This was the first time that Su Xun used thunder method to fight against the enemy. After using it, he was pale and his feet were empty. He felt that his body was almost hollowed out.

Stagger, the town demon sword pestle on the floor to stabilize the body did not fall.

This is the sequelae caused by the lack of aura in modern society and the practice of Dharma. There is no mana support in the body, and some dharmas that must be driven by mana can not be used at all.

Dharma refers to all kinds of Daoism, which can be regarded as all kinds of skills.

Shu refers to the skill of practicing Qi.

It's a combination of the two.

Cultivation must absorb enough aura to transform into mana in the body. But in modern society, aura is rare, so there is a dead circle.

Gradually, affected by the environment, practitioners can only give up their skills, and those who want to live forever become monks who only practice Dharma but not Dharma.

The reason why Su Xun was able to use the thunder method was that one of his identity skills of catching demons, the introduction of Qi training, gave some mana in his body.

After this mana is used up, he can only cultivate it by himself according to Qi training. With the rarity of the earth's aura, this is undoubtedly a long process. Therefore, he urgently needs to collect materials, refine pills and upgrade drugs.

"Master, are you all right?"

Looking at the weak Su Xun, Xiaobai and Qin Zhu quickly step forward to help Su Xun. They are both worried.

At this time, Su Xun had slowed down and shook his head: "it's OK. Just have a rest."

On the other side, boss Li, who was shocked to the ground by the aftereffects of the fight, was pale and sweating. He didn't expect that he had met an immortal who specialized in subduing demons and demons.

Yes, Su Xun, who can lead thunder, is an immortal in his eyes.

He colludes with the demon, isn't he dead?

Obviously he has a little bit of self-knowledge.

He held his breath and quietly climbed to the stairs, trying to escape while these people were not paying attention.

Crawling, crawling, crawling, all of a sudden, he bumped into something and raised his head subconsciously.

What came into view was Mei pangzi's condescending smiling face, which was just cruel.


Boss Li was so scared that he sat down on the ground, and then quickly got up and begged for mercy: "don't kill me, let me go, please let me go, my villa in the city has to pay the loan every month."

Fat Mei

This is not a matter of asking for money but not life. This is the kind of pure brain with holes.

Other people plead for mercy that I have an 80 year old mother and an 8-year-old daughter.

It's good for you to say that your villa in the city still has to repay the loan.

The most important point is that you can afford to live in a villa! (ㅎ‸ㅎ)

jealousy made Mei pangzi look beyond recognition, so he raised his foot and kicked out.


Boss Li hit several rolls on the ground, hit the coffee table, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

His biggest mistake in this life is to show off his wealth in front of Mei Pang, who is poor and forced to be rich.

"Use your mobile phone to record your own video, and tell all the causes and consequences of what you have done."

Su Xun went to boss Li and said coldly.

Boss Li thought of something, shivered and kept shaking his head: "no, I don't, don't, please let me go, let me go."


Zhenyao sword was across his neck. The cold edge of the sword made him sober.

Su Xun said in a deep voice, "if you don't do as I said, I'll let your soul suffer endless torture after you die

Boss Li was so scared that he shivered. After seeing Su Xun's methods, he believed that Su Xun had the ability.

Finally, he could only shake out his mobile phone, turn on the video mode, aim at his face, and slowly say: "me and the snake demon..."

In his narration, he knew the snake demon when he went to the mountain to eat mushroom.

Snake demon will catch him.

In order to save his life, he said that he could help the snake demon catch more people without causing suspicion.

In order to win the trust of the snake demon, he directly incarnated as a wild hero in the cave. Well, from then on, he opened the source of happiness and the door of the new world.

And took the snake demon back home, and then began to bind passers-by to the snake demon as blood food. After sucking the blood gas, the snake demon used magic to process meat to attract more passers-by to eat noodles in the shop, so that there was a steady stream of blood food for her to choose.

After making money, boss Li became more and more happy to cooperate with snake demons. Each one took his own needs and conspired to harm others. In just one month, there were three victims.

Two of them were beggars, and the third was their first attempt at dealing with the customers in the shop.


After listening to him, Su Xun took out the demon sword in his hand.

Accompanied by a crisp voice, the skin on boss Li's face was directly taken away, blood and flesh blurred.But he didn't have time to scream, he could only keep kowtowing: "please don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"To kill you? Dirty my hands. " Su Xun's eyes show sarcasm.

Boss Li's eyes brightened and he thought he had escaped. His heart was full of joy.

"Dang ~"

then he saw a fruit knife in front of him.

Su Xun said coldly, "do it yourself."

Boss Li thought he had escaped the disaster, and his body trembled even more.

He reached for the fruit knife, flashed a fierce light at the bottom of his eyes, and suddenly got up to stab Su Xun. He exclaimed, "if you don't want me to live, then everyone will die together and die together!"

"Dang ~"

when Su Xun lifted his sword, the fruit knife in boss Li's hand was shaken away, and it went straight across his neck, with a burst of blood.

Boss Li fell to the ground with a look of consternation and reluctance in his eyes. He wanted to speak, but because he was cut, he could only make a grunt.

"Die together? You deserve it, too? "

Su Xun looked down at him and made no secret of his contempt and ridicule.

Kill, kill.

Boss Li convulsed on the ground and swallowed his last breath. His eyes were full of bitterness.

"Oh, with such fierce eyes, I'm really worried that you will turn into a zombie to revenge me."

Su Xun sighed helplessly, took out a amulet, lit it, and put it into his mouth.

Mei pangzi was stunned, lying in the trough. This NIMA is too cruel.

At this moment, boss Li, let alone become a zombie deer, even his soul will be scattered.

Mei pangzi secretly vowed that if she offended anyone in her life, she would never offend Su Xun.

"Come on, call it a day and go back to sleep."

Go through the window when you come, and go through the window when you go back. After all, life must have a sense of ceremony.

Soon, Su Xun disappeared in the moonlight, only stopped for a while when he passed by the snake corpse.

The house is in a mess. On the ground, the temperature of boss Li's body gradually drops, and there is a pool of blood. Next to it is his mobile phone that recorded the video.

Well, this should be his last selfie before he died, and it's time to die without regret (◔◡◔).

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