There is a door in the ancient tomb, but it has been buried for thousands of years.

But now the door of the tomb is opened.

What does it mean?

It means that this tomb has long been discovered, or that it has been under the supervision of some people.

So they bombed the cave and went down to the tomb today. Maybe they didn't pay attention to such a big noise?

"You said you met people in the tomb. Who are they? Why do they arrest you? " Su Xun asked in a deep voice, staring at the old man.

The old man was a little scared by Su Xun's eyes. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "they I don't know why I was arrested, but I think it's all the villagers nearby. "

Su Xun took a deep breath, Liu Jiatun, Liu An's tomb, his mind has become a thread.

Although there were still many places where he could not think about it, Su Xun had already speculated about it.

"Have you ever been in the main chamber?" Su Xun asked again.

The old man nodded: "the door outside leads straight to the main tomb. I met the villagers in the main tomb."

"You just said that there are still people after you?" Su Xun asked.

The old man grinned: "two people, I have been dumped."

"Then you go and lead them back." Su Xun said softly.

The smile on the old man's face was stiff: "this That's not very good. I'm old and useless. I can't take on the responsibility. I'm afraid I'll ruin your business. "

"Go or not." Su Xun talks with a gun.

The old man's face was solemn and righteous, and said: "go, you must go! If I don't go, I'm sorry for my conscience. "

"Isn't that right?" Su Xun returned the gun to the soldier and patted him on the shoulder.

On his face, the old man squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying. In his heart, he said hello to the eighteen generations of susian's ancestors.

Niang, just out of the wolf's nest and into the tiger's den.

For the sake of his own safety, he actively proposed: "there is a stone gate in front, you ambush in the back, I will lead those two people into the graveway."

"Well, take us." Su Xun nodded.

Two minutes later, the old man took Su Xun and others to the back of a stone gate. Su Xun and others hid along the tomb path walls on both sides of the stone gate.

The old man looked back in three steps and walked out of the stone gate reluctantly. Then he yelled, "go after my two tortoise sons. You old man, I'm here. If you don't come again, I'll go back and call your mother."

"Where is he?"

"Old man, stop!"

Two middle-aged men, who were searching for the old man, heard the sound and ran over. After seeing the old man, they started to chase him.

In their hands, one was holding a knife, and the other was holding a wooden sword, just dealing with people and ghosts respectively.

Seeing this, the old man turned and ran to the stone gate.

Two middle-aged men followed them through the stone gate.

After passing through the stone gate, the two men saw Su Xun and others lying in ambush behind them, showing a look of shock: "you are not dead."

"In your opinion, we should die?" The smile on Su Xun's face was lukewarm: "lose the knife, or one shot will blow your head."

The soldiers have aimed their guns at the two men.

The two middle-aged men looked at each other, both of them turned pale, and lost their knives and wooden swords.

Then the next second, two soldiers rushed up and pressed them to the ground.

Su Xun just stepped forward and looked down at them: "tell me what you know."

They said nothing.

"You want to use Liu An to revive us?" Su Xun asked.

Their faces suddenly changed, and they stared at Su Xun.

Su Xun said with a smile: "the zombie in the mass grave told me, but he has been killed by the explosion now."

"Gulu ~"

the two middle-aged men rolled their throats and their eyes were shocked. They just shocked that Su Xun and others were not dead, but that they could survive from the Millennium zombies.

However, what they did not expect was that Su Xun and others not only survived, but also killed the Millennium zombies.

"Come on, I want to know everything, otherwise, I'll let you stay in liujiatun." Su Xun's voice was cold and his eyes were full of murders.

Hearing that Su Xun actually knew that he was from Liu Jiatun, they seemed to be desperate and scared, and then they all recruited.

Their liujiatun was built according to Liu An's tomb. Their ancestors were grave keepers, and they passed down a precept from generation to generation.

That is, after 2000 years, that is, from today to the end of the month, 81 souls will be used to revive Liu An.

So they spread the news about the location of Liu anzhen's tomb.

In order to prevent too many people from being attracted, they deliberately spread the news only in the wrestling world, attracting those grave robbers to die.

The structure of this tomb is very strange. No matter where the tomb robbers point holes, they will eventually pass through the mass grave and die in the hands of the Millennium zombies.After he died, his soul was trapped and could not leave the mass grave. Liu Jiatun would have special people with magic weapons to collect the souls of these new dead people until 81 souls were collected to revive Liu An.

After listening to the two villagers, Cao Yuanzheng and others were all pale.

Because the feeling of being fooled around is absolutely not good.

It can only be said that everything is caused by greed.

Su Xun breathed out: "resurrection of Liu'an sounds too strange. In the past, people didn't mention it before they were enlightened. With the development of society, do you people born in the new society believe it?"

"Xin, because our ancestors uploaded a lot of things, let us believe it."

Su Xun was no longer entangled in this point, and asked a question that everyone was concerned about: "is there really the art of immortality and elixir in Liu An's tomb?"

Cao Yuanzheng and others were all breathless, staring at the two villagers.

"The art of longevity? Yes, isn't the immortal skill of the Lord the soul of you people? " One of the villagers had a strange smile on his face.


Su Xun kicked him in the face and said, "you scared me by stepping on the horse."

Cao Yuanzheng and others were a little disappointed, because the villagers' words had already shown that there was no immortal art or elixir in the tomb.

Everything is just a hoax, deliberately releasing this kind of news to attract these people to the grave to die.

Think about it. If there were immortal magic and elixir in the tomb, it would have been in the hands of these villagers.

Su Xun said, "take us to the main tomb."

Liu An hasn't finished the task of exploring the tomb, which means that he doesn't know what he is hiding.

What's more, the words of these two villagers are not believable. If they say no, no?

Two villagers were tied up by ropes and led Su Xun and others to the main tomb.

When walking into the third stone gate, the old man suddenly exclaimed, "no, I didn't pass this stone gate when I ran out of the main tomb."

His voice dropped, and Su Xun's face changed greatly. He suddenly looked at the two villagers.

The villagers looked back at him with two strange smiles.

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