"Fat man, it's getting light. Where is the corpse Inn you said?"

Su Xun asked Mei Wenhua around him.

In Western Hunan, there is a corpse Inn specially built for corpse chasers in the wild.

Before daybreak, the body can be driven in to rest, and then continue on the road after dark.

He doesn't have the ability to find the location of the corpse driving inn. He can only rely on Mei Wenhua, the second generation of corpse driving.

"My father's place is almost on the map before he died."

Mei Wenhua didn't beat the gong. He was holding a self-made map with a sense of age and a corner gnawed off by a mouse.

"Let's cover the corpse first, and then there will be more people walking forward. It's inevitable that some people will walk at night, which will frighten people."

When he saw where Mei Wenhua was looking at the map, Su Xun put aside his soul flag and bronze bell and took out a black cloak from his bag to cover each corpse.

In this way, no one can see the real face of these bodies. Although some of them are infiltrating, it's better than scaring people.

"That's the front. Let's go. Otherwise, the body won't be well exposed to the sun at dawn."

Mei Wenhua finally determined the location on the map. Don't ask him how he determined it. He completed the precise positioning of the corpse Inn by using the map of Gaode on his mobile phone and the map left by his father.

Sure enough, science and technology are the primary productive forces.

"Let's go, go on the road"

"Ding Ling Ding Ling ~"

"Yin people go on the road, Yang people avoid. If there is a collision, all disasters will happen."

"Dang ~"

the bells and gongs rang again in the deep forest, and they were heard for a long time.

According to the map, they went out of the mountain and came to a path.

Sure enough, I saw an old building with red lanterns in the distance.

The building is full of the flavor of the late Qing Dynasty. There are two statues standing at the door, which look ferocious and can suppress people and ghosts.

"I said it was right."

The fat man showed a proud smile on his face, and his strength to beat the Gong was a little stronger.

At this time, the inn was full of people, Jiang Chen and other actors were among them.

They went to the main road, and they were in a hurry to run for their lives. Naturally, they arrived at the inn a few minutes ago faster than Su Xun with a group of corpses.

They passed by the inn when they went up the mountain to take a view. It was daytime at that time. It was not as boring as lighting lanterns at night.

But even though some of them have been infiltrated, a group of people have decided to stay here for one night. Anyway, they can at least be sure that the boss here is a living person, and they have a sense of security.

In addition to Jiang Chen and other actors, there are four tourists in the store, two men and two women. At first sight, two couples are going out on a date.

Two little lovers stare at Jiang Chen and talk in a low voice. They obviously recognize him. Who makes him angry.

"Hello, you are Jiang Chen, can you take a picture with us? "

Two girls got up and went to Jiang Chen, some of the formal said.


Jiang Chen showed a reluctant smile on his face. After all, he was tired and too tired, but he still didn't want to destroy his idol.

What makes him smarter than Wang Tingfeng is that he knows what he should do, what he can do and what he can't do.

As a traffic star, he depends on his fans to eat. Naturally, he has to maintain his personal style.

Two girls cheered and took a few photos with him, then asked: "I saw the news on the Internet, you are shooting here, are you just finished?"

Because these people are sweating and embarrassed, I thought they were tired of filming.

"You didn't see my microblog?" Jiang Chen eyebrows a pick.

The two girls looked at each other, then shook their heads blankly.

Jiang Chen's face is queer. He kindly reminds me: "it's better not to watch it tonight."

"Ding Ling ~ Ding Ling ~ Ding Ling ~"

"Yin people go on the road, Yang people avoid, if there is a collision, all disasters will happen."

at this time, the sound of gongs and gongs came into our ears.

Jiang Chen's face changed suddenly, and the whole body trembled. Damn, how did they come here.

On the counter, the middle-aged boss, who was bowing his head to settle accounts, suddenly looked up, his eyes shining with excitement.

For many years, the inn that only receives the dead and the corpse chasers has become a bed and breakfast for the living.

Has this lost profession, corpse chaser, finally reappeared in the world?

"What's the noise outside?"

Two couples looked out of the window curiously.

In their sight, they saw two people walking in front of them, one holding flags and ringing bells, the other beating gongs. Behind them, ten "people" in cloaks and unable to see their faces jumped step by step.After other group actors saw Su Xun and others' clothes, they all thought of the clips in Jiang Chen's video, and each of them trembled.

Although it can be seen from the video that these bodies are controlled by the two leading people, they are still afraid.

"Boss, who are they?" Two couples, a lovely girl asked curiously.


The middle-aged boss raised his mouth and raised a strange smile: "they are not human."

"If it's not human, can it be a ghost?" A young man with yellow hair thought he was very humorous and made a joke.

He just asked the cute girl's boyfriend.

The middle-aged boss's face sank and said coldly, "young man, it's important to know that there are gods in your head. Don't talk about people after you in the daytime, and don't talk about ghosts before you in the evening. Since some proverbs are handed down by ancestors, they naturally have their reasons."

"OK, I won't say it. OK, then who are they?" I feel a little upset.

The boss lightly vomited out three words: "the corpse chaser."

"What, the corpse chaser?"

Both couples were amused to hear this.

"I said, boss, what's the age? Do you still believe this?"

"Yes, boss, you are too biased. You'd better go to the outside world when you have time. These feudal superstitions have been eliminated for a long time."

"A corpse chaser, a blacksmith."

Two couples you a word I a language of ridicule the boss, did not take this seriously, but think the boss superstition.

It's just a way to hide your eyes.

They are young people in the new era. How can they believe that?

"Believe it or not, don't go out of this door, or you will collide with the dead."

The boss didn't bother to explain to these young people who thought they knew everything after reading for several years. He left a sentence and went out to welcome the guests.

After so many years, he has turned the corpse Inn into a B & B for tourists. Now there is a host coming. He is a little excited.

When he came to the door, he yelled at Su Xun from a distance: "I dare to ask, but I'm a passing driver."

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