The next morning, Su Xun was awakened by urination. I believe this is the common experience of most gay men.

After walking out of the tent, I found Xiaobai huddled up and lying on Qin Zhu's skirt.

Su Xun was a little embarrassed. Last night, he and Qin Zhu spent most of the night, making Xiaobai lie outside the tent and sleep.

"Xiaobai, get up." Su Xun woke her up.

Xiaobai opened his eyes, and then turned into a human figure, supporting a lazy waist, but also some sleepy eyes: "good morning."

"Cough, cough, put on your clothes first." Su Xun coughed twice.

Xiaobai was stunned and looked down to find that he was naked. He rushed into the tent with a red face.

Last night, in order to sleep more soft, she put her clothes and Qin Zhu's skirt under it.

That's why there's just a little bit of no hang up after turning into human form.

Su Xun put the water and went to the car to wake up Mei Pang who was still snoring: "wake up, wake up, the sun is going to bask."

Half an hour later, the four washed up, packed up and set out again.

According to the map, there is a small town not far ahead. It's fast in the daytime and can be driven for half an hour at most. Four people are going there to have breakfast, supply food and refuel the car.

It's Mei Pang who drives. It's not susian who forces him to drive. It's the sand sculpture that wants to experience the feeling of driving millions of cross-country cars. It's about finding the attitude of rich people towards life.

Su Xun didn't want to tell him that a rich man like him really wanted to go far by car. It was all driven by the driver.

"Master, look at the news. Yesterday, the tiger was killed in the news."

Qin Zhu said suddenly and handed the mobile phone to Su Xun.

Su Xun thought of one thing: "Oh, I forgot to boil that tiger whip last night."

"It's OK. I'll have the same at noon today. Tiger demon's whip is not an ordinary tiger. It shouldn't be so easy to break." The fat man in the car said carelessly.

Qin Zhu a brain black line: "master, don't mention your tiger whip, look at this news."

Hearing Qin Zhu boast that he was a tiger whip, Su Xun's mouth rose and he was satisfied.

Then he lowered his head and put his eyes on the screen.

The core content of the news is that tigers eat people and are killed. Those missing people are also eaten by tigers.

As we all know, the general news is not good-looking. All the people in the comment area are talented, and they speak well. Su Xunchao likes Chen (⌯͒ɪɪ⌯͒) there.

Therefore, Su Xun decisively declined the comment area.

"Lying in the trough, wu song does not deceive me."

"I don't know which hero is passing by. I don't know how many people the tiger has eaten because it's so big."

"This tiger is too big. When did we have such a big tiger in inland areas? What kind of tiger is this?"

"I'm afraid the tiger never dreamed that this Hunter turned into a prey. Even chickens and chickens were cut away. It can be seen that the tiger fighting hero must be a man."

"Hey, hey, tiger fighting hero, his girlfriend is blessed. I'm afraid she trembles when she walks back at night, and it's easy to urinate."

Su Xun shakes his head. These people are still too young. They have been lying on Qin Zhu for a long time. Su Xun's legs are shaking.

"Wow, here's a post. The six people died yesterday."

At this time, Xiaobai exclaimed and handed the pink mobile phone to Su Xun.

Su Xun took a look at the photos posted by netizens. Six people died miserably. As an expert, he knew that he was scared to death.

In addition, there are pictures of the two big rats. It is speculated on the Internet that the rats scared the six people to death. The comment area is more wonderful than the tiger news.

"Wocao, I just finished watching the tiger next door. How big is the Horse Treading mouse? It's fine."

"What's the matter with the world? Everything is getting bigger. Why is my brother getting smaller and smaller? What's the reason for heaven?"

"The two mice died miserably. It's not the hero who killed the tiger. After all, they are all on the same road."

"It's possible. Tut Tut, there are still a lot of high-ranking people hidden in the mountains of the Dragon kingdom."

"By the way, what happened to the group of people who went to famous mountains and rivers to cultivate immortals after watching the corpse chaser video last time?"

"Don't mention it. My friend Qiuxian just came back the day before yesterday, just like a horse riding beggar. He's wandering all the way back. Now he's angry and studying hard."

"Upstairs, if I'm not wrong, the friend you're talking about should be yourself."

Su Xun frowned. As one of the parties last night, he certainly knew that these six people were not scared to death by mice.

There is only one possibility, that is, after they leave, there are some monsters and ghosts nearby.

But it's none of his business. I can only blame these six people for their bad luck.

If the six white eyed wolves didn't bite back, Su Xun would not have left, but would have stayed there overnight.With him and Mei Pang in, the six people will never have an accident.

It can only be said that everything has a cause and a result, and the result is retribution.

Half an hour later, the car drove into a small town called Shiban.

I drove into the gas station at the intersection to refuel.

"Is it full, boss?"

The staff of the gas station are very polite. After all, although they don't know how much the car costs, they still know the big Mercedes Benz logo.

"Top up." By the way, my friend, we haven't had breakfast in town yet

"A few bosses are right. If our town wants to say it tastes good, it has to belong to the Li family's stewed meat noodle shop. Tut Tut, their stewed meat noodle is famous in the town. Many passers-by like the boss often come back to eat it after eating it."

"Especially the stewed meat. Tut Tut, it's delicious beyond words. Except for their family, I've never eaten such delicious stewed meat in my life."

When it comes to the Li family's stewed meat noodles, the staff of the gas station are very happy, and their saliva is coming out.

Xiaobai's eyes brightened and he put his head out of the window: "is it really so delicious?"

As a foodie, she was excited.

"Beauty, absolutely delicious, not delicious, you come to me." Seeing such a beautiful woman as Xiaobai, my brother's eyes were straight.

Xiaobai turned to look at Su Xun: "let's go and eat this."

After refueling, Su Xun and others drove to the door of Li's stewed meat noodle shop according to the direction of the staff of the gas station.

It's almost nine o'clock now, which is supposed to have passed most people's breakfast time.

But this noodle shop is still very popular. It is full of people.

"Well, the business is great."

After getting off the bus, Su Xun and Mei pangzi were stunned. Just now, they thought that the staff of the gas station was exaggerating. Now it seems that they have already said it very implicitly.

The party went into the shop.

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