Xie Ling Lishi, one of the four branches of the daodou world, is as famous as the commander of Mo Jin, the general of FA Qiu Zhonglang and the mountain moving Taoist.

Jielinglishi don't just rely on fighting for a living. They have a large number of people who live in Xiaoshan forest. They steal tombs when they have tombs. When they don't have tombs, they are mainly engaged in the ancient industry of road blocking and robbery.

Maojin Xiaowei and faqiu Zhonglang belong to the official robbers, while mountain moving Taoist and mountain unloading strongmen belong to the civilian robbers.

Jieling strongmen are a group of people who have infinite strength and are proficient in martial arts. Tomb robberies do not rely on technology, but on brute force destruction and hard digging.

However, with the development of the times, in the modern society, Xie Ling Lishi is almost extinct.

Because they can't take a group of people with unbridled brute force to rob tombs as they used to. It's too noisy. If they don't pay attention, they will be found, and then they will report to the police.

It's not just unloading the ridge, it's the same with other personnel. Most of them are small teams, so it's not safe to have more people.

"I don't know why Mr. Cao came to me?" Su Xun asked casually.

Cao Yuanzheng said: "since Lao Su has passed on the gold touch to you, I believe that Su Dong must have inherited Lao Su's skills. This time, I'm here to ask Su Dong to go out of the mountain and work together."

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

When Su Xun heard this, he began to laugh.

After a while, he stopped laughing, looked at Cao Yuanzheng and said, "Mr. Cao, your joke is not funny at all. Look at me now. What's my identity? Am I short of money? Since I'm not short of money, why should I fight back? "

"It seems that Su Dong doesn't pay much attention to our business." Cao Yuanzheng said a puzzling word.

Su Xun couldn't deny it because he didn't know anything about the fight before today.

Cao Yuanzheng took a look at Mei pangzi and said to Su Xun, "Su Dong, I hope I can only tell you the next thing."

Plum fat man hears this, very discerning initiative rises to leave.

"No, if you want to say it, just say it, if you don't say it." Su Xun stopped Mei pangzi and said, looking at Cao Yuanzheng.

Cao Yuanzheng hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "does Su Dong know Liu An, the king of Huainan?"

"Oh?" Su Xun's eyes were fixed.

Cao Yuanzheng took a deep breath and continued: "recently, there is a legend circulating in the field of daodou that the tomb of Liu an excavated today is fake, but the real Tomb of Liu An has not been found."

Mei pangzi looks at Su Xun in shock, lying in the trough. Isn't that what Su Xun just said to him?

"What if the real Tomb of Liu An has not been found? I said, "I'm not short of money." Su Xun was calm on the surface, but in fact he wanted more information.

Life is like a play. It's all about acting.

"Su Dong is not short of money, but Su Dong should not forget that Liu An was once obsessed with immortality and alchemy." When Cao Yuanzheng said this, he lowered his voice and looked directly at Su Xun.

Su Xun was shocked. The task given to him by the system was to explore Liu An's tomb. Is there a way to live forever in Liu An's tomb?

Or has Liu An really developed the elixir?

This is not right. If there is a way to live a long life, or if there is a elixir, how can Liu An die again?

As if he could see through Su Xun's thoughts, Cao Yuanzheng said: "according to ancient books, Liu An died of suicide, did he really die?"

"Mr. Cao, the more you talk about it, the more mysterious it is." Su Xun looked like Lao Tzu had nine years of compulsory education, and Lao Tzu was never superstitious.

Cao Yuanzheng laughed: "are there few mysterious things recently? We've never met a few strange things in our life. We'd rather believe some of them than none. "

"In that case, why don't I cooperate with Mr. Cao?" Su Xun agreed. After all, it was difficult for him to find Liu An's real tomb by himself.

"Good!" Cao Yuan showed a smile: "with the participation of Su Dong, I believe our trip will be smooth."

"How many people are there in all?" Su Xun asked.

Cao Yuanzheng said, "I have 12 disciples, including Su Dong and two friends I contacted."

"Are there too many people?" Su Xun frowned slightly. The most common type of fighting in modern times is the combination of father and son. There are at most five or six people in a small Gang. Ten two people are too conspicuous.

However, Cao Yuanzheng shook his head seriously and said in a deep voice, "Su Dong, you have to know that there are many people staring at Liu An's tomb this time. There are more people and more security."

Those who fight down are more ruthless than bandits. They are all real outlaws. Which one doesn't have two or three lives?

After all, money moves people's hearts. After going to the grave, we have to guard against not only secret weapons and ghosts, but also our own kind.

There are many people who are looking at Liu An's tomb this time. It is estimated that there will be a lot of noise at that time.

"Listen to Mr. Cao, you already know the location of Liu An's tomb?" Su Xun asked.

Cao Yuanzheng laughed, did not answer, but said: "when the time comes, Su Dong will naturally know."It was obvious that after he was afraid to tell the position, Su Xun left him to work alone.

After all, it's not difficult to dig a tomb with Su Xun's manpower and financial resources.

"OK, then I won't see you off. Mr. Cao, just walk slowly and let me know when you leave."

Su Xun also knew Cao Yuanzheng's fear. Seeing that the other party refused to say, he didn't ask any more questions.

"Su Dong, I'll leave first. The departure time should be tomorrow. I'll let you know the specific time."

Cao Yuanzheng arched his hand, dropped his voice, and then got up to leave.

As soon as he left, Mei pangzi couldn't wait to say, "brother, take me with you. Take me with you and you will have more security."

"Don't worry, not only you, but also Qin Zhu." He went to the tomb alone without two acquaintances. He was afraid of being trapped.

Mei Pang is in the Ming Dynasty and Qin Zhu is in the dark. At that time, Su Xun will have all the good things in the tomb.

After all, only children make choices. I want all adults!

"Master, what are you doing with me?" Qin Zhu came down from upstairs with little Bai barefoot in his arms and looked at Su Xun with a puzzled look on his face.

Su Xun said, "I'll take you to the grave."

"Tomb robbery? Whose tomb did you steal? " Qin Zhu is eager to try. After all, she has never stolen a tomb.

Without Su Xun's words, Mei pangzi said, "sister-in-law, the tomb of Liu An, king of Huainan."

"Liu An?" "Liu An?"

Two voices were heard at the same time, one from Qin Zhu, the other from Xiaobai's mouth.

"Have not all his tombs been found?" Qin Zhu asked curiously.

Su Xun did not answer her, but looked at Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, what's the matter with you?"

It's nothing for Qin Zhu to be surprised. How surprised is a fox?

Xiaobai blinked and looked at Su Xun with amber eyes: "I said last time that I knew a tomb that had not been stolen. The owner of the tomb was Liu An, king of Huainan."

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