at each other, because the performance of these two people did not seem to be cheating. After all, they all said that the play was no longer filmed.

Then, with a dubious attitude, they opened the video on Jiang Chen's mobile phone.

A few minutes later, a group of people stood in the same place with pale faces. Originally, they still thought the silence in the mountain forest was terrible.

But after watching this video, they now feel that there seems to be people watching them everywhere in the mountain forest, which is even more terrible.

"I I don't want to shoot any more. I'm not waiting for dawn. I I'm going now. "A group show left his mobile phone to Jiang Chen. He didn't even collect his luggage, so he took out his mobile phone and turned on his flashlight.

"Wait for me. I'm not going to shoot any more."

"No more..."

A group of people followed up one after another. After all, zombies came out. They would rather take the risk of walking at night than stay in the forest.

The law in horror movies tells them that staying in the same place is waiting for death.

Jiang Chen didn't dare to walk at night. He thought there were so many people here that he didn't leave until dawn.

But now that everyone had gone, he did not dare to stay any longer, and immediately followed with a limp.

On the way, he uploaded the video to the Internet.

And with the text: "I did not deliberately breach the contract, I am really afraid, ah, there are really zombies in the world, there are really corpse chasers in Xiangxi."

As we all know, the brains and powder of little fresh meats are always concerned about the dynamic of idols when they don't sleep in the middle of the night.

So as soon as his microblog was sent out, many people responded in the comment area.

"What's this? Is it my brother's new play Promo?"

This is obviously not only did not see the video, but also did not see the title of the reply.

"Lying trough, I'm scared to death. There are really zombies!"

"The corpse chaser is so handsome, but he can't see his face clearly, and the fat man is brave."

"Forward forward, after I never dare to go home two or three o'clock in the morning."

"As a native of Western Hunan, I believe in the existence of corpse chasers for the first time today."

"What's going on in the last few days? First, aliens, then corpse chasers. The Three Outlooks I've spent 20 years building are being shattered."

The video began to spread wildly, more and more people watched it, and the heat was high in the early morning.

In Mangshan, the director who had already gone to bed got up to pee and found that all the tents were empty and all the people were gone.

He pauses to discharge water, with the right hand that holds faucet wiped to wipe an eye, make sure to have no dazzle, a face is muddled force: "lie trough, person?"

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