The next day, seven in the morning.

Xiaobai and Liuli went to the cliff to pick the flowers.

It's not a simple picking, but it's directly mixed with that big piece of soil and dug up.

Then put it in a small flowerpot prepared in advance.

These spiritual plants are very harsh to the birth conditions, but after the birth, the vitality is extremely tenacious, which can not be compared with ordinary plants.

As long as there is no external force to destroy, temporarily raised in a flowerpot, there will be no problem.

The reason why we take such a large piece of soil is that we need to cultivate it in batches after we go back. Naturally, we need to further study the soil environment in which the glazed white orchid was born and grew.

Su Xun has asked people to open a piece of land on the top of Yuliang mountain for planting spiritual plants. He is also planning to set up a laboratory on the mountain and hire a team of botanists to serve on the land.

Money is willful!

Yuliang mountain has beautiful scenery, mountains and rivers exist, and there are all kinds of wild animals on weekdays. It can be seen that the natural environment is certainly not bad.

Combined with human intervention and scientific mass cultivation means, it should not be a difficult problem for these spiritual plants to grow in large quantities.

After transplanting the orchid, it was not put on the car, but put on the river to absorb more earth atmosphere, and then began to make breakfast.

Breakfast is tomato and beef brisket noodles. After all, there is not such a good kitchen environment in the wild. It's good to have a decent breakfast.

Liuli had shrunk to the size of a normal cat. Squatting beside Su Xun, he was salivating at the boiling soup noodles.

Human food is so delicious.

Especially after tasting the snacks that Xiaobai shared with her, she has quite reached the level of Liu Chan's thought. She is happy here, but does not think about Shu.

She has even begun to think deeply about how she can reasonably stay and continue to eat and drink after the pills have been trained.

What she didn't know was that she didn't have to think so much.

Because Su Xun was not ready to let her go at all.

"I can get to the Dragon rack today. I hope I can find the last two materials there." The noodles are ready. Mei pangzi starts to choose noodles for everyone.

Everyone is holding a bowl in his hand, and a bowl is also placed in front of Liuli.

Su Xun picked up a piece of beef and fed it to his mouth. He said vaguely, "it depends on luck, but according to last night, we are very lucky."

Not long after we set out, we collected a kind of material and cheated a mount. Isn't that lucky enough?

"Remember to put out the fire a little later. Don't let a gust of wind blow over and burn the mountain." Qin Zhu smell the aroma of noodles to remind a.

"Meow." All of a sudden, Liuli, who was eating noodles with his head down, trembled and his ears cried.

Xiaobai said, "someone is coming."

Demons can understand the language of demons, even though it's cross species communication.

Sure enough, soon, two people came from the path.

They are a middle-aged man with a bald head and a thin young man with partial hairstyle.

After they saw Xiaobai and Qin Zhu, they were very hopeless. They almost thought that they had met their immortal sister.

Su Xun raised his eyebrows and said, "what can I do for you

The two of them reacted to this and said with a smile in their early years: "brother, we see smoke here and are attracted. Our car is out of gas. Could you please borrow some oil?"

At the same time, he pointed to susian's SUV not far away, and shook the oil pipe in his hand.

"All right." Su Xun nodded and then asked, "have you eaten? Otherwise, we'll have some food together and we'll drive out to let you have some oil later. "

As soon as the young man's eyes brightened, he opened his mouth and wanted to agree.

Bald middle-aged is the first to say: "no, no, we have also been driving for a day, just have a rest next to it, you eat slowly, don't worry."

"Well, please wait a little longer." Su Xun gave a little smile, and then accelerated the action of eating noodles.

Partial division youth pushed to push bald middle-aged, low voice said: "why not promise, a day did not eat, starved to death, tomato sirloin, I like to eat."

"If you eat a hammer, can you be a little cheeky? They are just polite words. You should take them seriously. " Bald middle-aged did not have the good spirit to stare him one eye.

A few minutes later, smelling the aroma of the air, bald middle-aged crazy swallow saliva, he regretted.

Today, he has learned a lifelong truth, that is, it is more important to have a full stomach than to have a face.

"Look, big brother." All of a sudden, pianfen youth got excited and pulled the sleeves of the bald middle-aged.

"Why? It's crazy. " Bald impatiently said a word, and then along the direction of partial points youth to see, and then eyes a bright: "glass white orchid!""Shh Pianfen youth covered his bald mouth and lowered his voice: "big brother, keep a low profile and be quiet."

"I didn't expect that it would take no effort." Bareheaded broke off the hand of pianfen youth, staring at the two glazed white orchids in the flowerpot.

Pianfen youth got up, bareheaded and grabbed him: "what are you going to do?"

"I'll communicate with them to see if I can buy those two flowers with money." Partial division of youth said with a strong sense of reason.

"You are stupid." The bald middle-aged man pulled him back to the ground, took a look at Su Xun and others, and said, "look at the cars they drove, Mercedes Benz. Do they need money? Besides, how do you know they don't know these two flowers? "

"Brother, you're smart. I almost broke the big deal." Pianfen youth looked happy, and then asked: "what should we do?"

The bald middle-aged man touched his chin: "now that we know that the glazed white orchids are in their hands, we will follow them all the time, looking for opportunities to steal them quietly, so that we can not complete the task taught us by adults?"

"Big brother is wise!" The young man's eyes brightened and flattered him.

Bald middle-aged proud smile: "you are still too young, good follow me to learn, this is all experience, experience do not understand."

"I understand." Pianfen youth nodded and longed to say: "we will take the glazed white orchids back, and the adults will certainly reuse us and reward us. Maybe we have a chance to live forever."

Hearing this, bald middle-aged heart is also a burst of heat, forced to restrain the impulse to rush past, holding white orchid to run.

Although he didn't know why the adult wanted to search for the nearly extinct plant, he just had to do as he was told.

"You two have been waiting for a long time. Your car is just outside."

Su Xun's voice brought them back to reality from fantasy.

"Yes, it's just outside on the edge of the national highway." Bareheaded and pianfen stood up, and there was no difference in their faces.

"All right."

Su Xun nodded and put the two pots of glazed white orchids on the mat under the co pilot.

Then the group got on and drove out of the river.

Bareheaded middle-aged and partial youth looked at each other and followed.

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