The next day, Monday.

Su Xun got out of Liao Yu's bed.

Qin Zhu is tired of playing these days, so he uses Liao Yu for a change.

"System, extract the eleventh identity." Su Xun thought in his heart, playing with Liao Yu's long white legs.

[drawing Successful extraction, congratulations on the host's new identity: captain of the gold medal. 】

[the key to finding the dragon is to find the seal of the hill, to find the golden talisman, to move the mountain and unload the ridge. People light candles, ghosts blow lights, and explorers search for star peaks. 】

[during the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao dug tombs to raise military funds, and specially set up the posts of Majin Xiaowei and faqiu Zhonglang. With the fall of Cao Wei, Majin Xiaowei and faqiu Zhonglang were handed down from generation to generation, and they made a living by robbing tombs for generations. 】

[and your ancestors are the first group of captains to touch gold. Your grandfather was once famous in the field of wrestling, and you are the 32nd generation descendant. With a legend related to the tomb of King Liu An of Huainan, the world of wrestling is surging. 】

[identity ability: divide the gold and fix the acupoints, master the Zhenyao sword technique and geomantic omen secret technique. 】

[identity task: explore the tomb of Liu anzhen, king of Huainan, for five days. 】

Su Xun was confused and lying in a trough. A few days ago, he told meI pangzi that he didn't care about tomb raiding. Unexpectedly, he got the identity of a professional Tomb Raider today.

Isn't that a slap in the face?

In addition, the identity task is to explore the tomb of Liu An Zhen, the king of Huainan. That is to say, the tomb of Liu An, the king of Huainan that has been unearthed, is it a fake tomb?

Did Liu An build two tombs at the beginning, but the one found now is fake, and has not been unearthed yet?

This is the king of Huainan.

Liu An, the king of Huainan, is an immortal lover who is deeply addicted to alchemy. It is said that tofu was invented by him on the way to alchemy.

I just don't know what kind of Dan he's refining, but he's refining tofu.

Liu An's greatest achievement should be the great book Huainanzi, which was written by more than a thousand disciples. Besides, Su Xun didn't remember that this man had made any big news that was famous in history.

Oh, he also plotted a rebellion, but he was denounced by his subordinates before it was implemented.

Is it necessary for such a man to make his tomb so secret?

What else is worth exploring in his tomb besides some antiques?

Suddenly, Su Xun felt that he had something in his hand. He looked down and saw that it was a gold amulet.

The gold touch amulet is the identity mark of the commander of the gold touch school. It is made of pangolin's claws and carried on the body when going down to the tomb. It can ward off evil spirits and prevent danger.

The system can present the real object, which is powerful.

But it's enough for you to name me as the captain of the school. Why do you involve my dead grandfather?

Su Xun, who was thinking about things, was a little absent-minded, and his actions subconsciously lost their sense of propriety.

Liao Yu was woken up by him. He looked at him drowsily and said, "I haven't had enough fun. You're wearing my legs."

After following Su Xun, she found out that women's legs had so many undescribable functions (◔◡◔).

"Get up early." Su Xun laughed at her, then got up and began to dress.

He has to go to Mei pangzi to discuss the grave robbery.

When I came to the living room, I saw Mei pangzi sitting on the sofa with a listless face playing with her mobile phone.

Su Xun asked: "what's the matter? Did you have a bad time last night?"

He lent his sports car to Mei Pang last night. It's reasonable that Mei Pang should have been surrounded by qunmei last night. How could he look like this?

"Don't mention it." Mei pangzi waved his hand and said, "I waited outside the school until 12 o'clock, and none of the girls got on the bus."

"How could it be?" Su Xun was a little incredible. The top of the car was flooded with water. This should be a killer.

Meipang emotional: "how impossible, I step on the horse directly put a bucket of water in the car."

He put more than ten yuan into a bucket of water, but no one got on the bus, which made him very depressed.

“…………” Su Xun was stunned by Mei pangzi's operation.

God tap horse can water, it is estimated that Mei Pang was probably the most beautiful boy at the school gate last night.

"Forget it, you're hopeless." Su Xun took a deep breath, went to fat man Mei and sat down: "let's study tomb robbery."

"Don't you look down on the money for tomb raiding?" Mei Pang asked suspiciously.

Su Xun put his arm around his shoulder and said, "I'm trying to dig out those antiques and hand them over to the state. I can't bear to see those national treasures buried in the dark forever."

"Ha ha." Fat plum rolled his eyes and believed in your evil.

"Does Liu An, the king of Huainan, know?" Su Xun asked

"I know. Didn't all his tombs come out?" Mei pangzi looks at Su Xun with a puzzled face.

"That's a fake." Su Xun said with a serious face: "I got reliable news that Liu An's real tomb has not been found.""How do you know it's fake without being found out?" Mei pangzi doubts whether Su Xun has been cheated by those marketing numbers on the Internet.

Su Xun said that he could not answer this question.

"Step, step..."

At this time, Datura twisted enchanting waist came in: "boss, an old man came out to see you."

"Who is it?" Su Xun asked.

Mandala said, "he said he knew your grandfather. Please agree to see him."

"Let him in." Su Xun's success has aroused his appetite.

"Good boss." Mandala smiles and turns away.

Mei Pang's eyes are about to fall off: "big brother, this woman has nothing to do with you."

"It doesn't matter. I don't like you. Don't think about it." Su Xun broke his unrealistic fantasy without any politeness.

Mei chubby man curled his mouth: "merciless."

Soon, Mandala came in with an old man in Tang costume.

The old man looks like he's in his seventies. He's skinny, but he has eyes and looks very strong.

"Sit down, old man. I don't know what the old man calls me. What's the matter with me?"

Sitting on the sofa, Su Xun didn't get up. He stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation.

The old man sat down on the sofa and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that Lao Su's grandson was so promising. Lao Su's eyes were closed when he knew something about it."

Su Xun laughed and didn't speak, waiting for the old man's reply.

"If I'm not wrong, old Su should have passed the gold touch to you, Su Dong."

When the old man said this, the smile on Su Xun's face gradually disappeared.

Mei Pang's eyes widened and looked at Su Xun. Well, he also said that you were not interested in tomb raiding. After a long time, your family's ancestors were tomb raiders.

The old man was very satisfied with the expression on Su Xun's face. He arched his hand and said, "Lao Su and I are old partners. Cao Yuanzheng, a powerful man in Jieling, has met Su Dong."

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