"I'm sorry. I can't sit in the shop any more. Let's sit outside. I'll set up a table for you at the door."

The boss of the shop is a middle-aged man in his forties. He is elegant and has a good appearance.

Seeing the boss, Su Xun and Mei pangzi looked at each other.

Su Xun said quietly, "OK, please."

"No trouble, no trouble. The guests are guests. It's my honor to have some noodles with me." Boss Li said with a smile on his face, and then ran to the door.

Su Xun also walked out of the store and casually asked, "boss Li, your business is so good. If you drive into the city, it's amazing."

"It's all taken care of by relatives and friends in the town. I'm not so ambitious. I just want to run this noodle shop with my wife." While boss Li was talking, he had already put together a table: "sit down, please order what you want to eat."

"Let's have four bowls of stewed meat noodles." Su Xun pulled away the bench and sat down.

Boss Li nodded: "OK, I'm going to let my wife give it to you first. You're from other places. You should be in a hurry and let you eat first."

"That's troublesome for the boss. I've heard from the gas station that you have a good face here. Now I'm looking forward to it more and more." Su Xun had a bright smile on his face, which made him look like a spring breeze.

Boss smile is also very bright: "don't worry, you will not be disappointed."

"The boss has made a fortune from this noodle shop. Rolex is wearing it." Su Xun's eyes fell on his wrist.

Boss smell speech touched touch watch, modest way: "made a little money, all rely on your boss care, a few first sit, I go to the kitchen let wife below, give a few more meat."

He went into the kitchen and said hello to the guests.

The smile on Su Xun's face gradually disappeared. He looked at fat Mei, Xiao Bai and Qin Zhu.

"There's something about him." Xiaobai was the first to speak.

Qin Zhu added: "but he is not a demon, nor a ghost, but a real living man."

"It may be that I often contact with demons. As long as I don't do evil and do business honestly, I don't care about him." Mei said without raising his head while playing with his mobile phone.

Su Xun nodded and said, "I mean the same thing."

As long as he didn't do evil and hurt the world, Su Xun would be alert, but he wouldn't do it.

Soon, the meeting of four came.

"Four, your face is coming. Please enjoy it. I'll go and greet others first."

The boss put down his face, said hello, and then turned away.

Looking at the noodles in front of him, Su Xun and Mei Pang's face became gloomy again.

"It smells good. The meat really smells good. It looks delicious."

Xiaobai was already salivating. He couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks, but his hand was held by Su Xun.

"What's the matter?" Xiaobai turned to look at Su Xun with a silly expression.

Su Xun took a look at Mei Pang.

Plum fat man with mouth silent spit out two words: "people - meat."

Xiaobai was so scared that she almost threw the chopsticks out of her hand. Fortunately, Su Xun took her hand first, but nothing happened.

Mei pangzi's ancestral life is to chase the corpse. Su Xun has experienced many identities. Both of them often come into contact with all kinds of dead bodies.

At one end of this side, they saw that there was something wrong with the meat on the surface, because the texture and skin were the most obvious.

"Damn it." Mei chubby cold spit out two words.

Su Xun's heart is also full of murders. He makes stewed meat from the same kind of meat to sell to people. This kind of behavior is more hateful than demon.

It can be seen that the demon who left evil spirit on boss Li is not a good one, so it should be punished!

While boss Li enters the kitchen, Su Xun dumps the meat and most of the noodles into the garbage truck of a passing cleaner.

A few minutes later, boss Li came out again. He was very happy to see that the four of them had almost eaten the noodles. "Oh, so fast, all four of you are almost finished."

"I can't help it. Who can make boss Li's noodles delicious? The meat is more delicious." Su Xun replied with a smile, and then asked curiously, "boss Li, what kind of bittern is used for this meat? It tastes overbearing."

"What kind of meat can it be, just ordinary pork, but the seasoning is our Li family's unique secret recipe." Boss Li said calmly.

Su Xun nodded: "OK, let's settle the account. We'll come again next time."

As his voice fell, he reached out his right hand to boss Li.

Boss Li shook hands with him for a while, and then quickly released: "take your time, welcome to visit next time."

A few minutes later, the four drove away.

"What to do?" On the bus, Mei asked.

Su Xun said faintly: "find a place to park. First, ask the people around you about boss Li. In the evening, when it's dark, you can go to the scene to investigate.""Then find a hotel." Mei Pang's voice dropped, and she pulled over to a hotel nearby.

Then the four went down and opened two rooms.

Su Xun casually chatted with the landlady: "landlady, do you know the Li family's stewed meat noodle shop? Their stewed meat is really delicious. It's said that it's his family's ancestral seasoning. It's true or false. "

"It's not from his family." The landlady waved her hand with disdain: "he's putting gold on his face. The whole town knows that this secret recipe must belong to his wife's family."

"Oh, how do you say that?" Su Xun was very cooperative and showed a curious expression. He was all ears.

This is the art of getting along with people. Through facial expression and posture, we want to tell people the desire and hope, otherwise they don't want to talk to you at all.

The landlady said: "before, Lao Li also opened a noodle shop, but the business was tepid. It didn't get hot until he married his wife a month ago. Although he always said that the secret recipe was handed down by his family, everyone knows that it must be his wife who brought it. Otherwise, why didn't such a good secret recipe be used early?"

Said here, she stopped for a moment, looked around, and then approached Su Xun and said mysteriously: "moreover, I suspect that his stewed meat is not right. He always said that it's pork. How can pork be so delicious? I doubt that he must use game from the mountain to stew it."

"Hiss - now the game is protected by the state. Isn't it against the law?" Su Xun took a cool breath.

The landlady rolled her eyes: "in order to get rich, nothing can be done. Don't look at that old Li who runs a noodle shop here. There are villas in the city."

"Is it?" Su Xun showed a surprised expression and asked, "then why didn't he open the store in the city, so he didn't earn more?"

"Young man, you don't understand. He must have used game in the mountains for his meat. Of course, he only dares to nest in this small town and make a fortune." The landlady has already seen through everything.

Su Xun and Mei pangzi looked at each other, exchanged their eyes, and went upstairs with the room key.

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