"Let's talk about the two flowers."

Su Xun tried his best to make his tone appear sincere, and his face showed an honest and standardized smile.

"Meow." Big black cat raised her paw and pointed to the grilled fish on the shelf.

The meaning is very obvious. If you want to talk about it, first use roast fish to show your sincerity.

Mei Pang brought a roast fish and said, "come on, Mr. cat, please have dinner."

"If you don't know your gender, don't call me indiscriminately. It's easy to create conflicts." Su Xun said to Mei Pang.

Mei nodded thoughtfully, then took the roast fish and went around behind the big black cat, bent down and bowed his head to make sure whether it was male or female.


Seeing his action, the big black cat suddenly blew its hair and swung its tail out.


Mei Pang's round body flew out. PIA fell to the ground with a creak and said without raising her head: "although I didn't see it, I'm sure it's a grandma cat now."

Su Xun

Why are you always so good?

But it's really exciting to be a cat ear lady or something.

"Well, don't pay any attention to him. When he was a child, his family was poor, and the children of the poor were in charge early. He went out to herd cattle when he was three years old, and his head was trampled by the hoofs." Said sue, pointing to the fat cat on the ground.

When the big black cat heard this, the anger in his glass eyes disappeared. He looked at Mei pangzi with sympathy.

It turned out to be a fool.

Fat Mei

You've only been trampled on by cattle!

Su Xun took another roast fish from the grill and handed it to the big black cat: "come on, help yourself."

The big black cat lowered her head and swallowed it directly. As soon as her eyes brightened, she raised her claws and pointed to the remaining roast fish on the grill.

With her current size, such a fish is not enough to plug her teeth.

After seeing the big black cat finish eating, he said, "can we talk now?"

"Meow." Big black cat nodded haughtily, looked at Su Xun condescensively, and threw his tail around.

Stupid human, for the sake of those fish, my king has given you an opportunity to communicate with me. I hope you can cherish it.

Su Xun pointed to the two glazed white orchids on the cliff, looked at the big black cat and said, "do you know what the two flowers are for?"

"Meow." Big black cat haughtily raised his head, and then shook his head.

She didn't know, but instinctively told her that the two flowers were very useful to her, so she kept the two flowers for several years until they mature and bloom tonight.

Su Xun is speechless. Why are you so proud?

Is illiteracy something to be proud of?

make complaints about it in his heart, Su Su continues to flicker. I'm sorry for the improper use of words, but I continued to persuade: "I want those two flowers for mass cultivation, and then refining pills. I have a fox who took this pill and turned into shape ahead of time."

Big black cat heard this, her eyes burst out with a touch of light, just as she saw through Xiaobai's body.

At the beginning, she thought it was just a big demon, which made her a little counsellor, so she only dared to show her teeth on the cliff.

It turned out that it was a parallel product, and I didn't dare to pick flowers by force.

She didn't know why a big demon would worry about her, but now she knows the answer. She just took pills to change her shape in advance, and didn't have the strength of the big demon.

With this kind of elixir, no demon will be indifferent.

Su Xun quickly struck while the iron was hot: "as long as you give me the flowers, I promise that the refined pills will be shared with you."

"Meow." Big black cat shakes her head. She is not so stupid. Human's words are always untrustworthy.

Su Xun put on a smile: "if you don't believe me, you can follow me, so you won't be afraid of me running."

The big black cat showed the color of thinking when she heard the words, and her eyes were rolling.

"While you're with me, I'll keep you safe. There's no limited supply of grilled fish, and all kinds of other delicacies, such as roast suckling pig, roast duck and so on." Su xunchun is very good at seducing children. He looks like an asshole who uses candy to cajole children.

Big black cat throat surging, very heart, but she still feel that this human will not be so kind, the sky will not drop pie down.

Su Xun suddenly said, "of course, sometimes you also need to help me. For example, in places with complex terrain, you need to allow me to ride for the time being."

The big black cat didn't feel angry when he heard this. On the contrary, he felt relieved. That's right. With such rich conditions, there must be a plan.

If Su Xun didn't offer anything, she would think there was a conspiracy.

Everything was well paved by Su Xun.

So many times, if you change the position of the sentence, the effect will be very different.Mei Pang is stunned. He is still a big brother with a deep routine. He grabs other people's spirit flowers and wants them to follow him as a mount. He is just rotten grapes and full of bad water.

And the appearance of the cat demon is obviously moved. Mei Pang sighs. The little thing is still too young. He has never been out of society and has never seen people's heart.

Do you think he's just riding you now?

When you become human, he has to ride you, not only during the day, but also at night.

Mei Pang swears that he is just filled with emotion, never envious, never!

Big black cat cocked his head and didn't move. He didn't refuse or agree.

Su Xun would smile. He knew that the little thing was arrogant. How could he bow his head.

So he went up the steps wisely and pleaded with his face: "please do agree to my request. After all, I have to look for another two kinds of materials. In the mountains, the road is very difficult. Without you, I'm afraid we can't do anything."


Big black cat is very satisfied, nodded, since you put the king said so important, and see in your sincerity, the king reluctantly agreed to you. Make complaints about

's death.

Mei Pang sighed. It's over. It's over. Another one has been fooled into limping.

What's the matter with the adults of the monster? They have no sense of responsibility to guard the demon. How can they put their children out and run around?

Look, isn't the simple goblin fooled by the evil human?

This cat only looks at those eyes to know that it is of extraordinary breed. He also wants to be so powerful that he can become a cat earmother's Mount in the future.

Envy, let plum fat man beyond recognition.

"Do you have a name?" Su Xun looked at the big black cat and asked.

Big black cat a Leng, then meow a, haughty raised head again.

Well, susian understood. This guy has no name.

Looking at her pale green and pale blue eyes, Su Xun said, "your eyes are very special, just like glass amber. We met because of the two colored glass white orchids. Why don't you call them colored glass later?"

As soon as the big black cat's eyes are bright, well, my king reluctantly accepts your name as a human servant.

I'm afraid that Su Xun never dreamed that the dead cat on the other side had taken himself as a servant.

"Oh, country cat, I don't know. Liuli, what a ghost name." The plump man who just caught the lemon chuckled and showed his disdain.

Su Xun turned a white eye: "your understanding ability is worrying. It's Liuli, not Liuli."

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