"Come on, I can't watch it any more."

Qin Zhu has a chilly face. A snake and a man make friends. Although it's only foreplay now, the scene is really hot eyes and makes people feel numb.

The white lady of Xu Xian has been transformed into a human being. Li is the real hero of the grass, iron man!

The house is a common three story building in the town. There are balconies on the second and third floors. Su Xun pushed the window directly and went in.

After entering, he closed the window and drew the curtain.

"Who is it?"

Hearing the news, all the people and snakes who were in the deep were awake in a moment. They looked at Su Xun's four people who came in through the window.

Su Xun dragged a chair to sit down, with a gentle smile on his face. He looked at a person and a snake on the opposite side and said:

"the door is closed. I can't help but come in through the window. I don't disturb you. Otherwise, you two can continue. I'll wait until you're finished. After all, as a passer-by, I know it's the feeling of being interrupted halfway."

"It's you?" Boss Li thinks of these four people. After all, Qin Zhu and Xiao Bai are so beautiful that they will never forget each other.

Boss Li quietly covered the money on the sofa first, and then asked warily, "what do you want to do when you come into the room through the window in the middle of the night?"

It is worthy of being a man who regards money as his life. Even snakes can survive for money.

"What are you doing? That's a good question. " Mei Pang looked up and down at the snake demon and said, "boss Li has a good appetite. It's said that the snake seems to have two reproductive organs. Can boss Li satisfy the big bug?"

As his voice fell, boss Li and snake demon's face changed greatly.

Because Mei pangzi's words mean that they have seen through the snake demon's real body.

Snake demon a pair of eyes more cold three points, spit letter son crawling on the sofa.

Boss Li swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "who are you? I advise you to mind your own business!"

"We are passers-by. We went over the wall tonight. We are just curious. We just want to ask you how you feel. You haven't answered yet." Mei pangzi's eyes are full of thirst for knowledge, hope and exploration of knowledge.

Boss Li's face was blue and white. Of course, he knew that he was a worm. However, with magic blessing, what he saw was a beautiful woman. That was enough.

At the beginning, he actually refused the daily bug, but later, oh my God, it's so fragrant.

"Hiss, hiss ~"

the snake demon has removed the magic, revealed his real body, spit out a letter and said: "the last pig is about to run out. These four ready-made ones are sent to the door, which also saves our strength."

Boss Li's eyes brightened when he heard this, and he looked at Su Xun's four people with a ferocious smile: "if you don't go to heaven, there's no way to hell, but you burst in. Don't you understand that curiosity killed the cat?"

He was interested in the snake demon's proposal. Anyway, he wanted to kill it, so he would accept the four ready-made goods.

Tomorrow morning, the four people will become a pot of new stewed meat after being sucked by the snake demon.

"No wonder you are such a beast. It's a match made in heaven." Mei Pang's mouth is as poisonous as ever. It's really beautiful Chinese and beautiful Chinese characters.

Boss Li's face was livid, and his face was distorted by anger. He yelled at the snake demon: "kill them quickly!"

the snake opens its mouth.

After all, the Goblins who don't change their shape will also have some primitive fighting skills, but they are more powerful and faster.

Facing the oncoming snake demon, Su Xun sat in the chair and didn't move, his face was calm.

This curtain fell in the eyes of the snake demon, but it was a sign of being scared and silly. The snake eye flashed a touch of contempt and greed. With so much blood, it must taste more delicious.

Just when it was less than 20 cm away from Su Xun, it felt that its tail had been grabbed and its body could no longer move forward for half a minute.

"Come down here, you!"

Plum fat man one hand drags the snake demon's arm, thick thin tail mercilessly to throw down.


The snake demon's long body hit the floor heavily, and the floor appeared cobweb like cracks.

"Tell me about you. What are you doing when you have nothing to do? Isn't it full of flaws? "

Su Xun got up from his chair and showed a harmless smile. He raised his noble right foot and stepped on the snake demon's humble seven inches.

"Damn it

The snake demon was furious, and his body twisted. He directly threw out Mei Pang, who was dragging his tail. The coffee table was overturned by the snake tail.

"Damn it." Mei Pang fell to the ground and made a rude remark.


Su Xun's foot was empty. The snake demon took advantage of the situation and continued to climb up. He wanted to entangle his body and kill him."Can you bully me?"

With a sneer and a kick from his left foot, the demon sword wrapped in the cloth on the ground flew up and reached for it. After a shock, the cloth was broken and the sword body was exposed.

With more and more demon blood stained, the killing spirit of Zhenyao sword is getting heavier and heavier, as if it is completing some change.


One handed sword, straight down.

"Stab -"

the body of the sword runs directly through the body of the snake, dripping with blood.

"Ah, ah!"

Snake demon eat pain, scream, subconsciously released Su Xun.

Su Xun pulled out the demon sword and went straight to the snake demon seven inches.

"Zi -"

seeing this, the snake demon spewed out two strands of green venom.

As soon as Su Xun's face changed, he slipped away. It was a poisonous snake. The poison of the snake became more fierce, and even he had to be afraid.

That is to take advantage of the moment when he dodges, the snake demon smashes open the glass and rushes out, swimming fast in the empty street and fleeing.

"Hateful human beings, this hatred is written down by the empress. When my cultivation is successful, I will let your chickens and dogs die."

The voice of the snake demon put a cruel word, which was the biggest loss she had suffered since she was born.

"If you want to escape from this, I won't give you this chance."

Su Xun ran to the window, stepped on Xuanbu, held the sword in his right hand, and choked the sword in his left hand. He recited the mantra: "there are three strange stars in the sky, the ghosts and gods are startled, the gods look down, the evil spirits keep walking when they meet! Jiuxiao Tianlei, listen to me

Voice fell, Zhen demon sword pointed to the sky, cold drink: "kill demon!"


In an instant, dark clouds rolled in the night sky, lightning and thunder, and the thunder with thick and thin arms rolled in the clouds like a dragon.



Several thunders came down and hit the insects crawling fast on the street. With a flash of thunder, the night sky was calm again, leaving a huge snake corpse on the street with black smoke.


Mei pangzi stares at Su Xun with big eyes. He doesn't expect that Su Xun can still use Lei FA.

It's normal for them to know how to draw symbols and some common exorcism and demons, but the thunder method is different. Not everyone can learn it.

What's more, Leifa can't be used by anyone.

He became more and more curious about how many secrets there were in this cheap big brother.

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