Su Xun's voice fell, and the other three were quiet.

Yes, temples in general tourist attractions are absolutely prosperous. Monks earn a lot of money, and they are fat.

There are many tourists from all over the world. Why is this temple fair so broken?

In all kinds of movies, this kind of broken temple has never been a good place.

"Meow ~ meow ~ meow ~"

at this moment, Liuli called several times in succession, and the voice was a little rapid.

She felt that there was residual evil in the temple.

Although she does not put this kind of demon in the eye, as long as there is no shape, there is no threat to her.

But she didn't want to be in trouble, so she wanted to remind Su Xun to leave.

Yu Yangzi's face was dignified: "Mr. Su, the spirit beast warned that this temple should not stay for a long time."

"But where else?" Su Xun pointed to the outside of the temple door.

Outside, it's raining heavily, there's a strong wind, and there's lightning coming down from the sky from time to time. I'm afraid I can't even see the way out now.

Yuyangzi was silent. In this case, there was no way to go.

Qingyun said: "the weather in Shenlongjia is changeable. I'm afraid it won't be long before the rain stops. We'll go then. What's more, we're here to get rid of demons? What's to be afraid of? "

"That's right. It's better not to be haunted by monsters. Otherwise, he will be devastated." Su Xun nodded, affirming Qingyun's statement.

Yu Yangzi said with a bitter smile, "it's my fault."

Yes, they are here to get rid of demons. If there are demons, why not?

Su Xun turned back and began to look at everything in seconds. There was only one immortal worshipped in the temple, but the head of the statue had disappeared. He didn't know which immortal he worshipped.

"Boom -"

another flash of lightning passed by. The light shone on the statue whose head had disappeared, and some people were infiltrated.

"There's a temple. Let's go in and take shelter from the rain."

At this time, a sound sounded, followed by a rush of footsteps, two men and a woman ran in.

"Hello, big brothers."

After seeing Su Xun and others, one of the boys said hello to them, and then they found a corner to have a rest.

But Yu Guang glanced at Yu Yangzi and Qingyun from time to time. After all, when he saw the Taoist, everyone would be subconsciously curious.

It's a pity that the temple is too dark to see clearly, but it also makes the three people more alert.

"Lan Lan, is that grass killed by the rain? Take it out quickly."

Suddenly, one of the men with glasses thought of something and said to the woman anxiously.

Another young man with a bullet also urged: "yes, I've just been taking shelter from the rain. I've forgotten. Don't get drenched to death."

The woman named Lanlan opened the wet backpack behind her and carefully took out a clinker bag, which was wrapped with soil and grass at the root.

"It's OK, it's OK."

Looking at the complete leaves of the grass, Lan Lan three people are relieved, showing a smile.

Su Xun and Mei Pang, who were still careless, both changed their faces when they saw the grass. They looked at each other and showed ecstasy.

I saw the grass leaves green, cotton root long, only two leaves, exuding a strange fragrance, just a take out filled the whole temple.

This is what Su Xun and Mei pangzi are looking for.

"Excuse me, three. I usually have a hobby of collecting all kinds of rare plants. I'm very interested in this grass in your hand. Do you have any intention to sell it?"

Su Xun went to the three men with a gentle smile on his face.

"You You are Su Xun! No, Mr. Su! "

Just now the temple was too dark to see clearly. Now susian came to him. The young man with glasses recognized him and stood up with excitement.

"Mr. Su!"

LAN LAN and the bullet youth also got up at the same time, looking excited.

After all, Su Xun is now a celebrity, the idol of countless young men and women.

"Take it if you want, Mr. Su. It's just a piece of grass." LAN LAN is a little excited and passes the Huanyang grass in her hand.

They didn't know about it at all, but they had never seen it. They didn't find any information on the Internet. They happened to study biology, so they were interested in it and were ready to take it back for further study.

Now that Su Xun asked for the grass, they would not refuse.

Sue said, "I can't look for three million, but I can't like it, can I?"

Huanyang grass is of great significance, and Su Xun didn't want to take advantage of the three people, so he paid a million yuan to each one.

"Three million!"

The three people's eyes widened in an instant. For the three people who are still in college, three million is definitely a huge sum of money.They're just digging up a piece of grass on their way to travel. They can earn three million yuan. Why not?

"Since you don't mind, it's settled. Direct transfer."

Su Xun's voice dropped. He took out his mobile phone and found that there was no signal. He frowned and took out a business card from his wallet and handed it to him: "in this way, you can take this business card and go directly to the company's finance department to get money. I will tell them. I always believe I won't default."

"Yes, we certainly believe in Mr. Su."

The three answered in unison, so they took the card and gave the grass to Su Xun.

Thus, Su's reputation among the people is very good.

Until the deal, the three were still a little dizzy, feeling like a dream.

He dug a grass to escape the rain, met Mr. Su, and made three million yuan. He thought it was incredible, but it was the truth.

"Now I believe we are really lucky." Fat Mei can't suppress her excitement.

On the road, I met a white orchid with glass and picked up a grass to return to the sun. This is definitely my luck after sleeping with the goddess of luck.

That's right. Although Su Xun spent three million yuan, in Mei pangzi's opinion, it's no different from Bai Jian.

Now he doubted whether tianlingguo would fall into their hands.

Although yuyangzi and Qingyun can see that the grass is not vulgar, they don't know what effect it has.

Qingyun couldn't suppress his curiosity: "Mr. Su, dare to ask, what is the magical effect of Huanyang grass and white orchid?"

Su Xun just gave a meaningful smile and didn't answer.

I'm kidding. How can I tell others about the julingdan.

Seeing this, Qingyun didn't ask any more.

Unconsciously, the rain outside has been small, the wind does not blow, but from time to time is still thunder and lightning.

"Let's go." Su Xun was ready to leave. He reminded the three people by the way: "three, it's raining. Let's go together."

If these three people were allowed to stay here alone, there might be something unexpected.

"Ah, yes, thank you, Mr. Su."

It was a great pleasure for them to go with Mr. Su.

"Step ~ step ~ step ~ step..."

Just as a group of people were about to leave, a sound of footwork suddenly sounded from outside the temple. The sound was getting closer and closer to them.

Everyone stopped subconsciously.

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