"Well! If I dare to move these bodies, I won't come down to clean up the mess. I'll order the coffin in advance and wait for my death. "

Su Xun coldly dropped a sentence, and then turned to leave.

See no excitement to see, Jiang Chen they are also back to the room to sleep.

It was not until Su Xun's back disappeared that the two young couples dared to swear.

"What kind of person? It's amazing to know a little Kung Fu. Really, it's his zombie who almost killed people, and it's our fault."

"That is, I knew I should have recorded a video and exposed him on the Internet."

Some people are like this, it is their own fault, but always want to let others pay the bill, and still a kind of righteous appearance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you can leave now. My shop will not entertain you."

At this time, the innkeeper came out, threw the four people's things on the ground and said coldly.


"No, boss, are you kidding? Where do you want us to go this evening?"

"Yes, why do you want to drive us away?"

The four people were in a hurry. They had just gone through the autopsy, which made them a little more afraid of the world.

Now let them out in the middle of the night, how dare they.

The boss's face was expressionless: "my shop was originally specially opened for the dead, even if the living live in, but you broke the rules, please."

The corpse driving Inn, the corpse driving craftsman and the corpse are the real guests here.

It's good to be a shopkeeper in the corpse inn.

These four people broke the rules and made a rash move of the corpse to annoy the corpse chaser. It's not sure whether the corpse chaser will come back to his inn in the future.

That's why the boss can give them good looks.

Finally, two young couples were driven out.

Looking around in the dark, four people shiver, two girls are going to cry.

The four didn't dare to run around at all, so they crouched by the wall and were scared out of their wits.

It's more than two hours before dawn, which will be the longest two hours in their lives.

At this time, the director has already seen Jiang Chenfa's microblog in Mangshan's theater camp.

At this time, the whole person hid in the tent, wrapped himself tightly with the quilt, fat Dudu's body was shivering, and his face was pale.

Poor, weak and helpless.

Mom, why can't you call me when you run?

Wuwuwu, I miss my mother so much!


After a night's fermentation, the video of the corpse driver picking up the corpse has spread all over the Internet and become a new hot topic.

"Lying trough, I saw such a big surprise when I got up early in the morning, which scared me to pee on my shoes."

"Actually there is a corpse chaser. This NIMA is too handsome. I feel that the aliens are weak. There won't be any immortals in the world."

"No, brothers, when you are still wondering if there are any immortals in the world, I have packed my bags and left home to visit famous mountains and rivers."

"To get rid of the demons, I have to take some lessons."

"Brother, if you go, you will not subdue demons. At most, you can only feed demons a little fatter."

"Don't we notice that the little brother is very handsome? Although I can't see my face clearly, I have a good temperament. I'm wet. "

The appearance of aliens is still acceptable to these people, because science can explain that aliens are human after all.

But the video of the corpse driver picking up the corpse caused a lot of stir, because it can't be explained by science at all.

China has thousands of years of history and numerous myths and legends.

This video directly shattered everyone's three outlooks. In the past, they only believed in science, but now they have to believe in theology.

Because, there is a video as proof!

Taoist priest Qingyang also saw the video. He looked complicated, because he could be sure that the tall and thin one who couldn't see his face was Su Xun.

He didn't expect that Su Xun knew how to drive away corpses.

Are young people so evil now?

Can we give them a way to live!

Jiang Chen tweeted again, saying that the bodies were the bodies of veterans who died in the war, and that the two corpse chasers should have sent them home.

The Internet exploded again in a flash.

"I can't compare this kind of consciousness with the people who drive corpses back home. I admire it."

"Do the most noble things in the most low-key way, salute. This gift is given to the veterans who died in the war, and also to the two corpse chasers."

"There should be no reward for doing this kind of thing. It's the spirit that our generation should learn to go all the way to send our ancestors back to their roots."

Netizens have expressed their admiration for Su Xun and Mei pangzi. Of course, they also have brains and can't speak sarcastically. Finally, they were spurned by netizens to cancel their accounts.Su Xun slept until three in the afternoon.

When I came to the hall, I found that Mei pangzi was eating on the table, his mouth full of oil.

"Here, I've just got up. Let's eat."

Mei Pang also said to Su Xun without raising his head. He stretched out his hand and chewed a chicken leg.

I don't know about this picture. I thought he had escaped from famine.

Compared with him, Su Xun's food was much more elegant. Under the background of Mei Pang, Su Xun was more handsome.

After eating, Mei Puzi wiped the corners of his mouth. He didn't find Qin Zhu. Then he asked curiously, "brother, what's it like to be a ghost?"

"If you catch a ghost, you'll know." Su Xun laughed. He could only say that he knew the fun.

Mei Pang sighed: "you think I didn't think about it. Now the bride price is so high. I always want to catch a ghost or a banshee to be my wife. No bride price, no room, no car, but I can't touch it all the time!"

Su Xun's mouth twitched. This guy is also a talent. His brain circuit is different from ordinary people.

"When you met yesterday, did you want to get rid of Qin Zhu?" Su Xun asked.

Mei chubby chuckled: "isn't that because she has a master? Without you, I would not have been that attitude. "

Su Xun

"Elder brother, please ask for me if Miss Qin has any ghost friends." Mei Pang frowned and winked for a while. She was very obscene and trivial.

Su Xun shook his head and said, "come on, follow me. I'll make you a leader. I'll be afraid of the lack of women at that time."

"Don't make trouble, elder brother. I'm the leader. Who do you think you are?" Fat may didn't take it seriously at all.

Su Xun didn't explain. He didn't care to explain.

At eight in the evening, it was dark.

Su Xun and Mei pangzi are on their way again.

Before he left, Su Xun gave his boss a pile of money and some Ming coins.

Seeing Ming coin, the boss is more happy than seeing real money.

Because these Ming coins are not the goods burned to the dead in the market. They represent Yin De.

"Everyone, go on the road ~"

"Ding Ling Ding Ling ~"

"Yin people go on the road, Yang people avoid..."

"Dang ~"

in the dark, Su Xun and Mei pangzi stepped out of the inn gate with a row of corpses.

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