
Mausoleum ape was enraged, and his breath became more violent. His eyes were full of violence, and he strode to Su Xun.

"A mindless beast wants to hurt me?"

Su Xun laughed scornfully, stamped his foot, and pointed to the newly drawn talisman on the ground. He said a mantra: "Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of ten thousand Qi, the four spirit sky lamp, Liujia and Liuding, help me to kill the spirit, demons and demons. It's as urgent as the law!"


With Su Xun's cold drink, people saw that the pattern of Rune paper on the ground suddenly sent out a burst of red light, and the rune floated to the tomb ape.

"Crackle -"

when these patterns fell on the tomb ape, there was a thunderous sound, many wounds and black blood splashing on the tomb ape.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar

Mausoleum ape eat pain, fell on the ground rolled up, the whole body Yin Qi began to disperse, issued bursts of roar.

Su Xun grabbed an archaeological Luoyang shovel, bit his finger, drew a amulet on the surface of the shovel with blood as ink, and then threw it directly at the tomb.

"Puchi -"

accompanied by a burst of golden light, Luoyang shovel neatly stabbed into the neck of the tomb ape, blood dripping, the tomb ape twitched twice, and then completely stopped breathing.


Quiet, dead quiet.

All the people were staring at the corpse of the ape on the ground, with a blank mind, just like chaos.

Although I have seen the video of the dead man fighting fish demon on the Internet, I have more acceptance of the other side of the world.

But now I saw with my own eyes that Su Xun's fancy operation killed a tomb ape just like the demon subduing and demonizing in the movie, which shocked people a lot.

The most important thing is.

How can you do anything when you step on the horse!

Fortune telling, cooking, detective, now also step on the horse will subdue demons and demons, if it is not for the big bird in the crotch to drag you, it is estimated that you will fly to the sky side by side with the sun.

Li Jianguo was also shocked. After all, some of the things he had seen in ancient books were completely different from what he had seen with his own eyes.

However, Su Xun seemed very calm and said lightly: "the corpse of this tomb ape had better be burned before sunset today."

Voice down, he looked at Li Jianguo, said: "Professor Li, let's go."

This attitude, as if he had just stepped on an ant, was light and floating.

To pretend to be forced is to pretend to the end. This is the basic respect for forced.

Li Jianguo came back to his senses, looked at the corpse of the ape, and then followed Su Xun to leave.

"Crouching troughs, Mr. Su is too fierce. He's so handsome just now. He can't be a descendant of Maoshan."

"I didn't expect Mr. Su to be able to subdue demons and demons. He is so versatile, so handsome and so rich."

"It's a pity that I didn't record the video just now, otherwise it would be very popular on the Internet!"

As soon as Su Xun and Li Jianguo left, a group of people in the same place were excited and chattered.


"I didn't expect you to return to Dong Daofa."

On the bus, Li Jianguo calmed down his excitement for a while. He looked at Su Xun and said.

While he was driving, Su Xun said, "I know a little bit about it. It's also the tomb ape. I'm not sure if I can do it."

"I always thought that this kind of creature only existed in books, but I didn't expect that it really existed." When it comes to tomb apes, Li Jianguo is again full of emotion.

Su Xun said with a smile: "Professor Li, there is no air in the hole. Since there is a record, it means that someone has seen it."

"Oh?" Li Jianguo showed an interesting expression: "Xiao Su, do you believe there is a dragon in the world?"

This problem is rotten by people's discussion. Some people firmly believe that there must be dragons in the world. Some people think that dragons are completely imaginary.

"I think so." Su Xun's tone was very positive, and then further explained: "eleven of the twelve zodiac animals are living creatures around us. Would our ancestors include a non-existent creature in one of the zodiac animals?"

"The world is too big and mysterious, and we still don't know much about it." Li Jianguo sighed.

Su Xun said casually, "I don't know much about history, Professor Li. If I say I met Liu An, the living king of Huainan, do you believe it?"

"Nonsense." Li Jianguo shook his head, thinking that Su Xun was joking with him.

When Su Xun saw this, he didn't say anything more. If he didn't see something with his own eyes, he would not believe it.

For example, before he saw Liu An's resurrection, didn't he think it was nonsense?

Li Jianguo added: "but you are right. We really know little about history. I have been engaged in historical research for decades. The more I study, the more I can't understand it."

At this point, he stopped for a moment, then cheered up and said: "I hope that box of bamboo slips can give me a surprise this time."He didn't ask where the bamboo slips came from, because this kind of thing has only a few origins.

Twenty minutes later, the car drove into Yuliang mountain manor.

Facing the luxury manor, Li Jianguo didn't look at it any more. He couldn't wait to go to the main villa, leaving Su Xun behind.

"Old man, who are you?"

In the living room, Mei pangzi looks at Li Jianguo who burst in suddenly and asks.

Xiaobai, Qin Zhu also looks at Li Jianguo with a puzzled face.

Today, Liu zirou went back to the school and continued his class.

Seeing Xiaobai and qinzhu, Li Jianguo suddenly feels that his granddaughter is not competitive because they are both more beautiful than his granddaughter.

Xiaobai, in particular, surprised the old people of his age.

"He's Professor Li, fat man. Take out that box of bamboo slips."

Su Xun's person didn't arrive first, and then came in.

Mei Pang left his poker and went into the warehouse to move out the box of bamboo slips.

"Ouch, slow down, slow down."

Li Jianguo quickly took it forward and carefully placed it on the floor of the living room.

Smelling the faint earthy smell, he was more sure of the origin of this box of bamboo slips, but did not say much.

After opening the box and looking at the bamboo slips, Li Jianguo was so excited that his face turned red. Shaking, he reached out and picked up one of the bamboo slips and stroked it carefully.

"Professor Li, if you want to express your feelings, you can express them later. First, you have a look at what these bamboo slips record. It's better to translate them into Chinese characters."

Su Xun told Li Jianguo that he could not learn Xiaozhuan in a day or two, but it should not be a big problem to translate them into Chinese characters first.

Su Xun took another look at Mei: "and you, translate with Professor Li."

"I translate those two." Said Mei Pang.

Su Xun knew what he was talking about and nodded. That danfang and Shu could only be translated by someone who could be trusted.

Li Jianguo opened the scroll of bamboo slips in his hand and watched with excitement.

For him, an old professor who has been studying Qin and Han culture for many years, reading Xiaozhuan is as simple as reading Chinese characters.

His face changed when he looked at him.

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