"Yes, monsters are more and more active and people are in a panic." Su Xun nodded deeply.

But he expected to meet a few more monsters and let him finish the task.

The identity task of the demon catcher is to subdue or kill ten monsters, and five of them are still short of completing the task.

Yuyangzi sighed: "now the reason why the monster is suddenly active has not been investigated clearly, and I don't know what's going on."

When he said this, he glanced at Xiaobai and Liuli.

Guess, maybe these two know why?

"They haven't been in contact with other demons." Su Xun saw what he thought and answered.

Yuyangzi was a little disappointed when he heard that.

"Master, it's twelve o'clock." Qin Zhu reminded Su Xun.

Hearing Qin Zhu's address, yuyangzi and Qingyun eyebrow again. Isn't this lady a human?

Then they began to observe Qin Zhu carefully. They found that in the light of the fire, everyone had a shadow, but she didn't.


A word came to mind at the same time.

Moreover, it condenses the entity, and the Yin Qi is introverted, which is the same as ordinary people. It is definitely the Yin thing of the ghost King level.

Both of them were very thirsty. How fierce Mr. Su was, and he was enslaved by the demons and ghosts at the same time.

They were in awe of Su Xun.

There is no doubt that it is a wonderful misunderstanding.

Su Xun got up and said to Yu Yangzi, "Huanyang grass only breaks the ground and absorbs aura between 12 o'clock and sunrise. Do you want to rest here or go into the mountain with me?"

"There is such a kind of spirit grass in the world. Naturally, I want to see it." Qingyun replied without hesitation that he could see many things that he had never heard of.

Su Xun nodded, then patted Liuli's head and winked at her. Sister, cooperate with me to make a force.

Glass turned a white eye, and then elegant walk a few steps, the body is getting bigger and bigger, restored the calf size demon body, majestic.

Su Xun stepped lightly, jumped up and down on the back of Liuli, and gave Yu Yangzi and Qingyun a cool smile: "you two, let's go."

As his voice fell, Liuli carried him slowly away.

"Sooner or later, he will be forced to commit the crime by thunder," Mei pangzi said in a low voice

There must be someone to guard the car. After all, the glazed white orchid can't have an accident, so Xiaobai and qinzhu stay.

Yuyangzi and Qingyun were stunned, looking at Su Xun's back. They were so surprised that they almost dropped their chin on the ground.

This scene, as if everyone was walking, suddenly a companion drove a Ferrari, blinded everyone's titanium dog eyes.

"Master, this What kind of cat is this? The demon body is so big

For a long time, Qingyun was relieved. Just now, he thought that the cat demon was only that big. After all, the ordinary cats he saw were all this size.

But now he knows that this is the true body of the cat demon. He took hormone when he was a child.

The real body of Liuli's demon was a little too big for yuyangzi and Qingyun to be shocked.

Where is such a big cat in the world?

Yuyangzi's face was solemn: "that cat has a green eye and a blue eye, right?"

"Yes, it's called heteromydriasis on the Internet. This kind of pet is very valuable." Qingyun nodded, worthy of a doctor, with a wide range of knowledge.

Yu Yangzi pursed his lips and murmured to himself: "this is a natural yin-yang eye. It's said that he can see through all the illusions in the world."

"Master, do you know the breed of the cat?" Asked Qingyun.

"This is no ordinary cat." Yuyangzi then pretended to shake his head mysteriously: "not to say, not to say."

As a Taoist, Qingyun hates this kind of shoddy fellow. He only says half of what he says.

If the other party is not his master, Qingyun will use a set of authentic Military Boxing to teach the other party how to behave.

Of course, I know that this is not an ordinary cat, this is a demon cat!

Next, along the way, Qingyun found that his master glanced at the cat from time to time, which satisfied his appetite and made him feel like a cat scratch.

He vowed that he would find a chance to pry open master's mouth and know what kind of cat this cat was.

As a talented and educated Taoist, he also wants to create such a creature to set off his strong personality.

Think about it. He is the most beautiful kid of Yuding sect.

Su Xun had left the main road and entered the mountain forest. After all, Huanyang grass could not grow on the side of the road.


After walking for about half an hour, Liuli called and stopped.

"Mr. Su, what do you find?" Yuyangzi looked around and became alert.Su Xun awkwardly came down from Liuli: "this little guy is a little naughty. He wants to be lazy."

After he came down, Liuli became a kitten again.

Do you think you can ride a fat cat and walk happily?

Yuyangzi can understand: "spirit beasts have their own pride. It's not easy for Mr. Su to surrender."

When Liuli heard this, he glanced at yuyangzi with disdain. Stupid human, he didn't surrender to our king. He was just our king's servant.

Let him ride, but also the king sympathizes with his servants.

If it were not for the king's kindness, but for the good demon, he would have been enslaved by force for a long time.

Qingyun's eyes twinkle, spirit beast, not demon?

Su Xun didn't pay attention to this: "let's go, keep going."

"Boom -"

after walking for more than 20 minutes, there was a sudden thunder and lightning in the sky, dark clouds and strong wind.

This is a place with high planting coverage. The weather is very unstable and the rain is abundant.

"It's going to rain. It looks like it's still raining. Find a place to hide." Said Mei Pang.

"Go ahead and have a look."

Soon, the rain began to hit the leaves, and bigger and bigger.

"There's a temple. Take shelter from the rain."

Suddenly, Qingyun points to the temple at the end of a path not far away and shouts.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. Without time to think about it, the four of them ran to the temple in a slightly embarrassed way.

"Boom -"

a flash of lightning broke through the air, bringing a trace of brightness to the dark night.

The broken temple was white by lightning. In the dark, the door of the temple was like a ferocious devil. His mouth was wide open, waiting for the four of Su Xun to run in.

On the ground, there was a sign blown down by the wind, covered with leaves and soil. The word "no entering the temple" could be seen vaguely.

"Fortunately, there is a temple. Otherwise, we have to be drenched today."

After entering the temple, Mei pangzi was relieved and said happily.

Qingyun nodded and squeezed his Taoist robe to absorb the rain: "it's nothing to be drenched. The main reason is that the mountains are too high and there are so many trees. It's very dangerous to thunder."

"There are many tourists to Shenlongjia. It's reasonable to say that there is no shortage of fireworks. Why is this temple so broken?" Su Xun frowned and put forward an unreasonable point.

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