"Professor Li."

Li Jianguo suddenly heard someone calling for him. Subconsciously, he looked back and saw Su Xun with a smiling face coming.

He a Leng, in the heart doubt, this person how come here?

Of course, he knew Su Xun. To be exact, people with a little status now knew Su Xun.

I can't help it. Qingyun international is too hot now. Its business has gone to other planets, and the national manufacturing industry has completed the interstellar export. Su xunxi has contributed a lot.

Some time ago, CCTV often praised Su, and the leaders often talked about Su Xun. Li Jianguo's ears were full of cocoons.

"Hello, Mr. Su."

"Hello, Mr. Su."

The others had already said hello to Su Xun.

Su Xun nodded back to them and walked up to Li Jianguo: "Professor Li, it's Mr. Liu who asked me to come to you."

Su Xun always respected this kind of professor who had real ability and devoted himself to research.

Su Xun must have despised the beast who was fishing for fame.

Li Jianguo suddenly realized this and looked at Su Xun strangely: "are you the student Xiaoyun said?"

"If there was no one else, it would be me." Su Xun gave a smile.

Li Jianguo is an old man. The reason why he agrees to Liu Yun's request in his busy schedule is that he can tell from Liu Yun's attitude that the relationship between her and the student is unusual.

University, teachers and students married everywhere, so he wanted to guard for his granddaughter.

But he didn't expect that this man was Su Xun, which was hard to do, because the whole Jiangzhou people had heard of Su Dong's romantic temperament, and there were several beautiful women around him.

When Su Xun saw Li Jianguo distracted, he said, "Professor Li?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm thinking about things. Look, I'm very busy today. How about leaving a contact information and waiting for me to find you when I'm free?" Li Jianguo also wanted to open up, children and grandchildren have their own fortune, they are almost into the earth, but also care so much what to do, it is easy to be disliked.

What's more, her granddaughter is also a divorced person in name. Let her go and she'll be happy.

Su Xun said, "it's OK. I'm also idle when I'm idle. Professor Li, you're busy. I'll just watch."

"Mr. Su, please help to persuade Professor Li. It's not clear what's going on in this tomb. Professor Li has to go on for the first time. If something happens to him, we can't account for it." A middle-aged man said to Su Xun with a bitter smile.

"Yes, Mr. Su, you're a layman. If you don't understand the dangers in these ancient tombs and the poisonous gases of various organs, how dare you let Professor Li get involved in them?"

"Mr. Su, please advise me..."

Other members of the archaeological team also asked Su Xun to help persuade Li Jianguo.

Li Jianguo calmly scolded: "my life is life, your life is not life? You're good. Why can't I? What's the danger of being visited by thieves? Rescuing cultural relics is the first factor! "

Other people can only helplessly look at Su Xun, for this stubborn old man, they are really helpless.

"Excuse me, Professor Li." Su Xun said to Li Jianguo.

Li Jianguo looked at him suspiciously, then followed him to the side: "Xiao Su, what can I say now?"

"Professor Li, to be honest, I want to learn Xiaozhuan because I have a box of bamboo slips from Qin and Han Dynasties in my hand..."

"What are you talking about?" Before Su Xun finished speaking, the old man's eyes widened and his voice raised several points. He couldn't wait to ask, "where is it, where is it?"

He was originally a man who devoted himself to the study of the history of Qin and Han Dynasties.

Now I heard that Su Xun had a box of bamboo slips from the Qin and Han Dynasties. How could he not be excited.

Su Xun replied, "it's in my house."

"Go to your house now." Li Jianguo did not go down to the tomb any more. He said to the other members of the archaeological team, "go down. If you have anything to do, just contact me."

They all looked at each other. They didn't understand what method Su Xun used, but they persuaded Professor Li so easily.

As everyone knows, Su Xun just used a bigger lure to attract Li Jianguo.

"Boom -"

just at this moment, a strange sound came into people's ears, and the ground under their feet seemed to be shaking.

"What's the matter? Was there an earthquake?"

"It sounds like it's coming from below!"

Everyone's face changed greatly. They were confused by the sudden noise.


With a burst of soil flying, a huge shadow rushed out of the hole and jumped up.

"What is it?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. It was the first time for them to encounter this kind of thing.After the shadow fell to the ground, everyone finally saw his true face and took a breath.

A huge White Ape is full of Yin Qi. It seems that there are several faces flashing on its face. Its white fangs make people shudder.


The white ape man stood up and roared at the crowd. A stench floated in the air.

"This What kind of monster is this? How can it jump out of the grave? "

Everyone was so scared that they turned pale and kept retreating. After all, this thing is too evil.

"It's a tomb ape. I like to eat rotten corpses and souls. I've only seen it in ancient books. I didn't expect that there was such a thing."

Li Jianguo said excitedly, without a trace of fear. Instead, he took out his mobile phone to take photos.


The grave ape roared and rushed to Li Jianguo.

"Professor Li, be careful!"

See this scene, everyone is a cry, the heart to the throat.

Li Jianguo's face is also the first time to show the color of fear, just the excitement has long disappeared, at this time just think of the evil of this thing.

"Evil animal, in front of me, you dare to hurt people."

When Li Jianguo was close to despair, a roar of anger sounded like thunder.

Then they saw that Su Xun jumped up and swept away with a side kick.


The ape shook his head and fell back on the grave.

All of them were dumbfounded and looked at Su Xun.

Lying trough, this NIMA is also too cruel, one foot can push this kind of monster back.

With this fighting power, do you need bodyguards to go out?

But what surprised them even more was the following.

Su Xun was walking fast on the ground. There was wind at his feet, and the dust covered everyone's sight.

A moment later, the smoke and dust dispersed. Looking at the patterns on the ground, everyone was stunned.

Just now, Su Xun used his feet as pens and the ground as paper to draw a symbol on the ground.

But what makes people wonder is, does it work?

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