"What did you say?"

Su Xun and Mei pangzi stare at Xiaobai almost at the same time.

Xiaobai was dazzled by the two people's eyes and said weakly: "I said last time that I know a prince's tomb has not been stolen. You don't listen to me."

"Are you sure there is no mistake? Is it really the tomb of Liu An, king of Huainan?" Su Xun's eyes were burning at her.

Xiaobai nodded his head: "absolutely no mistake, I lived in it for a while."

After that, she seemed to think of something extremely frightening and shivered: "however, it's very frightening, otherwise I would not leave."

"Come here, little darling, come here, let me hold you and tell me about Liu An's tomb." Su Xun took Xiaobai from Qin Zhu with a smile on his face.

Xiaobai was a little shy, because susian's hand was under her stomach, whimpering.

Su Xun didn't think so much. He was just a fox. It was no different from holding a pet dog: "tell me where the tomb is and what it looks like."

"The address of the tomb is over there in northern Liaoning Province. Anyway, it's so far away that there's no one."

Hearing this, Mei Pang browed: "Liu An's fiefdom is in Shouxian County, Anhui Province. How can his tomb go to the north?"

"Isn't there a tomb of Liu an unearthed in Shouxian county? That tomb is a cover for people's eyes and ears. No one wants it. His real tomb is in Liaoning Province. " Su Xun explained that it was because it seemed impossible that no one suspected that the tomb of Liu an unearthed in Shouxian county was fake.

Meipang nodded, and then looked at Xiaobai: "go on, talk about what's in the tomb, whether there's immortal elixir."

This time it's Xiaobai's turn to stare big eyes. How does the fat man know there is a magic medicine in it? She can change her shape in advance because she swallowed a pill in it.

Looking at Xiaobai's shocked eyes, meipang stammered: "no, still That's true. "

"I don't know if it's in it. I forgot it. It was decades ago." Xiaobai suddenly woke up and shook his head like a rattle.

If you let Mei Pang know that there is a pill that can make a monster turn into a human, don't you know that she can turn into a human?

But her skill of lying is too bad. Su Xun and Mei pangzi can see it.

Susian touched the hair on her back and said softly, "what a beautiful little fox! Lying is not a good child. If you dare to cheat me, I will buy a male fox to match with you and give birth to a litter of little foxes."

Mei chubby thumbs up, big brother is big brother, on ruthless or you ruthless.

"No." Xiaobai is so scared that she shivers. She can be transformed into a human being, but she doesn't want to be harmed by the same kind of intelligent people.

Su Xun pinched her ear: "then tell me honestly what happened in Liu An's tomb."

"It's got elixir, lots of books, lots of gold and silver, zombies and horrible things."

"What's the function of the elixir in it?" Su Xun asked. At this time, he still held a suspicious attitude and didn't believe that Liu anzhen had practiced the elixir.

Small white eye son slip, shake head to say: "I also don't know, I haven't eaten."

"Fat man, go and buy a fox." Su Xun said to Mei Pang. He could see that the little guy was lying.

How do you know it's a fairy medicine?

Xiaobai quickly recruit: "well, well, I said, I ate, I ate one, I eat that one can help demonization."

"You lied to me!" He was cheated by a few demons. He was hurt by Mei Tuan.

Xiaobai shrinks into a ball in Su Xun's arms and looks at Su Xun pitifully: "master's master ~"

"OK, you scare Xiaobai." Su Xun glared at Mei Pang, and then said to Xiao Bai with a kind face: "I'm here. He doesn't dare to have your idea in the future."

"Yes, yes." Xiaobai nodded and asked timidly, "can I become a human?"

"Of course." The smile on Su Xun's face became more gentle, and his hands were shaking slightly.

Liu An is a talented person. He has trained a magic pill.

He can't wait to go to Liu An's tomb for field exploration.

A white light flashed on Xiaobai, and the next second she became a pretty beauty, sitting in susian's arms.

With long hair rolled up, oval face, willow eyebrows and silky eyes, the moon white cheongsam makes the body look exquisite and elegant. The cheongsam has a high fork and a pair of white long legs are very eye-catching.

Mei pangzi regretted his death. How could he believe the fox's words that night?

Xiaobai vomits his tongue at Mei Pang. Hum, I'll be protected by my master in the future. I'm not afraid of you.

Fat plum beat her feet on her chest, got up and left.

"Where are you going?" Qin Zhu looked at his back and asked."I want to be quiet. Don't ask me who is quiet."

The fox spirit flies. Mei Pang's heart is bleeding. He feels that the world is dark now. He must find a woman to comfort his injured heart.

I just don't know if it's expensive in Jiangnan City. It's 800 yuan for the whole set and 1200 yuan for the night. It should be the national price.

Su Xun had no time to care what Mei Pang was doing. Looking at Xiao Bai, he asked, "I'll take the map. Can you point out the general location of the tomb?"

"Probably Yes Xiaobai replied uncertainly, then blushed and said in a thin voice: "you hold me too tightly. It's strangling me."

Su Xun looked down, coughed twice, then quickly moved his hand down a few centimeters, and then simply put Xiaobai on the sofa.

"I'll get the map."

As the voice dropped, he went upstairs to his study.

In his study, there is a map of every province, a very detailed one, so accurate that every village is marked on it.

"Come on, I'm afraid the pet of the pet has to be lucky by the owner."

Looking at Xiaobai, Qin Zhu could not help sighing.

Xiaobai understood, but he blushed and pretended not to understand: "master, what do you say?"

"Xiaolang, hooves, they're still loaded." Qin Zhu pinched her face and said sincerely, "I finally know why Daji can fascinate King Zhou. You fox spirits are born to be men's killers."

Xiaobai whispered twice and didn't speak. It was better to have something to do with Su Xun than to be sullied by Mei Pang.

After all, who makes Su Xun look handsome? Goblins also look good.

If you don't believe it, why are there all stories about goblins and scholars in ancient times, but no stories about goblins and pig killers?

That's the reason. The scholars are all pretty and white faced. The pig killers are rough men with big arms and round waists. The goblins certainly don't like them.

Beauty is justice!

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