Su Xun washed his face with mineral water, and the luxury SUV set off again.

It's not quite dark yet, so they're going to drive a little further.

Car music floats in the wind.

"I once dreamed of walking the world with my sword and seeing the prosperity of the world..."

Xu Wei's songs, which Su Xun likes to listen to most when he is driving, especially have the feeling of flying, relax.

Under the cover of night, on the winding National Road, a big black G with the light on, driving at the speed of 60 yards per hour, came the mixed songs of men and women, and a pig cry.

Pig calls are naturally Mei pangzi's, saying that he sings like a pig is just a compliment to him, and insults the pig by the way.

An hour later, it was dark, and a few scattered stars were twinkling in the night sky.

"There seems to be a gas station in front of us. Park there and fill up the gas. Let's have a rest there tonight."

Su Xun opened the window to blow, and saw the outline of a gas station in the dark ahead, so he said to Mei Pang.

Mei Puzi frowned, looked at the navigation and said, "gas station? My map doesn't show that there is a gas station in front of me. The next gas station is 10 kilometers away from us. "

"The national highway is a bit off center. Maybe the navigation hasn't been updated yet, or is this a new private small gas station?" Qin Zhu played with his mobile phone and said without raising his head.

Plum fat man brow a pick, Yin Yang strange Qi of say: "Yo, you a ghost know quite a lot."

"Nonsense, Miss Ben was a real university student. Do you think you are illiterate?" Qin Zhu retorts, which is the experience of long-term interaction with Yan Yurou.

Mei chubby smile: "little girl, this education level does not represent life experience, fat I may also have more rich life experience."

"Yo Yo, what's it like for a man in his twenties, who hasn't even touched a woman's chest, to talk to me about his life experience?" Qin Zhu has a face of teasing and banter.

Mei Pang's face was as black as the bottom of the pot: "I tell you, don't attack me personally. Believe it or not, when Su Xun is asleep, an exorcism curse will kill you."

Obviously, he was stabbed in the pain.

He wanted to end his life by whoring, but he was taken away by the police sister. This is his eternal pain.

"Then I'll kill you and drive well. I can't see you well at night." Su Xun said.

Mei chubby curled his lips: "there are things of the opposite sex that are inhuman."

And then he slammed the gas down.


Huaisu Xun and Xiaozhu were shocked by the softness of life.

A few minutes later, the car came to the gas station.

The gas station is very small, but there are two cars parked nearby. Obviously, it's not just their attention to spend the night here.

There are several tables in the hall of the gas station. Two tables of guests are eating in it. There are six people, two women and four men.

"There's something wrong with the gas station. It's too evil."

This time, without Xiaobai's reminding, Su Xun and Mei pangzi felt the evil spirit enveloped in the gas station.

"No wonder the map doesn't show this gas station. It's weird. Let me see what it is."

Su Xun's voice fell down, and he directly used the skill of catching the demon's identity - golden eyes, and his eyes burst out a burst of golden light.

"Lying trough." Mei Pang, who is just about to open his eyes, says something rude. Madder, why doesn't he need to say a mantra to open his eyes?

At this time, the gas station in Su Xun's eyes had become several dilapidated old houses after the fire. Spider webs and weeds were everywhere.

In the gas station, the landlady standing at the cash register is a rat with a rat's head. The busy chef in the back kitchen is also a rat with a rat's head.

As for the two tables, the food they ate was cockroaches and maggots, and the drinks they drank were the sewage in the ditch.

This is a magic trick performed by two mouse demons to confuse human beings.

"It turned out to be two smelly mice." Mei pangzi has seen through everything with his eyes.

Su Xun took back his eyes: "he didn't change his shape, but he was able to speak and perform magic. He was a monster on the stage, at least better than the tiger."

"It's not strong enough. If it's strong enough, there's no need to cheat people with magic." Sometimes Mei Pang talks to the point.

What he said is right. If it's really strong, it's to directly block the way and eat people, who you want to eat. There's no need to use magic to cheat people.

Su Xun said with a smile: "if we really meet a demon who is too strong to use magic, we'd better roll as far as we can. Don't go to death."

This self-knowledge he still has, that kind of big demon is not now he can afford.

"It's strange that there are more and more demons in the past two years, and they even come out to make waves. Let's go and meet these two mice." While Mei Pang was talking, he had put out the car.At this time, the female mouse in the shop came over and said through the window, "do you want to refuel or eat?"

"No, let's go into the store and see what we have." Mei chubby said with a smile, he has already closed his eyes.

After all, it's more disgusting to look at the beautiful mice than to look at them?

The mother mouse was very happy and said, "please come inside."

Xiaobai and Qin Zhu are covered by Su Xun's Taoist art, so they don't feel their real identities.

Unless the mouse can break Su Xun's Taoist art, or a big demon with high cultivation, it's obvious that the other party can't meet both conditions.

After getting off the bus, a group of people followed the female mouse into the hall. Susian was holding a long strip wrapped in cloth.

As they went in, the six people who were eating raised their heads.

Especially when the four men saw Xiaobai and qinzhu, their eyes were straight and they were astonished.

However, they all knew that they didn't dare to talk to each other, or they were too inferior to talk to each other.

So I just took a look, then I took back my eyes and continued to eat.

"Let's have a seat first. Here's our menu." The mother mouse took out the menu and handed it to them.

Su Xun flipped over the menu and threw it aside: "Madame, there's nothing we want to eat on this menu."

"The boss of my family will make whatever you want." The mother mouse said with a smile, with a cold light in her eyes.

Mei pangzi answered with a simple and honest smile: "we want to eat human flesh. I don't know if you want to do this business in the store?"

In the restaurant, he raised his head again and fell silent.

At the moment, the eyes of all people and demons are focused on Mei Pang.

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