
By this time, everyone knew that they had been hit.

"Back, back, back!" At the same time, Su Xun's voice fell, and his feet had quickly retreated.

"Ha ha ha, it's ridiculous that you people want to prevent the Lord from resurrection."

A villager's face is ferocious roar a way, the blue veins on the neck burst up, look extremely frightening, one foot ruthlessly stamped on the floor.


It is obvious that the villagers have touched something.

In the stone room, the clay sculpture soldiers used for decoration on both sides of the corridor suddenly came to life, and their long arms broke through the air and blocked everyone's way.

"Damn, what's the principle of riding a horse!"

Mei pang can't help but burst out a rude remark, even if the demons and ghosts, it's clear that there is no vitality, how can hair clay sculpture survive.

"It's not a clay sculpture. It's a living person inside. I've seen it in ancient books. It's a kind of corpse refining technique. Making living people into clay sculptures and corpses refining by living people."

Wang Mazi answers Mei pangzi's doubts.

Mei pangzi dodged the attack of these corpses, and said: "now what these things are is not important, the important thing is to dare to solve them like this."

"There are clay sculptures outside as barriers, and the paper of Taoist runes is useless for them. Only by beating hard and breaking the outer layer of mud, can we kill these corpses." Wang Mazi said in a loud voice. He danced with a steel knife in his hand and struggled with two corpses.

"Ha ha ha, death, death, all have to die, take your souls back, we are the first meritorious officials of the resurrection Lord!"

The two villagers burst out laughing, laughing very arrogantly, with crazy expressions on their faces.

"Puff -"

suddenly, two long swords penetrated their hearts, and their laughter stopped suddenly, with a thick color of inconceivable in their eyes.

Wang Mazi gloated and scolded: "two idiots, refining corpses, have no intelligence, are full of killing. Once activated, they will kill all the living people in front of them, and expect them to distinguish between friends and enemies."

"Ah "Puchi -"

Cao Yuanzheng and others who had been unloaded became lambs to be slaughtered in front of the corpse. Soon the two middle-aged people died, and Lao pan and Lao Pang were also injured.

"Give us the weapons, or we'll all be together and you'll be here!" Cao Yuanzheng yelled at Su Xun. He had a cut in his arm and was red eyed.

Su Xun didn't pay any attention, but said, "go to the stone room and fight while retreating. The shell outside these corpses is too hard to continue to consume. They were killed by thunder."

Everyone knows that this is the best way and the simplest way. Otherwise, if we go on fighting like this, we don't know how long it will take to solve these problems.

Corpse refining is invulnerable and has strong attack power, but its disadvantage is that it has no intelligence, no natural thinking and rigid action, so Su Xun and others easily withdrew.

Two soldiers were killed by refining corpses to protect Su Xun. This is the first time that R-star soldiers have been damaged on the earth.

Although Cao Yuanzheng and his son and granddaughter were injured, they also ran out of the stone room.

Lao Pang and Lao pan were not so lucky. They were seriously injured and lost their mobility. They had to ask Su Xun and others for help.

"Help us, Su Dong, help us!"

Of course, it was impossible for Su Xun to take the risk to save the two old people who had fallen into the well before. He said with no expression: "throw thunder."

With his command, the 31 soldiers who were still alive pulled out the ring at the same time and threw the grenade into the stone chamber.


With the roar of Lao pan and Pang, the grenade exploded.

"Boom -"

the huge explosion made the whole passage of the tomb seem to have been shaken twice, and the corpses were directly blown apart.

Meanwhile, in the main chamber.

A group of villagers in liujiatun are standing inside in black robes, headed by the village head of liujiatun.

Because the stone chamber was not far away from the main tomb, the huge explosion was heard by them.

"Village head..." An old man looked at the village head with some worry.

The village head light said: "you take two people to have a look."

"Yes." The old man answered, and then took two young men into the tomb.

The construction of the main tomb is like the main hall of the emperor's ordinary court meeting. Four Dragon beads are resplendent, with jade steps and a dragon chair at the top.

At this time, a crystal coffin was placed on the Dragon chair.

Inside the coffin lies an old man, who looks like he is in his fifties. Even if he is dead, his black and red embroidered Golden Dragon Robe still exudes the aftereffect that people dare not look directly at.

He was Liu An, the king of Huainan. He was obsessed with cultivating immortals and refining alchemy. He rebelled and was reported and committed suicide.

Under the jade steps, there were more than 30 people kneeling, most of them young people, men and women.

"Grandfather, spare us. Don't kill us. Please don't kill us.""We are wrong. We really know we are wrong. We believe that the Lord can come back to life. Please let us go."

More than 30 people are shivering and crying. They are all young people in the new era of liujiatun. Naturally, they don't believe that Liu An can revive this bullshit. They even have to report to the relevant departments that the villagers want to design pits to kill tomb robbers.

Then the matter came to light, and they were arrested. As for the result, of course, there was only one dead word.

The head of the village said in a calm and expressionless voice: "it's your honor that you can sacrifice your life for the resurrection of the Lord. What's the point of crying?"

"It's against the law to kill! It's against the law for you to do so! " A young man growled by the throat.

The village head snorted coldly, with a fever in his eyes: "our duty is to welcome the return of the Lord. Life is the Lord's man, death is the Lord's ghost, breaking the law? Hum

Despair, more than 30 young people completely despair.

"Send them on the road first, take their souls for reserve."

With the order of the village head, two strong men came forward with daggers and said that these people had been wiped their necks, which can be described as madness.

After people die, two people who know Taoism come forward with magic weapons and put them away before their souls dissipate.

On the other hand, Su Xun and others knew nothing about what happened in the main tomb.

"Old man, take us to the main chamber." Su Xun looked at the old man and said.

The old man said, "my name is Huang Youde. I remember I said that on the edge of Wujiang River at that time."

"I know, but you have no virtue at all, so I don't want to call your name. Is that a problem?" Su Xun looked at him seriously.

Huang Youde looked at the surrounding soldiers, and then shook his head wisely: "no problem, you're happy. Don't say it's an old man, you can call your son."

"I don't have an unfilial son like you." Su Xun said impolitely.

Huang Youde

"Step on..."

At this time, a sound of footwork came.

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