Sunshine Hotel, room 388.

Su Xun stood at the door and rang the doorbell.

"Ding Dong ~ Ding Dong ~"

after two rings, the door opens.

It was Cao Yuanzheng who opened the door.

"This is..."

Seeing that Su Xun even brought the fat man yesterday, Cao Yuanzheng was surprised. After all, he only planned 12 people at the beginning.

"I forgot to introduce Mei Wenhua to you yesterday. Mei Pang is also familiar with some mysterious skills. I'll bring more people. It's OK, Mr. Cao."

Su Xun looked at Cao Yuanzheng with a smile. If he didn't need these senior grave robbers to help him find his way ahead, he would have abandoned these guys and monopolized the tomb.

Although he inherits the tradition of the captain of the school, no matter how powerful he is, he has never heard that one person can go down to the tomb to earn money.

What's more, Xiaobai said that it was very dangerous in the tomb. Many places had not even entered it. Su Xun did not dare to go in alone to explore.

"No problem, no problem. Since he is Su Dong's friend, it doesn't matter to have one more." Cao Yuan's face became very fast. He looked at Mei Pang with a smile: "yesterday, I didn't see that my husband was also a member of Xuanmen. I'm disrespectful."

They rely on human resources to unload the linglishi. They don't know anything about Xuanmen Taoism. It's good for many people in this way, as long as they're not waste.

"Mr. Su Dong and Mr. Cao, please let me introduce you first. The rest of you have arrived."

Cao Yuanzheng leads Su Xun and Mei pangzi into the living room.

There are ten people sitting in the living room, two old people, three middle-aged people, five young people, including a young woman.

Seeing Su Xun, everyone's eyes were a little suspicious. Obviously, they didn't expect that this talented young man who was famous all over the world would do the job of fighting upside down.

It's really that the world is changing with each passing day. They have already begun to doubt whether Su Xun got rich by fighting against each other.

Cao Yuan introduced Su Xun to Zhongren with a smile: "you must be familiar with this Su Dong, but you certainly don't know that Su Dong is the descendant of Zhenger 800. His grandfather is Lao su."

This word falls, everybody is facial expression a change.

"It turns out that Su Dong is the grandson of Lao Su!"

"I didn't expect that Su Dong still had this kind of origin. No wonder I feel a little familiar."

"Old Su never went empty when he went to the tomb. No matter how dangerous the tomb was, he could retreat completely. He just didn't know that Su Dong had learned something from him."

Seeing this, Su xuncai suddenly realized that Lao Su was not Cao Yuanzheng's name for his grandfather's acquaintances. It was more like a nickname in the industry.

"Thank you. I'm not afraid of your jokes. This is my first time to go to the grave. I don't know anything. I have to bother you to take care of me." Su Xun had a shy smile on his face. I was a new man and I didn't know anything.

Hearing this, the people exchanged their eyes, which were a little more smiling.

Don't understand, don't understand is good, don't understand, then we can pit you.

Cao Yuanzheng pointed to Mei pangzi and said, "this is Mei Wenhua, a friend of Su Dong. He knows some Xuanmen Taoism."

"Nice to meet you."

"I didn't expect to be a Taoist friend. We can exchange our experience when we have time."

In the face of Mei fatty, people are more perfunctory, no one takes him seriously.

"Eh ~"

suddenly, an old man looked at Xiaobai in Su Xun's arms and exclaimed.

"What's the matter? Old man Pang. "

Everyone looked at him curiously.

Old man Pang got up and went to Su Xun: "dare to ask Su Dong, if I'm right, it's a demon."


Hearing this, people were in an uproar.

"Good eye." Su Xun gave a little smile, then touched Xiaobai, and said with a harmless face: "it's really a demon, but it's just a little demon who has just been born. I've just got it. Now I'm going everywhere to cultivate my feelings."

Although they were still envious, they were also relieved.

A little demon, not to mention, no threat.

"Come on, Mr. Su Dong and Mr. Mei, let me introduce these people to you..."

Cao Yuanzheng introduced other people to Su Xun and Mei Wenhua.

The two old men, one surnamed Pang and the other pan, are all the leaders in the industry who have cooperated with Cao Yuanzheng for many times.

There are a lot of old people, but they don't have many backgrounds.

The other three middle-aged people, two are Cao Yuanzheng's good contacts from the road, the other is his own son.

Four of the five young men are all apprentices of Cao Yuanzheng, and the remaining one is Cao Yuanzheng's granddaughter.

It's normal to take in a lot of apprentices because they rely on a large number of people and brute force to rob tombs.

Cao Yuanzheng's personal power is the strongest in this team.As for why is it on the surface?

Of course, it was because Su Xun asked Chiyang to arrange an infantry battalion to deploy near liujiatun in advance yesterday.

Then he'll tell these people what surprise is.

This is a surprise!

A group of people sat down and chatted a little to improve their relationship.

"Mr. Cao, how can we get there?" Mei asked with his legs crossed. Under his shorts, the fat was shaking all the time.

Su Xun asked him to wear trousers, which made it safer to enter the tomb.

But he didn't listen, and he said that his flesh was thick and skin was thick, and mosquitoes could not break his defense.

Hearing this, Cao Yuanzheng said with a smile: "it must be faster to take the high-speed rail by plane, but it's not very confidential, so we'd better work hard and drive in turn."

"Mr. Cao, there's no need to be so troublesome. I'll just arrange a private plane. It can take off in half an hour at most." Su Xun said softly, then took out his mobile phone and sent out a text message, comparing with an OK gesture.

All of you

It's good to have money.

The four youths were all envious. With a cold hum, they just had a few stinky money. What's the big deal.

Cao Yuanzheng's daughter's eyes twinkle with inexplicable color, it is obvious that this is a woman who loves money.

She loves money, and Su Xun has money, so she loves Su Xun.

this algorithm is fine, old fellow.

Su Xun took out a cigarette to light it, took a puff and asked carelessly, "Mr. Cao, now it's time to talk about where the tomb is."

If you know what to ask, you have to act to the end.

Others also looked at Cao Yuanzheng at the same time.

Although the legend of Liu'an's tomb has been widely spread in the field of daodou recently, few people really know the tomb's furniture.

This is also why Cao Yuanzheng, as a leader, called everyone together, because he is one of the insiders.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Cao Yuanzheng said with a smile: "don't worry, don't worry, it's not too late to get on the plane."

Obviously, he was still afraid that after he told the location of the cemetery, someone would quit and work alone, especially Su Xun.

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