Su Xun received a call from the anti pornography brigade of the police station.

He said that Mei pangzi recruited, attempted to whore and despised the public servants. However, in view of his good attitude in the police station, he decided not to detain this time and asked Su Xun to pay the fine.

Fortunately, it was an attempt. Otherwise, it would not be as simple as paying a fine. It would have to be detained.

Su Xun came to the police station by car. He was also a man with a head and a face. He didn't have the face to lead the anti pornography brigade.

So let the big guy get out of the car to pay the fine and get Mei Pang out.

"Elder brother, I've disgraced you. I have no face to face my father in Yuliang mountain."

Go to the car, Mei fat face of embarrassment and shame, feel ashamed.

Impulse is the devil.

The key is to be caught before being impulsive. It's a big loss.

"Ha ha, you are really promising. Just go whoring. You are not successful yet. Tut tut Tut, you are still in tune. You play with other people's policewomen. You also play horse riding and seduction. Brother Mei, how dare you?"

Su Xun opened the window, put his hand on the window, and looked at him with a smile.

Mentioning this matter, Mei pangzi had the heart to die. At that time, he didn't expect that the woman was a policeman. He also felt that the money was worth the money. Now the quality of selling is so high.

"It's nice to stand there. Get out of here." Su Xun said in a bad mood and closed the car window.

Mei chubby swallow a mouthful of saliva, some nervous into the car, and then shut the door.

"Come on, tell me, where are you from? You're a policewoman. You're a real coward. You're hungry and you don't like food."

After getting on the bus, Su Xun was still hurting Mei Pang.

After all, whoring is nothing, but if you are caught riding on a horse, you have to let me pay the fine, which is unforgivable.

Mei chubby mouth twitch: "big brother, I believe that group of netizens nonsense."

"They let you eat shit. Why don't you go?" Su Xun was not angry and asked.

"They didn't let me eat shit either," Mei said

Su Xun

What you said is very reasonable. It makes me speechless.

"Are you stupid, or are you stupid?" Su Xun looked at Mei fatty seriously. He was really curious about the answer to this question.

"No Mei Puzi solemnly explained to himself: "big brother, it's mainly because I'm not familiar with this field. Whoring and whoring are related to my knowledge blind area, otherwise I would not believe the words of those sand sculpture netizens."

"It's also the blind area of knowledge. It's also your fault that the teacher didn't teach you when you were in school." Su Feixun is smiling.

Otherwise, it's no wonder that Mei can't absorb too much knowledge from the high school textbook, because she didn't go to high school

"Pooh -"

the big driver couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Su Xun's mouth was twitching.

"Brother, what's wrong with your mouth?" The fat man asked.

Su Xun glared: "toothache."

"Eat less sugar..." Mei pangzi hasn't finished her words. She noticed Su Xun's face and quickly swallowed the words back.

Half an hour later, he returned to Yuliang mountain manor.

"Elder brother, I didn't tell my sister-in-law that I went whoring and failed to do it."

Before entering the villa, Mei pangzi grabbed Su Xun's clothes and looked at him nervously.

Su Xun opened his hand and said, "don't worry. I'm measured. Of course I didn't say anything."

"Hoo, that's good." Mei Pang breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked into the living room of the villa.

As soon as he went in, the five women who were fighting pesticide looked up at him almost at the same time.

"Oh, the fat man is back. He dares to be a policewoman. He's very capable."

"Is that policewoman good-looking? Baby's granary is half as big as rain. "

"I'm promising. Even law enforcement officers dare to talk about it. Fat people are unusual."

The expression on Mei Pang's face was instantly stiff. She suddenly looked back at Su Xun and said, "brother, you said you didn't tell them about my whoring and attempted whoring."

You cheater, actually deceive my feeling


Mei pangzi was very upset.

"I didn't say that. I just told them about you and the policewoman." Su Xun shrugged his shoulders and said softly, "but now you say it yourself."

Plum fat body a stiff, Leng in situ.

"You still go whoring, forget it, it's very good, it's better than you go on the road of crime."

"Failed, tut Tut, don't you feel very bad?"

"Mei Pang, I didn't expect that you, an honest man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, could do such a thing."

"It's no wonder that you asked me if I was going to leave at that time."Listening to the banter of several women, Mei Pang was ashamed and wanted to dig a hole to buy herself.

He wants to cry without tears, but his mother sells them. How can he even pit himself.

He shouldn't feel embarrassed with his face.

This is mainly his first time to do this kind of thing. He has no experience and was caught, so he is very embarrassed.

One day, he will become an old whore and a customer in the river and lake. All these language jokes will be good for him.

"Come on, don't laugh at him. It's pathetic enough to spend the money to open a house but not eat meat, and go to the anti pornography brigade for a tour."

Su Xun came out to help Mei Pang.

Sure enough, it's time for big brother Yimei to recover.

When he thought of the hundreds of yuan, he was distressed. Fortunately, Su Xun helped him pay the best fine.

This is his big brother!

At this time, Su Xun casually said to him, "by the way, remember to give me the money for the fine. My brother will settle the accounts clearly, and there will be money disputes. It's easy to make your and my feelings no longer pure."

Fat Mei

Well, I'm so moved

The next morning, Su Xun received a call from Cao Yuanzheng. He agreed to meet at a hotel in the center of the city at 3 p.m. and then set out.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Su Xun told the woman at home and took Mei pangzi to the hotel.

Originally, he wanted to take Qin Zhu with him, but Mei pangzi reminded him.

People who fight upside down are more or less proficient in exorcism and catching ghosts. Even if Qin Zhu is invisible, she can be felt. As long as you open your eyes, you can see her.

So in the end, he left Qin Zhu at home and set out with Xiaobai in his arms.

Although Xiaobai also has evil spirit, those people can't think that it is a demon that has been transformed, so they are surprised at most, but they won't pay attention to it.

After all, there is no shape, can't spit out people's words of the demon, in these people's eyes is a smarter ordinary animal just, not worthy of vigilance.

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