With Mei Pang's "we want to eat human flesh", the hall was horribly quiet.

"Ha ha ha." A burst of laughter broke the silence, and a middle-aged man who was eating said, "man, you are really joking. Which shop dares to sell human flesh?"

Other people also smile and think Mei is joking.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Mei shook his head with a pleasant smile on his face and pointed to the sign outside the shop: "for example, this shop dares to sell human flesh."

Voice down, he looked at the boss with a smile: "boss, you say it is not?"

"Oh, brother, it's frightening for you to make such a joke at night." The boss's wife was so angry that she patted her chest and looked at Mei Pang.

If she didn't know that it was a smelly mouse, Mei Pang was really moved, but now she just felt that these eyes were disgusting.


Su Xun slapped the table in front of him, looked at the mother mouse coldly, and said, "you rat demon, you are still pretending and pretending."

The mother mouse was shocked when she heard the words. Obviously, she didn't expect that these people had already seen through her magic.

"Brother, you've scared the landlady." A middle-aged man frowned and was not happy with Su Xun's behavior. He immediately got up to save the beauty.

As for Su Xun's saying that the landlady was a demon, they didn't take it seriously.

The mother mouse turned her eyes and pretended to be crying. She looked at the six guests and said, "you guys and beauties, you have to be fair to me. I'm going to open the door and do business. How can I suddenly become a demon in his mouth?"

Then the mother mouse began to cry.

Meanwhile, the male mouse came out with a kitchen knife in his hand.

In the eyes of the six guests, it was a fat middle-aged man with a kitchen knife.

"Don't cry, Madame. We can't do business with them." A young man stood up and pointed to Su Xun and said, "how can you be so unreasonable? Jiangzhou is also a rich place. How can you raise people without quality?"

"Is it easy for the couple to do business here? How can you export like this

"It's really strange. You look like human beings. Why don't you talk and do nothing?"

The other guests all stood up to do what was right, and sneered at Su Xun.

Su Xun's face was expressionless and sneered: "a group of fools, I'm saving you. Otherwise, you would have been in a demon's stomach. These two mice could talk, but they ate a lot of people."

"Oh! Save us? You're sick in the head. You're a demon. You've seen too many movies. "

"That's right. Don't disturb our appetite here. I tell you, the boss's husband is good at cooking delicious dishes."

"Yes? Is it so fragrant? " The corner of Su Xun's mouth rose, and he raised a banter smile. He pinched a few hands and said a mantra: "Xuanwu is the real king. Ghosts and demons, come out quickly. They are as urgent as laws and regulations!"


The six guests felt a shock in their minds, a trance, and then the world before them changed.

The lady in charge is a big rat in clothes.

The stout boss with a knife is also a fat, ferocious mouse with exposed tusks.

In front of the warm restaurant has become a dilapidated house.

Look at the food and drink on their table.

"Wow! Ouch ~ "

almost at the same time, the six people held the low wall and vomited. Their faces were pale, as if they were going to vomit out all their bile.

"Demon! Monster, monster

"What a monster! Two masters, help! Master, help

Six people were almost scared, and they all hid behind Su Xun and Mei Pang, shivering. The two men who had just jumped the most happily were even scared to pee.

"Damn it, damn it!"

The female mouse looks at Su Xun and Mei Pang with resentment. Her two sharp claws pop out and catch Su Xun with the sound of breaking the air.

"Ridiculous, I don't know."

Su Xun laughed contemptuously, clapped his palm, and the cloth wrapped in the strip of cloth flew out, revealing the body of Zhenyao sword.

The female mouse's paw just landed on the Zhenyao sword, and a burst of golden light broke out on the surface of Zhenyao sword.


The mother mouse gave a painful cry, and then she stepped back and looked at her paws. She saw that two more paws had been burnt out.


With a roar, the male mouse cleaved Su Xun with the kitchen knife in his hand.

"Roll the calf, your opponent is me."

Plump plump body suddenly become flexible, kick in the mouse's kitchen knife.

"Dang"The kitchen knife flew straight out and stuck in the ground.

Qin Zhu suddenly invisible, the next second appeared behind the mother mouse, picked up a stick and pulled it down.

the mouse shakes its tail and breaks its body.


Qin Zhu was whipped out.

"To die!"

Su Xun, holding the Zhenyao sword, stepped on a piece of wood and got up in the air. With the long sword in his hand, he took the head of the female mouse with cold light.

The female mouse has just tried the power of this sword. It seems that it is specially used to restrain their demons, so she wants to avoid it directly.

But the moment she dodged, a piece of paper in susian's hand flew out: "Zhenxie!"

"Ah! Pooh - "

the female mouse was hit by the rune paper, and her body flew upside down and hit the ground.

At the same time, Su Xun's demon sword had arrived and stabbed it from the air.

The mother mouse rolled on the ground to avoid the sword.

"Look here."

Xiaobai shouts to the male mouse who is fighting with Mei pangzi. The male mouse subconsciously looks back at him.

I just feel that Xiaobai's eyes are like deep water, like lake water, and the male mouse unconsciously immerses himself in it.

Magic is the talent of fox demon. Xiaobai's magic is ten blocks away from the two mice.

She couldn't be confused by those who were profound and determined, but the two mice obviously didn't belong to any of the above.

The male mouse is immersed in the magic. Unconsciously, he sees everything he wants in the magic and is addicted to it.

"poke fun --" a sharp wooden stake in

pierced the heart of a male mouse, and the suspect was fat.

The male mouse suddenly woke up, roared, furious, and rushed to fat man Mei.

On the other hand, the female mouse was forced to retreat by Su Xun. She was no match at all.

After all, Su Xun's Zhenyao sword and Zhenyao sword technique were proficient, which was specifically aimed at demons. What's more, he had good skills and knew the secret of exorcism?

"It's not easy for my husband and wife to practice. Why do you want to kill them all? As long as you hold high your hand, my husband and wife have a treasure in their hand that they are willing to give to you."

The mother mouse was hit to fly again. She vomited blood and was about to fall. She got up and asked Su Xun for mercy.

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