
It is said that the soul of a person who is eaten by a tiger will be bound by the tiger and become a ghost. He will cheat other people for the tiger to eat.

Of course, not every tiger has this ability. It is the tiger demon who is born with intelligence that can raise ghosts.

Because he was eaten by the tiger, he twisted his mind and wanted to harm more people to the same end as himself, so he often took the initiative to cooperate with the tiger to cheat people.

So there's another idiom called "make trouble for the tiger.".

The tiger's mouth is still covered with blood. It is obvious that it has just eaten one person.

If you think about the BMW on the side of the road, you can imagine that the owner of the BMW must have entered the tiger's stomach.

This tusk should be killed!


After listening to the woman's words, the tiger demon roared at Su Xun and Mei Pang, and the murderer rose in his eyes.

It's obvious that this tiger demon can't make it to the stage, because not to mention the shape, even the horizontal bone hasn't been trained, so it can't speak.

Mei Pang was surprised for a while. Looking at the female ghost, he said, "no wonder you don't look at me. It turns out that you enjoy the tiger day and night, and the whip serves you."

"You..." The female ghost was so angry that she turned pale. She had never been called by the tiger.

Then she suddenly thought, why are these two guys not afraid at all?

Mei pangzi, a good teacher, answered the question for her and said, "because we already know that you are evil. How about surprise or surprise?"

The female ghost wants to vomit blood. After a long time, these two guys are playing with themselves on purpose.

"So what? Knowing that you are not dying, you will not be the opponent of Shanjun! " The woman's eyes were red, and she roared hysterically.

Shanjun, this is another name for tiger.

Su Xun gave a cold smile and yelled: "bold demon, I can see at a glance that you are not human, great power, Heavenly Dragon, Buddha, earth, hidden..."

"Dharma!" The female ghost's face changed greatly. I didn't expect that the little white face was an eminent monk.

Then, the next second, a piece of Rune paper flew to her from Su Xun's hand.


The ghost was hit by the fire in her heart.

In any case, she didn't expect that this little white face was reciting Buddhist mantra in her mouth. As a result, she suddenly threw out a Taoist mantra, which made her defenseless.

Su Xun clapped his hands and gave a cool smile: "it's the most important routine for people to float in the river and lake."

"Ah, Shanjun, help me, Shanjun, help me."

The female ghost cried to the tiger demon for help.

When the Dragon ascends the clouds, the tiger follows the wind.

Tiger demon big mouth, spit out a demon wind, want to blow out the fire.



The fire was blown bigger.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

The ghost screamed bitterly, and then was burned to ashes and scattered in the wind.

The last sentence is "sell your mother", but you can't even criticize her. She died miserably.

Su Xun

Fat Mei

The tiger demon seems to have a bad brain.


When he lost his most powerful ghost, the tiger demon let out his anger and let it out on Su Xun and Mei Pang.

"Lying trough, you killed her yourself. How can you blame us?"

Mei Pang feels that she is really wronged.

Su Xun couldn't bear such grievances. Whoever let him suffer, he had to let whoever was beaten.

So the next second, without waiting for the tiger demon to move his legs, he was ready to move.

"Get out of the way, let me do it!"

Plum fat man roared and rushed to the tiger demon in front of Su Xun.

Wu Song beat the tiger in ancient times, and Mei Wenhua subdued the tiger today.


The next second, he was slapped by tiger teeth and flew back.

"Forget it, you'd better come." Mei Pang grinned in pain, got up from the ground and said to Su Xun.


Su Xun spat out two words and jumped up to the tiger demon.

Tiger is nothing more than the action of throwing, sweeping, tearing and biting.

If it's ordinary people, of course, they can't escape the attack of tigers, but with the speed of Su Xun, these are not problems.


The tiger sprang up to bite Su Xun.

Su Xun kicked the tiger in the throat.


The tiger hit the ground heavily, rolled around, then stood up, then jumped on it again and swept with his front feet.

Su Xun's body glided down and directly slipped from the tiger. He grabbed the tail of the tiger with his backhand and threw it hard.

"Bang!"The tiger in the air landed again.

The Tiger stood up from the ground and shook the ash on his body. He looked at Su Xun warily and slowly stepped back. Then he jumped up and wanted to jump into the mountain forest and die.

After all, it's a monster with intelligence. It's not those animals who are full of meat. They want to retreat when they know they are invincible.

"Want to run, have you asked the fat man me?"

At this time, the five demons hit the golden tiger in the head.

The five emperors' money can ward off evil spirits and shock demons.


The jumping tiger hit the ground again.

This time, without waiting for him to turn over, Su Xun had already stamped his foot on his head.

"Click -"

accompanied by a clear voice, a burst of blood burst out, which made Su Xun's face cheap, and the tiger demon died.

"It's ridiculous that a villain has just come out."

Mei pangzi said with disdain.

Su Xun said with a smile, "how did someone just get slapped?"

"You know what? I gave you a chance to show myself. Do you understand?" Fat man Mei's neck is like a dead duck with a stiff mouth.

Su Xun took out a handkerchief and slowly wiped the blood on his face. He said casually, "tiger whip is a good thing. Deal with it and save it for dinner in the evening."

"You need it?" Mei Pang turned his eyes and took out the dagger behind him.

After more than ten minutes, the chicken was torn down by the demon and the tiger was killed.

After all, they can't take such a big tiger corpse with them.

Fortunately, there is no monitoring around here, or maybe someone will have to report them for killing wildlife.

Su Xun and Mei pangzi return to the car with tiger whip.

"Just now we checked on the Internet. There have been two cases of missing people in this section of the road. Look."

As soon as he got on the bus, Qin Zhu handed Su Xun his mobile phone.

Su Xun had a look. One of the missing people was the woman just now?

"It's solved. I put the tiger demon and the tiger whip in the trunk. I'll have dinner in the evening." Said Mei Pang.

Qin Zhu suddenly nodded: "no wonder that woman just now has both evil and Yin Qi. It turns out that she is a ghost."

"Is tiger whip delicious?" Xiaobai asked weakly.

After thinking about it, Su Xun said, "it's not about whether it's delicious or not. It's the kind of Well, it's a very useful one, understand? "

Xiao Bai shook his head blankly.

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