The only way to get rid of the corpse is the road.

Because I'm afraid of the dead and the living.

Therefore, we should try our best to avoid living people along the way and take some remote roads.

On the way for two nights in a row, Su Xun and Mei pangzi have led their bodies out of Western Hunan and formally entered Guizhou Province.

After walking for half a night, Su Xun was tired. He sat on a stone and took out his mobile phone to look at the map. He said:

"you can enter Sichuan through your province. The nearest city is Yicheng. At that time, you can directly give these predecessors to Yicheng military division."

Mei pangzi sighed: "this section of the road is a bit difficult to make, but out of Xiangxi, there is no corpse Inn for us to rest."

The culture of chasing corpses is only popular in Western Hunan, and the inn of chasing corpses is only in Western Hunan.

"Take the mountain road as far as you can. If it's going to light, you'll find a cave or something."

Su Xun replied that there was no way to do it. Fortunately, the mountains and forests were high in your province and Sichuan, and there should be many caves.

"Master, try it."

Qin Zhu floated over and fed a fruit to Su Xun's lips.

Su Xun took a bite. His mouth was full of saliva, and his lips and teeth were fragrant. The wild fruit in the mountains tasted comfortable.

"What about me, sister-in-law."

Mei chubby swallows a mouthful of saliva and stares at Qin Zhu.

Qin Zhu throws it away. Mei pangzi lifts the Gong up, catches it, and eats it happily.

Finish the fruit and go on the road.

The time limit for this task is seven days. Now it's the third day. I'd better send these seniors to the hospital as soon as possible.

"Ding Ling - Ding Ling ~"

"Dang ~"

the bells and gongs ring in the mountains.

All the way, Mei Pang's throat was hoarse, so he was too lazy to shout.

In his words, it's unnecessary to shout in the mountains, which makes his voice hoarse. What if he can't shout out when he comes to the village.

is about three miles ahead of them. Several figures are holding a grave with tools such as shovel.

"Black brother, is there any treasure in this grave? It doesn't look like the tomb of a wealthy family. "

A young man with a mole on the corner of his mouth asked the middle-aged people around him while digging.

two of the shovel men left the shovels and looked at the middle-aged.

The middle-aged man has dark skin, and his face is pitted like a toad. Hearing this, he shows a confident smile:

"Hey, hey, I've already inquired about it. I ask you what is the name of the village at the foot of the mountain."

"Lijia village, what's the matter?" Answered a young man with red hair.

The middle-aged man said triumphantly, "do you know who is buried in this grave?"

The three shook their heads like a rattle.

the middle-aged man also loosened the shovel in his hand and showed off with several people: "I tell you, this is Li Fu's Tomb of the daughter of the master of the village in the village of Li Jia Cun."

"Xie, before liberation, the Li family was a famous landlord in the Li family village. Her business had gone to the city of the province. This young lady of the Li family had an engagement with a family surnamed Zhang in Shu. They had a very good relationship, and they both got married."

"As a result, the Sichuan army went out of Sichuan to fight against the Japanese invaders. On the Japanese day, the Zhangjia boy in Sichuan was so hot that he joined the army to fight the devils. Before he left, he came to see Miss Li's family for the last time and made an appointment to get married when he came back. As a result, the news of the death of the Zhangjia boy was sent back later, and even the body was not found."

"After the death of Zhang Jia, Miss Li was as confused as if she had lost her soul. At the age of 30, she hanged herself on the day of Zhang Jia's birthday."

"Because it was suicide, the people of Li family didn't dare to bury her in Li family's ancestral grave. For fear of damaging Feng Shui, they buried her here."

After listening, the three people all have different expressions.

A bald man asked, "brother black, this tomb looks too hasty. It doesn't look like the tomb of a rich family."

"You know what." Black elder brother scolded angrily, and then said: "the ancestral graves of rich families are guarded. This Miss Li family was buried in the wilderness, and no one was guarding it. The grave was repaired so well. Didn't she hire someone to steal it on purpose?"

"Yes, I didn't think of it." Baldheaded youth a face suddenly realized, and then excitedly said: "then we are not rich this time?"

A pretty young man hesitated and said: "black brother, her fiance is also a martyr of Japan. We dig her grave, isn't it good?"

"What's wrong, elm head." Black brother disapproved: "it's none of our business who her fiance is. She's dead. Why do you want so much money? It's better to give it to us. It's also a good thing for her."

The other two also agreed one after another, looking at the young man's eyes a little bad.

"That is, if we don't dig this grave, it may be dug by others sooner or later. It's a big deal to burn more paper for her.""When do you have such a high level of ideological awareness? If you don't want to get rich, go away. Don't delay us."

Seeing that he had committed public anger, the young man didn't dare to say anything more. He just bowed his head and continued to dig the grave. After all, he also wanted to get rich. What he just said was just a casual remark.

"That's right. Nowadays, conscience is useless. Money is the last word."

"Dig. If you work harder, you'll see the coffin."

More than ten minutes later, the four were sweating and their clothes were soaked through.

At this time, the coffin buried underground has also been exposed.

"Give me the hammer and I'll pull out the coffin nail."

Heige wiped the sweat on his forehead, took the hammer and jumped into the pit to pull out the nail on the coffin.

"Open it up."

As soon as the nail was pulled out, the three young men standing on the side couldn't wait to jump down and open the coffin lid.

When the lid of the coffin was opened, all four were stunned.

The female corpse lying in the coffin was lifelike, without any sign of decay. Even the wrinkles on her face and the corners of her eyes were clearly visible.

A cool wind blew by, and the four of them were excited at the same time. They were quite sober.

"Black brother, this It's a bit of a heresy, otherwise we'd better withdraw. "

The bald youth's face turned white and stammered.

Decades later, the corpse has not rotted. Anyone who sees this scene will be scared.

Black elder brother's face was uncertain. He gritted his teeth and said, "there's something evil about it. I don't think it's just a special way to save the body. I've come all the time. I don't want to go back empty handed."

With that, he pointed to the gold and silver jewelry beside the woman's corpse: "see, as long as we take these things back, we will be human beings in the future."

"Mad, you're so bold, you're so hungry, you're so timid, I'll do it." The red haired youth's voice fell down and grabbed a gold bracelet.

The other three were all red eyed. They were afraid of evil. They rushed to rob the gold and silver jewelry.

In the end, even the jewelry on the corpse was stripped off by them.

Meanwhile, Su Xun and Mei pangzi are driving a group of corpses closer and closer to the four tomb robbers.

Mei pangzi suddenly stopped, turned to point to a corpse and said to Su Xun:

"elder brother, something is wrong with this elder."

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